Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)


Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for children's hands

One of the first items with whom any baby gets acquainted is a bright mobile, fixed over his bed. This carousel favorably affects the development of the child. Therefore, no children's room is now without this bright accessory. Carousel for the baby can be made independently of the most simple girlfriend. You just need to show your fantasy and spend some of the free time on making a mobile.

Mobile from felt do it yourself

For the manufacture of such a mobile, you will need:

• paddle for embroidery;

• Felt of different colors;

• Hollofiber;

• Decorative cord;

• Satin ribbons;

• glue;

• scissors;

• Decor elements.

First you need to decide on mobile toys. On the Internet you can find a huge number of different patterns for such toys. It can be bird figures, fish, clouds, airplanes, houses and more. Patterns from paper must be transferred to pieces of felt and cut them. Two parts of the same patterns need to be sehered among themselves, without forgetting to leave a little place for mounting and hole for packing. After the toys are naked, the hole is sewn. You can add various decor elements on finished toys: beads for eyes, flowers, bows, etc.

From the face will need only one circle that will serve as the basis of mobile. For its decor, use satin ribbon. The ribbon is needed tightly wind the chamber, and its edge is fixed with glue. Next, the circle is conditionally divided by an equal number of parts, and tied decorative cords for it long about 40 cm. The number of cords depends on the number of ready-made toys for mobile. Toys are tied to decorative cords.

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For the manufacture of Mobile mount, it is necessary to frame, the chains, to tie two threads crosswise. To the place where the intersection is formed, it remains to attach a strong cord and a mobile ready.

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for nursery with butterflies

For the manufacture of such a mobile, you will need:

• paddle for embroidery;

• Colored paper;

• Chiffon tape;

• Satin ribbon;

• scissors;

• Lesk.

The basis for mobile needs to be made from the hoop, as described above. A satin or chiffon tape can be used as a decor.

The next stage of the work is the manufacture of butterflies. In order to use both monophonic so and colored paper. Patterns for butterflies can be found on the Internet or make yourself. Better if the butterflies are different. Move such butterflies are very simple. It is enough just to cut them out of paper. Finished butterflies are riveted on the fishing line and are attached to the base.

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for Children's Pomponov

For making mobile from pumps, it is necessary to prepare:

• woolen threads of different colors;

• chamber;

• scissors;

• cardboard;

• Cords.

To make pumps, it is necessary to cut two identical circles from the cardboard with a hole in the center. In each circle, it is necessary to make an incision on one side. Then fold the two times the circle and the tight layer to wind up woolen threads through the incision around the ring. Mottling a sufficient amount of threads based on them must be cut along the edge of the ring. Then the workpiece must be tied up in the center and accurately straighten. Pompon is ready.

Similarly, a few more pompons of different colors should be made.

A double framework is made from the five, to which the resulting pumps are tied. The finished mobile can be suspended both in a cot, and to the ceiling of the children's room.

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for children's scarp paper

To make an interesting mobile paper mobile paper should be prepared:

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• Scarp paper;

• The cloth;

• adhesive gun;

• scissors;

• wooden or plastic hoop;

• Needle and thread.

First of all, it is necessary to proceed to the manufacture of a large number of blanks from scrap-paper of various colors. For the decor of the children's room, various figures of fish, birds and other animals will fit well. Then with the help of threads and needles need to be sehered. The frame in the form of a plastic or wooden hoop should be wrapped with a strip of fabric. Stop threads on the frame frame with scrap paper figures. It remains only to make a loop from threads, which will help consolidate a mobile over a cot or to the ceiling. To do this, it is enough to secure two dense threads on opposite sides of the frame. Such a mobile will be an excellent decoration of any children's room. In order for the mobile to harmoniously in the interior of any room, for its manufacture, you should use the paper of the main decoration of the room.

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

Mobile for children with their own hands (16 photos)

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