Luxurious red and its shades in the interior (40 photos)


Red color is considered king among the entire remaining color scheme. It is a powerful energy manipulator, symbolizes passion, danger and strength. This color is suitable for people with an active life position, it prefers many bosses and managers. Red is universal and very rich in shades.

The presence of red in the interior of the room makes the situation more warm and cozy. It encourages lively conversations, disputes, unexpected actions and bold solutions.

Red and its shades in the interior

There are the following shades of red:

  • scarlet or worm;
  • crimson or dark red almost brown;
  • gently or bright pink;
  • rich-buggy;
  • Deep Bordeaux;
  • crimson;
  • cherry.

Red and its shades in the interior

Thanks to this palette, you can create a different design of the bath, toilet, living room, bedroom, kitchens, and even the children's room. With the right use of red, you can raise the mood and increase the energy charge. Red accessories will give solemnity, and add the decoration of wealth and luxury. Because of its versatility and the versatility of shades, it is combined with different colors. It is suitable gray, white, beige, brown and even green. This design is obtained stylish and fashionable.

Red and its shades in the interior

Nuances of application

Like all other colors, red has its drawbacks.

These include:

  • Necessary, intensive color has a negative impact on the nervous system of the human body;
  • Bright shades reduce performance;
  • The red color of the walls visually grows space and reduces the area of ​​the room.

Red and its shades in the interior

Knowing these subtleties, you will be able to create the correct red design. It is not worth abuse of shades with high intensity, but I dilute it with other tones, and the items you will achieve a spectacular decoration. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the material that you use, for example, the red plastic carries an activity, but the shades of red in fabric or clay look more detached.

Wallpapers for coating red walls are suitable only in large rooms, in addition, they are very rapidly annoyed and even annoyed, so it is best to highlight separate items with this bright fiery tone.

Red and its shades in the interior

If you have decided to use the red color as the main one, it is very important to choose the right recessive tone, which will give the interior of conciseness. The most popular combinations designers include a red combination with:

  • White , clean and immaculate color of walls and complementary objects neutralizes the effect of red and well combined with it. The interior design is obtained very gentle, fresh and attractive.

Article on the topic: Determine the colors for the walls: the combination and features of the choice

Red and its shades in the interior

  • Orange or Yellow . Such a combination creates a summer mood, this is a great idea for the design of the child's room, such a children's favorite place of your baby.

Red and its shades in the interior

  • Brown He is well combined and adds red restraint and solidity. These shades are to some extent are related, so they look in the interior harmoniously.

Red and its shades in the interior

  • Gray , the calm tone of gray walls stabilizes the atmosphere. Dilving the design of additional objects, you will achieve a contrast and original design, it will suit the golden and beige color.

Red and its shades in the interior

  • Black Despite the fact that this combination is considered to be classic, very often such a design looks oppressing. Therefore, it will be better to dilute the interior with golden or white accessories, which will drop pressure and add the interior of respectability, a more relaxed gray shade will also cope with this task.

Red and its shades in the interior

Dilute red spraying will also help the gray or beige color of the walls. With the addition of patterns or brickwork, these unions look very comfortable.

Beige and gray walls adds softness and calm room. To avoid interior monotony and boredom, several different beige shades can be used immediately.

Red and its shades in the interior

No stereotypes: red and green

For some, the red and green combination may seem absurd, however, Mother Nature itself ensures that this union is present in our lives. A bright example is a bright green watermelon striped, a red cherry, raspberries, strawberries on the background of the leaves of trees, tomato and other vegetables, whose stalk is green, as well as other fruits and berries. This union is very tasty and aesthetic, so the exotic combination of red and green takes place in the spectacular interior of the apartments.

In creating a warm atmosphere, you will help you the predominance of red. If you strive to refresh the interior, the dominant color will be green.

Red and its shades in the interior

Red combined with green becomes even more red, and green greener. In order to reduce the level of contrast, you can use a white, gray, beige or brown tint of complementary decor elements. Putting faded gray items in a saturated room with a predominance of green, you will achieve harmony in the interior of the room. Therefore, green design can be combined with various shades of red. The gray or beige wall color is also appropriate here.

Red and its shades in the interior

Living room in red shades

If you invite guests to a red room, a soul dinner promises to be interesting. The living room in the Red Interior in combination with other colors will make attention to. Conversations in this decoration will become more busy, and the feast will turn into a real event.

Red in the interior of the living room is suitable for active people.

Red and its shades in the interior

Using red in the living room, you will be able to create the following interior styles:

  • Traditional classic. This style can be achieved using a deep burgundy or crimson color, which is combined with patterns, wood carvings, and accessories of weathered and stringent colors, such as beige, gray or brown.
  • Mod. Such an interior is created by minimizing items in the room, using geometric shapes, direct lines, as well as bright and contrasting colors.
  • English. Aristocraticness and restraint can be achieved in the room with red, reach comfort by using light furniture, gray and beige tone is appropriate here, as well as wooden finishes with a red tint.
  • Gothic. This effect gives red in combination with black and white.
  • Victorian. Pumping with the decoration of the living room will add golden accessories and patterned inserts.

