How to sew classic curtains in the living room do it yourself


The decision to sew curtains in the living room can be significantly able to help in saving the family budget. Any type of dwelling can be decorated with various designs of the curtain design.

How to sew classic curtains in the living room do it yourself

Pattern of classic curtains.

When choosing a specific curtain design, it is not necessary to navigate only to the luxury model shine. Most modern interiors today are drawn up in a minimalist style, which involves the simplicity of each element. And especially this tendency inherent in young families. At the same time, note that by choosing the tailoring of the porter from heavy and dense materials, you can secure a gulling atmosphere in the living room, but not the one that would have had to communicate.

Very infrequent, the desire arises to allocate large amounts under the repair. But women compensate for it with their own talent make it yourself exactly what they need at the moment.

How to sew classic curtains in the living room do it yourself

Pattern of the French curtains.

Before sewing curtains, all craftswomen pass the stage of choosing coloring and fabric textures for future curtains in accordance with the color gamut prevalent in the interior of the hall. The appearance of the room will largely be determined by the shape of the curtain and the general external appearance.

Therefore, this curtain parameters should be given special attention at the preparatory stage. As it is possible, you need to try to keep the gold middle in everything. For example, it is not necessary to pick up the color too bright or ennoble the curtains with a large number of sewn decorations that provide unnecessary volume.

Especially whealing will look like sweaty drapes on the windows in small room. But if the living room is spacious, it is also not a prerequisite to sew bulky and fringe curtains. Try to develop and sew the original product that will be organically fit into the overall decor of the hall. However, if the hall is decorated in the classic version, then no other, except for classical models, will not be appropriate in it.

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What is a classic curtain version?

Definition This type of curtain is difficult. Usually it is the curtains of a direct cut from traditional varieties of fabric, complemented by the finest tulle curtains.

How to sew classic curtains in the living room do it yourself

Varieties of Austrian curtains.

Sometimes designers complement the classic models of lambrequin, covering their upper part. Lambrelin sewed in different ways. The most common look in the literal execution decorated with folds. However, now began to make models with the original cut line at the bottom.

A beginner master is best to take on something simple and gradually improve their skills in the sewing curtains. Only it will be possible to make exclusive curtains to the hall on your own idea.

If it is decided to find out how to sew curtains yourself, then another responsible moment that cannot be missed is the choice of the appropriate fabric.

What fabric to choose for curtains?

For the manufacture of curtains, the cloth should acquire good quality and inexpensive (if possible). A wide range of curtain fabrics allows you to choose them according to personal preferences. Without a doubt, the color is determined by the color gamut prevailing in the living room. Feeling the desired fabric, it will turn out to sew beautiful and unique curtains.

How to sew classic curtains in the living room do it yourself

Roll curtain diagram for living room.

If the decor of the room is inherent in bright shades with volumetric patterns, various ornaments, it makes sense to stop its choice on a neosk of monochrome tissue.

When, on the contrary, the interior design is made in calm muted shades with a neutral pattern on the walls, then in such a situation it is advisable to ponder the purchase version of bright and spectacular matter. The curtains selayed from such released tissue will become an excellent complement of the room as the main accent of the entire interior decor. Curtains should not merge with the surrounding.

Satin matter or silk - not the best solution for beginners. Such fabrics are complex when processing and sewing. The optimal solution for the first experience is jacquard, velvet, cotton, flax, brocade, organza. Determined with the cloth for the main canvases, you should consider the option and for curtains.

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Some believe that straight models look ugly and brought boredom. However, this opinion is illusory. For example, change the appearance of direct cut models by attaching a decorative braid that suggests the top edge of the curtain. Depending on the method of its attachment, folds on the main canvas will be formed. The curtain braid is chosen at the initial stage simultaneously with the main cloth.

Choosing additional elements for the decor, it is important to know the varieties of jewelry, which will be present on the product (brushes, Ryushi, etc.).

How to sew classic curtains in the living room do it yourself

Curtain decoration scheme.

To make simple straight curtains, the pattern is optional. It is enough to measure the window opening to calculate the amount of matter in meters.

If the selected material has a drawing, then the cloth should be purchased a little more to be the possibility of symmetrical image location. If difficulties arise when calculating the exact tissue pattern, then on this issue you can always get a comprehensive consultation in the store of fabrics from the seller.

When choosing a fabric, it is also important to remember the need to perform an allowance for a bent bent on top and bottom. Therefore, the length of the canvas should be increased and in accordance with this parameter.

How to sew curtains for the living room?

At first it seems that tailoring curtains is quite easy. This is partly so, but subject to a certain algorithm for action. Consider the instructions for revealing and tailoring the curtains using decorative braid.

Instructions for steps

The first step is to determine the amount of canvas needed for sewing. For this, measure the length of the eaves and the gap from it to the floor surface. If the elongated canvases are more attracted, then another 10 cm is added to the length of the products. They will be allowed to be bugging. The width calculation is performed according to personal preferences. If drapery is required on the curtains, then the length of the eaves is prolonged three times. For example, with the length of the eaves in 3 m, it is necessary to purchase 9 m tissues. If the abundance of folds does not cause delight, then the length of the eaves is possible to multiply twice.

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6 cm per side podbs are added to the calculated product width. When it takes a crosslinking of two curtains to complete the curtains, then the allowance of 2 cm.

From the sides of the edge twice the inside, the first time - by 1 cm, the second is 2 cm, and they stick to the typewriter. The edge below is also sweeping inside by 3 and 5 cm.

The edge is treated in top of 3 cm and stroke the iron. From the wrong side, it is poded to it with a pin by means of a pin, making an indentation of the bend from above in 1 cm. The length of the braid makes larger the length of the cloth by 5-6 cm (where 2.5 cm - on the allowances). End of cords from the wrong side of the decorative braid and tie them. After that, the intake of the brain is sewed.

The same thing is done with the second edge of the braid, but the shoelaces do not associate ends. At the curtain, this edge will be outside. Next, they attach to the curtain braid along its lower and top edge. Send the adjacent edges in the brain, leaving the ends of the shoelaces from the outer edge.

Curtains are transferred to the formation of folds: the canvas are tightened with cords and tie.

Directly on the curtain braid there are loops in which hooks with the required distance between them. When forming a larger amount of folds on the hook curtains you will need more.

Curtains are ready.

Observing this simple algorithm, you can create your own set of curtains in the living room.

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