Basic rules for printing walls before painting


An important element during repair work is to finish the walls. Some prefer glue wallpaper or install panels, but many choose paint. Painted walls contribute to the creation of the atmosphere of comfort in the apartment, but it is important to remember the need to primer walls immediately before painting. In the article we will tell you how to printe the walls before painting.

For what to primitive

Grinding walls before painting - necessarily the condition, otherwise it is not avoiding re-repair work. It is the primer that will ensure the presence of an excellent basis, which will subsequently apply, directly, the paint itself. The procedure helps strengthen the surface and forms a layer of a protective film that contributes to the optimal staining of the walls: water absorption will ensure the paint the uniform distribution over the surface, and you can forget about defects and non-procrase areas.

There are also various types of primers with excellent antibacterial properties. Choosing them - you will ensure reliable protection from a variety of fungal formations to your walls. As you know, the fungus tastes raw surfaces, especially often arises on the screaming grounds. Therefore, the primer mixture is often used, struggling with mold and other fungi.

Basic rules for printing walls before painting

Do not be lazy to predict the walls. There is a significant increase in paint consumption on surfaces that were not primed before the procedure. The lack of primer on the surface will significantly complicate your task when the need for re-staining of the walls (when updating the interior). Paint is kept on a similar surface extremely bad - whole pieces are lagging behind.

Poorly scratched areas have to re-tapping, and the process takes a lot of time and effort. In addition, the paint itself sets up and keeps at times better if used primer: after all, even expensive good paint without pre-treatment of the surface has an unpleasant property to crack and crumble.

Therefore, Kohl gathered to paint the walls - apply primer before the start of painting works. External features and quality will be at the height.

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Types of primer

Select the material - it is very difficult, because a lot depends on the surface and type of paint, its composition, main properties. The optimal option is to buy paint and primer mixture from one manufacturer. Before buying a mixture, it should be very careful to study the composition of the paint and find out the type of primer mixture, most compatible with it. With the mind of the selected primer for the walls under painting will provide your apartment cozy and beautiful view for many years.

Basic rules for printing walls before painting

There are the following types of primer for painting walls and other surfaces:

  1. Acrylic impregnations. This type is almost universal, compatible with any surface and materials, forms a protective film and provides excellent clutch of the surface with paint.
  2. Acrylic primer varnishes. Ideal in external use, have a wonderful waterproof, the protective function is performed on the "Hurray".
  3. Acrylic primer paints. Used as the basis with the subsequent application of acrylic and water-emulsion paints.
  4. Based on solvents. Excellent copes with the protection of the surfaces from moisture, deeply absorbed. Compatible with cement and wooden surfaces.
  5. Silicate. It is remarkably suitable for outdoor use, pores and small cracks are securely clocked.
  6. Olife The universal composition used on wooden surfaces will perfectly cope with the task of painting internal and outdoor sections.
  7. Alkyd. Use also involves the subsequent staining of wooden surfaces. Using alkyd mixtures - forget about corrosion, they will protect it differently.
  8. Glyphthaled. Use them before painting any dry base.
  9. Polystyrene. Used when staining facades. Minus polystyrene facilities - the presence of toxic elements carrying a threat to human health. As a result, work is carried out exclusively outdoors.
  10. Mineral. The composition has plaster and lime, so the composition dries extremely fast - after a few hours. Works are possible immediately after the priming.

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Basic rules for printing walls before painting

Programmer technology

First, it is necessary to prepare the surface where the primer will subsequently apply. The walls are completely cleaned of pollution residues - the best effect is achieved by washing with hot water with a drip of detergent. The dried walls put sand in the presence of small cracks - so the primer will fall smoothly. Check whether the plaster is not lagging behind - knock on a wooden item, having heard a deaf sound - remove the peeling elements and cover the plot. After drying, make a grinding - the usual sandpaper is suitable. The last step will be the final removal of dirt and dusty particles. So, the basis is fully prepared, proceed to the primer.

Preparing the solution - clearly follow these instructions, adding only the necessary components in the desired proportions. Otherwise, the effect of the mixture will be reduced to zero, and it will become useless.

Basic rules for printing walls before painting

The main work is to directly apply the primer mixture on the basis. It should be done with great care and remember that the room temperature should not fall below 5 degrees or rise above 25 degrees. Tools used for applying a roller or brush. It is more convenient to operate with roller, however, the brush is allowed to process hard-to-reach areas, to which the roller does not reach (for example, areas at the wall of the wall and ceiling). Make sure that absolutely every centimeter of the base is covered with primer composition - the effectiveness of the properties of the material directly depends on this. Try to roll a mixture well, avoiding the "puddle" - the base should not wade too much, there is a risk of damageing the putty layer. Apply a means to one easy movement, immediately smearing at one site.

If the primed surface is characterized by high absorbability - boldly apply several layers of the mixture, but not earlier than the previous one will dry. Wait for a complete soil grazing, the manufacturer usually indicates it, but on average the process takes 4-6 hours. Only after drying, apply paint.

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Remember the protective suit: work is carried out in protective glasses and special gloves, and the room should be well ventilated.

Video "Rules of primer walls in front of plaster"

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