Article on the topic: Purple color - Royal luxury in the house (+50 photos)

Red and its shades in the interior

The living room in red looks luxurious and makes a proper impression on those present. Supplementing such a design of bright walls, we will add restraint and harmony living room. To do this, it will suit a strict gray, gentle beige or pure white color.

Red and its shades in the interior

Bedroom: What red is better?

The design of the bedroom with the presence of red can add romanticity to your pair or create an erotic mood. Since the main purpose of this room is a vacation after a heavy day and sleep, you should not use too vivid colors.

Wall covering with red wallpaper in the bedroom does not suit everyone.

Red and its shades in the interior

The walls in the bedroom are better to arrange calm shades, gray, beige and white color will cope with this task. But burgundy, coral or pink curtains are perfect for both recreation rooms, and for the development of sexual relations. It will not be superfluous, using a carpet or bright color. Wooden decoration items will be added to the design of the classics and make it calmer.

If you want to add passions into a relationship, but worry for the end result, for a start, try to dilute the interior design with small red accessories. Use pillows, vases, frames, paintings and so on.

Red and its shades in the interior

Red in children

Children's room can also have red shades. Here this color is combined with salad, yellow, orange or even with blue. Children with an union of white and light blue and with the addition of bright red accessories, turns into an excellent room for a boy with a maritime theme.

Red and its shades in the interior

Pink children's room for a small princess in combination with delicate white tones is very cute and like many girls. Such a children's dream of any girl. The color of the walls here should be calmer, you can give preference to pastel colors, light gray, beige and white will create a comfortable atmosphere.

Children's for excessively active children should not have bright shades of red, prefer more quiet colors.

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In combination of red with orange and yellow accessories, a children's room turns out to be very warm. The main thing is not to overdo it, this design will dilute light walls. Thus, you will create a cozy and harmonious children's room, in which your child will be happy to return from school. The children's room should contribute to the active life of the child, as well as give peace of mind. Therefore, it's more important here, create harmony and comfort.

Red and its shades in the interior

Add taste kitchen

Red in the kitchen interior makes it possible to raise your designer abilities. In the kitchen, it is perfectly combined with any shades, it doesn't matter green it or yellow, and maybe a calmer beige or gray, you can embody all your fantasies into the kitchen.

Wall coating bright red tiles will scratch design, you can also purchase a kitchen set, table, chairs or other bright shades.

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For more restrained natures, small details are suitable, such as cups, knives, salad bowls, jugs, paintings, clocks, and so on. A bright gloss, resembling the peel of fruits and vegetables, looks very effectively and adds a ridestly kitchen decoration.

Psychologists say: the red color causes a feeling of hunger, so it is very appropriate in the kitchen and favorably affects your family's appetite.

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Red in the interior is very popular among the trim of the bathroom and toilet. It adds modern and perfectly suitable for young couples. A classic version of these rooms using bright shades of red is considered a combination with white, beige or gray.

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Only you can set the amount of red in the interior of your rooms, select the desired combination, determine which tint will prevail and create an original design. For the experiment, cover the wallpaper of red on one wall, if the result and feelings are pleased, continue to bring red into your world weight.

Painting the walls in red or adding minor to the interior, but you decide for catchy items yourself.

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Now you know with what shades are combined red. Following the advice in this article, you will be able to realize your ideas in life using your favorite color in the interior of the rooms. Do not be afraid to experiment and combine bright and restrained shades, under your personality due to the unique design of your living space.

Article on the topic: Choice of color of walls in the kitchen on expert advice (+42 photos)

Red and its shades in the interior

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Red and its shades in the interior

Red and its shades in the interior

Red and its shades in the interior

Red and its shades in the interior

Red and its shades in the interior

Passionate red and all its shades (40 photos)

Red and its shades in the interior

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Link to TK in a user-friendly format: Link to the TK Articles:

Passionate red and all its shades (40 photos)

Passionate red and all its shades (40 photos)

Red and its shades in the interior

Red and its shades in the interior

Red and its shades in the interior

Red and its shades in the interior

Passionate red and all its shades (40 photos)

Red and its shades in the interior

Red and its shades in the interior

Passionate red and all its shades (40 photos)

Red and its shades in the interior

Passionate red and all its shades (40 photos)

Passionate red and all its shades (40 photos)

Red and its shades in the interior

Red and its shades in the interior

Red and its shades in the interior

Passionate red and all its shades (40 photos)

Red and its shades in the interior

Passionate red and all its shades (40 photos)

Passionate red and all its shades (40 photos)

Red and its shades in the interior

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Red and its shades in the interior

Passionate red and all its shades (40 photos)

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