Septic from Eurocubets do it yourself: without pumping, how to make from cubic tanks, video


Septic from Eurocubets do it yourself: without pumping, how to make from cubic tanks, video

One way to provide high-quality cleaning of wastewater in a private house or in the country without excess spending - make a septic tank from Eurocubes with their own hands.

Design and features of Eurocubets

Eurocube is a convenient container for storing and transporting various liquids, the form of which is fully determined by the title. The material for the manufacture of Eurocubes is the durable non-toxic and resistant to chemical influence of plastic. The wall thickness allows you to withstand sufficiently large loads - depending on the Eurocup model, have a capacity from 800 to 1000 liters. Additional strength to products gives an external frame from thick steel wire. Externally, it looks like a plastic container enclosed in a tight cell. For the drain of the liquid, a hole with a short neck closed with a screw lid is provided.

As a material for self-making treatment facilities, Eurocube under septic tank in the cottage or private house has Certain advantages:

  • Complete impermeability for water, avoiding the ingress of dirty stocks from the septica to the ground,
  • a small weight, which gives you the opportunity to perform all the work on the device Septic, even one person without the use of special equipment,
  • Easy to perform holes and installation of pipes (input, output and connective),
  • High speed of construction of the cleaning structure,
  • Easy maintenance septic
  • Highly high efficiency of septic, provided the correct installation.

Septic from Eurocubets do it yourself: without pumping, how to make from cubic tanks, video

Drawing of Septica of the two United States of Eurocubets

Disadvantages Septics from Eurocubes according to the reviews of the owners are:

  • The low strength of plastics, which increases the risk of destruction during the cold season,
  • The need to fix containers, which due to a small weight in unfilled state can "pop up" during a flood.

It should be taken into account that the disadvantages of Eurocubets as septicists are relative, that is, they can be largely eliminated in the process of preparation for construction and during installation work.

Principle of operation of the cleaning facility

If a septic tank is installed from eurocubs, the scheme most often provides for the presence of two successively connected containers. In order to fully use the volume of the second tank, it is usually placed just below the first. Slowly flowing from one Eurocuba to another, the drains get rid of large fractions that are deposited on the bottom.

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Septic from Eurocubets do it yourself: without pumping, how to make from cubic tanks, video

The photo shows the scheme how to make a septic tank from Eurocubes of two tanks

Designing Septica from the Eurocuba implies that the sewage facilities of this type are carried out non-volatile. They do not need air flow, which means there is no need to install the compressor. Septics do not require operating costs. Suggested il and difficult impurities are split by anaerobic (not requiring air) microorganisms. In homemade septic tanks from Eurocubes without pumping at the initial stage of operation, it is necessary to add bioactivators to accelerate the cleaning processes.

Wastewater pumping Septic in this case will not need: The clarified drains come into the filter field where additional cleaning are passed, and the accumulated IL can be removed without the use of special equipment, for which it is recommended to provide a special closing hole. The frequency of removal of the alley from the Septic is about once every one or two years, at the autumn time.

If, making a septic tank for the giving from Eurocubes with your own hands, you don't want to have a pumping on your own, there is always the opportunity to call for this specialists with equipment.

The required amount of septic is determined as follows: 200 liters of water entering each person per day are multiplied by the number of family members, and all this is still multiplied by 3. For example, for three people there will be enough septicity, a volume of 1800 liters, that is, 1.8 cubic meters.

Preparation for mounting

Finding out how to make a septicch from Eurocubes and gaining materials necessary for construction, you can start preparatory work.

When choosing a place where you plan to install a septic tank from Eurocubes without pumping your own hands, you need to consider that it should be not closer to the house and 30-50 m to the well / well.

Septic from Eurocubets do it yourself: without pumping, how to make from cubic tanks, video

Location Septica on the site

The septic septic is pulled to the installation with a margin. The size of the gap between the walls of the tank and the walls of the pitual depend on the features of the selected design.

  • To protect the septicity of frozen, foam or other moisture resistant thermal insulator is often installed.
  • To increase the strength, the fill of the gap concrete or the installation of the "box" from the boards.

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The foundation is poured in the dumping pit Of the concrete, a thickness of about 20 cm. At the hardening stage, metal hooks or rings for "anchoring" of plastic containers are installed in the foundation, which will prevent their pop-ups.

The formwork for the foundation of the septic is performed by a stepped, taking into account the fact that the second cube should be set below the level than the first.

At the same time Eat the filtration trench In which the perforated tube will be laid next to the leaning strokes from the septic.

Eurocups also need to be prepared for installation . Available drain hole is sealed. It has too small diameter and is located low, so it cannot be used to connect pipes.

Other holes are performed:

  • In the first Cuba - to enter the sewer pipe and for the fluid flow into the second tank.
  • In the second Cuba - input from the first capacity and output to the filter field.
  • On the upper planes of each cube - a hole for the ventilation pipe.

For supplying pipelines, all holes are supplied with tees, and the connection locations are carefully sealed.

Septic from Eurocubets do it yourself: without pumping, how to make from cubic tanks, video

Installation and sealing of pipelines

Mounting work

Septic from cubic containers is installed only after the completion of all preparatory work. Concrete foundation by this moment must dial strength. In some cases, partial is practiced Filling tanks water In order for lightweight tanks not to be shifted at each rush.

  • Having lowered the tanks into the pit, they are fixed on the foundation, connecting with metal cables, clamps or other fixtures with a metal crate with rings or hooks located in the foundation. Between the tanks for the septica can be connected by welding fittings to their iron frame.
  • After that, connect the pipe for the flow between the tanks and the output to the filtration field from the second septic tank.

    Septic from Eurocubets do it yourself: without pumping, how to make from cubic tanks, video

    Installation of a stream tube and ventilation

  • At the same time, you can set the pipe cut to the septic inlet. Subsequently, it will be connected to the sewer line. It is important that throughout the house before the septic, the bias of the pipeline was about 2 cm for each meter of length.
  • In the gap between the walls of the pit and tanks, a thermal insulator or a layer of thermal insulation and a material for squeezing protection (boards treated with antiseptic, professionalist, etc.) are established. In some cases, to increase the overall strength of the septic design, these gaps concrete. The metal grille of Eurocubes in this case serves reinforcement. Considering the plastic not too high strength, the fill is performed carefully and stages, poured into the gap every subsequent portion of the solution only after solidifying the previous one.
  • In the holes of the upper surfaces of Eurocubets over tees, the ventilation pipes are installed, sealing the joints.

    Septic from Eurocubets do it yourself: without pumping, how to make from cubic tanks, video

    Ready septicity from cubic tanks in the pit for backfilling

    After that, the whole design of the septica is insulated with foam. Sometimes after that, the pouring concrete is performed, however, this method does not allow, if necessary, inspect a septic tank or a connection of tanks with pipelines. It is better to fall asleep the upper plane of gravel, after which it is filled with the ground extracted during the dig of a ground. The drainage channel with the perforated tube laid in it is also falling asleep by gravel or clay, which will not prevent the passage of water, after which the soil is filled.

Operating Rules

For maximum durability Septica from Eurocubes and ensuring efficiency, it is important to comply with the rules of operation of sewage facilities of this type:
  • Periodically introduce special biological preparations for septic
  • prevent maximum filling of reservoirs in the cold season,
  • Support ventilation channels with suction valves or use the common ventilation riser so that the zones of sparse air are not formed in the sewage pipes, which prevent the fluid free current.

Septic from Eurocubes video

And in this section you can watch a video on our article, which demonstrates the process described above on the construction of the septicism in the country.

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