How to make the screen under the bath with your own hands? Speed ​​and screens


How to make the screen under the bath with your own hands? Speed ​​and screens
Great way to hide all plumbing communications and give the room completeness is to install under the screen of the screen. And in order for the screen perfectly fit into the interior of the bathroom and you saved money, you can make it yourself.

Independent screen manufacturing under the bath

How to make the screen under the bath with your own hands? Speed ​​and screens

Bath installed without a screen looks not very elegant even in the most neat and stylish bathroom. Therefore, it is necessary to think well how you can close the space under it in such a way that access to plumbing communications is not closed and all functionality has been saved.

The universal solution of this task can be a special screen installed under the bath. And in order to get a beautiful, unique and unusual detail of the interior, you need to abandon the finished purchased screen and make the screen under the bath with your own hands.

What material to choose?

How to make the screen under the bath with your own hands? Speed ​​and screens

Plastic, which are not afraid of dress and rather durable are considered the most easy in manufacture and popular screens. The screen can be saved by a special film or made of multicolored plastic suitable for the interior of the bathroom.

Then the popularity is followed from MDF panels. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that such panels are afraid of dampness. For this reason, they should be processed before installing the special composition.

Those who are not going to use space under the bathtub as a repository can install drywall screens that need to be equipped with the door so that you have access to plumbing equipment if necessary.

Baking frame

How to make the screen under the bath with your own hands? Speed ​​and screens

For each screen, you need to build a special framework, which then you must secure the panels themselves. The framework can be made from an aluminum or wooden profile having parameters 40x40, 30x30, 25x25.

Before starting work, you must definitely make markup on the floor and walls so that you specify all the lines as you specify all the lines for which the screen is installed under the bath with your own hands. You can also install transverse profiles that will help strengthen the screen and give the additional rigidity of the entire design.

Then all profiles must be docked together and attach to the floor and walls of the bathroom.

Brick Screen Construction

How to make the screen under the bath with your own hands? Speed ​​and screens

Pretty original and at the same time a stylish solution can be a brick screen, which will then be trimmed with decorative plaster or tiles. Such a screen can be easily made independently.

Starting work, you need to place the future screen so that the edge of the bath is to be flushed with its wall.

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You should also make vertical markup and on the opposite wall. When laying bricks, this markup will be a guideline. The masonry is recommended to do on cement-sandy solution in ¼ or ½ brick.

If you wish, you can make a special niche for the legs on the screen and be sure to build a small door so that there is access to plumbing communications and plum. Such door can be made by plastic panels, or purchased in the store already ready.

The screen made of plastic lining

How to make the screen under the bath with your own hands? Speed ​​and screens

This screen is the cheapest, besides, it is very easy to manufacture and install. Plastic does not need any additional finish, so you can use the bathroom immediately after installation. If necessary, this design can be easily disassembled in order to open access to the space under the bath.

Before starting installation, you should stock all the necessary materials: in addition to the panels themselves, you will need another starting profile, which will need to be fixed throughout the entire perimeter.

In order to do not lose the form over time, it is necessary to strengthen the framework with an additional profile, installed in the middle of the design.

Installation should be started with gluing the bottom of the profile to the floor using the sealant. Then it is necessary to cut the lining strips with a construction knife and insert them into the starting profile. It is only necessary to cut the hole in advance in the place where the door will be located.

Plasterton covering

How to make the screen under the bath with your own hands? Speed ​​and screens

For the manufacture of such a screen, use special plasterboard, which is designed for rooms with elevated moisture levels.

One of the main advantages of the plasterboard screen is that it can be built as a niche with small shelves, so that it can successfully replace in a small chest of drawers or a wardrobe.

Such a screen is made of plasterboard sheets, which are fixed on the frame collected from wooden bars or metal profiles. Depending on how the bathroom itself is located, the frame can be installed either only on one side of the bath, or at once from two. From what option you eventually choose, the number of materials you need to build the screen depends.

In order to make such a screen under the bath with your own hands, you will need plasterboard itself, paint, impregnation and sealants, a profile for drywall and putty.

Work should be started with frame markup. Then it is necessary to collect the frame from the profile according to the future form of the screen and install it with a screwdriver and drills under the bath.

First of all, it is necessary to secure a smaller part of the design, then more and then bore them with each other. After the plasterboard sheets are fixed on the frame, their surface must be treated with sealant, sharpen and coat with primer. When all the layers are dried, finishing works will be started.

Remember that it is necessary to provide a technological hole.

