Wallpaper toilet design


Wallpaper toilet design

The walls in the toilet are traditionally discharged with tiles, but it is possible to create an interesting and practical design in such a room, and with the help of other finishing materials, such as wallpaper.

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Pros and cons

The main advantages of solutions can be called toilet wallpaper:

  • The speed is shifted interior. Against the background of long and rather labor-intensive styling of tiles, wallpaper sticking is performed much faster and requires fewer tools and additional materials.
  • The ability to cope with your own. For trim, tiles often hire experienced professionals, and it is not required to glue wallpaper, no special skills required.
  • Cheap material. And wallpapers themselves, and spending on their sticking (even if they are engaged in hired workers) will cost much cheaper tile masonry.
  • Extensive range of textures and color options. Diversify the design of the toilet with the help of wallpaper is very easy thanks to a truly large choice.

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

However, choosing to the toilet finish with wallpaper, you may encounter such minuses:

  • Due to the elevated level of humidity in the room for its finishing, some types of wallpapers will not fit. Such species include cork, paper and bamboo, as well as metal wallpapers.
  • If you stick to the wall of the toilet paper wallpaper, over time, their upper layer will begin to peel.
  • In the toilet, there are often places that are difficult to wake with wallpaper, for example, for a toilet or water pipes.
  • On wallpapers, mold and fungus often appear. In addition, they can absorb the smell, and on thin wallpaper, glue can play with time.

Wallpaper toilet design


In the finishing of the toilet, it is preferable to use such wallpapers:

  1. Liquid. Such wallpapers are of great similarity with plaster, as sold in powder form. Before coating with these wallpaper walls, it is necessary to align them well and treat primer with water-repellent properties. Mixing water wallpaper granules receive a consistency of a conventional finishing mixture, which is applied to the prepared surface.
  2. Washable (phliseline). The main plus of this type of wallpaper is the presence of an outer layer capable of resisting moisture. Sticks such wallpapers simply simply, if you pay attention to the joints and careful smoothing of the web.
  3. Vinyl. They are often chosen to finish the toilet, since such wallpaper is distinguished by increased resistance to moisture. To stick such a material, you should use special glue, able to hold a heavy cloth. In addition, such wallpapers, due to the significant thickness of the sheets, glue only jack.
  4. Gymelomes. This type of coating does not absorb liquids and smells, and not afraid of detergents. Such wallpapers include fiberglass, have an interesting texture and can be painted.
  5. Ceramic. Such wallpaper is distinguished by durability and high resistance to moisture. They are made of fine porcelain stoneware and mounted using special adhesive blends.

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Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Methods of combination

If one-photon wallpaper or material with a nonsense pattern is selected for finishing, it can take all the walls of the toilet. Often, the monotony "dilute" with lanes with an ornament wallpaper, which can be both in the tone of the overall finish and contrasting, attracting attention to the element.

Wallpaper toilet design

Frequently, the wallpaper in the finishing of the toilet is combined with tiles, especially if the bathroom is combined. The tile is placed above the bathroom and in other places where water often gets. The option is common when the lower part of the walls is lined with a monophonic tile, and the top is covered with bright wallpaper.

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Color solutions

Bright wallpaper - white, gray, light yellow, blue, beige and other light tones are most popular for finishing the toilet. There are also bright options, for example, in red, black or blue gamma.

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Two-color wallpapers with different prints are very popular.

Wallpaper toilet design

Photo wallpaper

This option of wallpaper for the toilet attracts the speed of installation, low cost and a huge variety of plots. It is only important to choose a moisture-resistant option so that the picture does not deteriorate shortly after sticking. The most common plots are space, books, nature and flowers.

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

What to take into account when choosing wallpaper in a small toilet?

  • Light wallpaper with unobtrusive patterns, such as pastel gamma, are more preferred.
  • If you are selected with images with images, you should choose drawings that can visually increase the space room.
  • A successful option can be called a darker finish of the bottom of the walls and a lighter top.

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Competent examples of design

The toilet looks stylishly, the walls of which are separated by light wallpaper with dark gray or black vegetable patterns.

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

A successful option will be a snow-white plumbing on the background of bright wall decoration, for example, green, with bright colors or in red gamma.

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

It looks good for finishing with wallpaper, occupying one wall or only the top of the wall.

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

Geometric prints are always relevant, for example, strip and cell.

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Wallpaper toilet design

Wallpaper toilet design

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