Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?


Strict demands are always presented to the children's room. Parents, choosing materials for finishing, take into account that it should be not only beautiful, but also safe to the health of the baby. And special attention is paid to the walls of the walls - because the child may want to paint or try paint to taste.

Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?

So what to choose for children? Wallpaper or paint? There is no single answer to this question. It is worth assessing the advantages and disadvantages of each option, and after taking a weighted solution depending on individual preferences.

Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?

Pros and cons of paints

Painting refers to the least time-consuming methods to issue walls in the nursery. What are the advantages of staining walls in the child's room?

  1. Currently, in stores you can buy paints of any colors and shades. In addition, there are compounds that do not smell quickly dry and easily wash with the most common means. Thanks to this, you will not have to limit the child in the desire of creativity, and the consequences of children's pranks can be easily eliminated.
    Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?
  2. Paint does not collect dust . It is especially important if there are people in the family who suffer from asthma or prone to allergies.
  3. Paint is the perfect option for those who like to change the color of the finishes in the room. At any stage of repair there is an opportunity to replace the color of the wall . Gradually, the child will grow and it is clear that his tastes will change. Thus, you can create a favorable atmosphere in the family.
    Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?
  4. If you choose the paint into the room of an older child, it may be important to arrange the walls in some specific shade. For example, the child is fond of protection of nature. Then he will be comfortable to live in a room resembling a forest kingdom.
    Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?

Disadvantages of painting walls in nursery:

  1. Paint is blocked faster than wallpaper, let it be cleaned easier. If your child is not distinguished by special accuracy, the wall washing can become a laborious part of the cleaning.
  2. Good paints for children are expensive. When choosing between one or another solution, you should compare options, focusing on the family budget.
  3. Before painting the wall requires careful preparation . Celebrations, seals, chips will need to be chipped by plaster, and crack closure to a special solution. Even when applying 2-3 layers of paint irregularity and dents of the wall will be visible to the naked eye. That is why the grinding of the wall before applying paint requires attention, otherwise, in the future, the paint will begin to flap from a poorly treated surface. Not everyone has so much time and forces for preparatory work.

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Advantages and disadvantages of wallpaper for children

Pluses of shoes wallpaper:

  1. Paper wallpaper is the most affordable and environmentally friendly way to arrange a child's room. They allow the walls to "breathe", creating a favorable microclimate in the room.
    Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?
  2. Preparation of the wall for plating wallpaper occupies a much less time than before painting. For this, special skills or surgical accuracy will not need. Small disadvantages of the walls will not be of great importance. And thick wallpaper you can reap the wall damage.
  3. The room with wallpaper breathes comfort and stability. Suitable if your child does not like change in residential space.
    Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?
  4. Choose suitable wallpaper easier than paint, as there are many ready-made options in stores.
  5. Wallpapers allowed to arrange a nursery in the thematic style, for example, paste there images of wild animals.

Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?

Cons of salary wallpaper walls for a child:

  1. From the wallpaper it is difficult to erase the drawings of a child or some pollution.
    Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?
  2. It is harder to cross the wallpaper than repaint the wall.

Wallpaper or wall painting (1 video)

Walls in a nursery with wallpaper and paint (9 photos)

Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?

Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?

Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?

Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?

Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?

Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?

Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?

Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?

Wallpaper or paint: What to choose for children?

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