Ceramic tile screen

How to make the screen under the bath with your own hands? Speed ​​and screens

Ceramic tiles can be frozen the screens that are made of bricks, MDFs or drywall. To begin with, the surface should be primed, then put a putty on it and wait for it to completely dry. Then you need to carefully sweep the surface using sandpaper and rebound it again.

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Tile must be put in the same way as usual using crossbars for seams, special glue and grout. The advantages of this screen is its durability and decorativeness.

If desired, some interesting color combination can be selected, and you can even make sliding doors, which will be slightly more expensive and more difficult.

MDF covering

How to make the screen under the bath with your own hands? Speed ​​and screens

Before installation, it is necessary to impregnate MDF plates with special impregnations, as they are afraid of moisture. Then they need to be covered with primer and secure on the frame as well as hyposphate sheets.

For additional protection of this screen from dampness, it is necessary to make a vent hole, which should be located away from the technological door. Most often for this purpose, a small slot is made 2-3 cm wide and a length of 5-10 cm. In order for it that it does not break the shared view of the bathroom and did not catch the eye, it must be closed using a decorative plastic lattice.

Separate the MDF screen can be plastic or tiled.

Screen for acrylic bath

How to make the screen under the bath with your own hands? Speed ​​and screens

Such a bath is more fragile than cast iron, so you need to be very neat when the screen is installed. Its design is no different from the design intended for the cast-iron bath.

Before starting installation, you need to put markings on the side of the bathtub and mark the places where the screen will be fixed.

Then the upper part should be combined with the border of the bath and also apply the labels on it, which must coincide with the labels available on the side.

The screen can be attached to the bath with self-tapping screws and mounting spills.

In order for the vehicles of the self-entering screws, it is recommended to close them with special plugs painted in the tone of the bath. Also, you can build a brick screen, however, you first need to make the screen itself, and then install the bath over it.

Screen from PVC panels

How to make the screen under the bath with your own hands? Speed ​​and screens

To make such a screen, you will need plastic or aluminum guide profiles, standard plastic panels, self-tapping screws and a square pipe, the cross section of which should be 10x10 mm.

The first thing from a pair of parallel tubes, which should be connected across the same tube, it is necessary to make a framework. It is necessary to have vertical racks depending on what size the screen is.

After painting pipes, they need to install guides - one to attach to the upper frame, and the other to the bottom. After that, you should cut the panels and insert them into the groove grooves.

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Screen form

How to make the screen under the bath with your own hands? Speed ​​and screens

Usually screens that are installed under the bath, taking into account the shape of the bath itself and the features of the room, make rectangular. Exceptions can only be screens intended for angular baths that have a curved design.

Depending on what material is made of a bath for a bath, it can be improved or add to it some features.

For example, drywall or brick screens can have small niches for the legs that are needed so that the legs do not rest in the wall. Such a niche can be both inclined and straight. More screens may differ by the opening method - swing or sliding. The second option is more preferable, since in this case you will not need an extra room for doors.

How to make a sliding screen yourself?

How to make the screen under the bath with your own hands? Speed ​​and screens

It is best to make a sliding screen from plastic lining or PVC panels, since these materials are the most simple in the work, and the screen that is manufactured from them is obtained very durable.

You will need to install a special aluminum profile from which all guides for doors will be manufactured.

First you need to install the framework on which the guides should be installed. The length of the guides should be equal to the distance between the walls or the length of the bathroom.

Doors should be fixed on the frame, placing them in the first profile groove on the sides of the screen. The central part most often makes fixed, and they have it in the middle groove.

With the help of spacer bolts, the ready-made screen must be attached to the bath, and on the movable doors you need to install furniture handles.

Corner Bath Screens

How to make the screen under the bath with your own hands? Speed ​​and screens

If you want to create a screen for an angular bath with your own hands, then you need to consider that materials such as plasterboard, it is quite difficult to bend yourself and post on your hard frame. Therefore, the best solution will be the manufacture of a plastic screen, which is relatively inexpensive, is not afraid of moisture exposure and bend perfectly. In addition, you can currently purchase plastic panels of various shades.

First of all, it is necessary to attach plastic guides to the floor in the bathroom, repeating the bending of the bath itself. With the help of liquid nails, you need to attach to the top of the wooden bars, which will serve to fix the upper guide.

Next, with the help of a knife, cut plastic sheets with the necessary shape and consolidate them alternately at the bottom and top of the starting profiles. The lower junction can be masked using an outdoor baseboard.

Another option of the screen can be a brick screen, because the laying can be made any shape, and then reagree it with a mosaic or tile. But such a screen must be built first, and then install the bathroom on it.

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