Crocheted Curtains: Step-by-step instructions and schemes


Knowing only the basics of knitting and having a bit of free time, you can easily create amazing crochet-knit curtains that have no analogues around the world. Such a detail of the interior, made with their own hands, stores the particle of the master's soul, so it will help to fill the house with coolest, warm and joy. Knitting the original curtains can be ordered in the atelier, but much more pleasant to make such a thing alone. What do you need to know and be able to create unique knitted curtains?

Crocheted Curtains: Step-by-step instructions and schemes

Knitted curtains in the interior

Among all models of independently manufactured curtains are the greatest popularity of curtains knitted. They turn out openwork, light, air, create a cozy atmosphere in the room. Special attention is paid to the curtains length to the windowsill or shorter: they visually increase the area of ​​the small room, in addition, they need less yarn and time for their manufacture, it is easier to care for them.

Many knitted curtains are associated with the decade of the village house, however, and in the urban apartment they can look appropriate. The most suitable room for such curtains is a kitchen. Long and sophisticated knitted curtains can be hung in the bedroom, children's and even living room.

Since crochet curtains are able to "range" the interior, it is better to use them in a room decorated in country style or retro. However, one should not clutter the situation, especially the small room, such things. It looks great on the openwork tablecloth on the table in combination with short knitted curtains on the window, but made in the same way the cover for a flower pot will already be superfluous.

Crocheted Curtains: Step-by-step instructions and schemes

Preparation for knitting

When going to knit curtains with crochet, pre-select knitting technique. For such a detail of the interior, the filleic weaving, frivolite, technique of Vologda Lace, Brugge suitable. Choosing an ornament, the main model of the product, tie a small sample: You will calculate the knitting density. The sample must have a length and width of at least 10 cm, it should be used and stroke and only then carry out the necessary calculations. The scope can be knit from any yarn. For the curtain on the kitchen window it is better to take thin threads of light tones. Total for knitting short curtains will need about 15 thin yarn machines for 100 g.

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Next, measure the window opening, for which you make the camera. These width and length will be required. The width of the bound curtain should exceed the width of the window at least 50 cm. Determine the length of the finished web. At the same time, do not forget to take into account the attachment method to the eaves.

If you have chosen Irish knitting technique, be sure to prepare the pattern and preliminary sketch to calculate the exact number of certain elements and the method of their location in the finished product. The same is required when performing a curtain in the technique of Vologda Lace. When using filleic knitting technique, you can do without the manufacture of patterns.

Crocheted Curtains: Step-by-step instructions and schemes

Two modules for knitting modules Curtains

Crocheted Curtains: Step-by-step instructions and schemes

Square module scheme for knitting curtains

Crochet Curtains with a scheme

Consider crochet curtains with a fuel lace technique.

For two curtains with dimensions of 35 to 60 cm you will need:

  • Cotton yarn (210 m / 50 g);
  • Hook number 2;
  • x / b fabor.

Scheme to instruction

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Type 181 loops and knit chain with air loops.
  2. Continue to knit, focusing on the image of the scheme: a hollow cell - 1 column with nakid (s / n) + 2 air loops, a cell marked with a cross, - 3 columns with Nakud.
  3. Each circular row start 3 air hinges instead of 1 s / n column. Finish a series of 1 s / n column in the lift air loop from the previous one.
  4. 30 row falls on the middle of the curtains. Starting with 29 rows, knitting should be performed in a mirror image.
  5. To add on one filled cell at the beginning of each row, perform 6 lifting air loops + 1 C / H in the 5th and 6th air hinge from the hook.
  6. At the end of the row, perform 3 columns with 2 nakids to the base of the previous loop.
  7. To reduce the loops at the very beginning of the row, check them with a connecting column, at the end of the row all the deposited loops leave unsets.
  8. The second chart knit in the same way.
  9. The finished curtain spread on the table, stretching and fixing, moisturize, presented the cooked fabric from above and dry in a natural way.

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Crocheted Curtains: Step-by-step instructions and schemes

Useful advice

In order for the associated curtains for a long time to please you with their uniqueness and beauty and did not hurt, use the valuable recommendations.

  1. The thinner the hook you will use when knitting the curtains, the air it will turn out. However, the time to work will be spent more.
  2. Having tied the corter, do not rush to fix it on the cornice. At first, post, considering the recommendations of the manufacturers of yarn, then dry completely and endure the iron with the sweeping function. After a complete cooling of the curtains can be hung.
  3. If the finished speed is starching, it won't wake up.
  4. Before hanging the curtain, make sure the cornice is quite reliable. Weak fasteners may not withstand the weight of a knitted curtain.

If you do not have sufficient experience in needlework or crochet curtain seems to you too tedious occupation, tie a kaym or pickup for the finished curtain. This item will also help the original room interior originally, but its manufacture will be simple and fast. In order not to knit the whole cloth with a curtain with a crochet, make several separate suspensions. By connecting them at the top and decorate with beads, beads or other decorative elements, you will get a unique curtain, which can be issued not only the window, but also the doorway.

Crocheted Curtains: Step-by-step instructions and schemes

The room, the window of which is decorated with the curtains you associated, will be associated with a cozy rustic house. With this element of the decor, you can create a warm atmosphere even in an urban apartment. Such a thing transforms the decoration of your kitchen or another room and will become truly beloved.

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