Toilet design trimmed with tiles


Toilet design trimmed with tiles

During the repair of the entire apartment, the design of the bathroom is always paid to little attention, as this room has small dimensions. But if you correctly pick up a tile for finishing the floor and walls, then you can create not only a comfortable and hygienic place, but also attractive and stylish.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles


Ceramic tile is a good solution for decorating and finishing the bathroom because has many advantages:

  • strength;
  • resistance to chemicals that are used to clean the room;
  • Easiness when cleaning;
  • unfavorable for the reproduction of microorganisms;
  • waterproof;
  • a large variety of forms and textures;
  • Practicality in use.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles


Ceramics although it belongs to durable materials, but at the same time differs fragility. If you make it laying on an uneven surface, then when it is uneven load, it will just break.

Tile is very badly kept warm, so it is not very pleasant for her barefoot. But this deficiency can be easily eliminated if the house is connected to a warm floor. She will be warm well.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles


Today, many manufacturers are engaged in the manufacture of ceramic tiles, each of them tries to attract the client, to offer new textures, colors or properties.

A variety of ceramic tiles stands Texture tile which is also called sculptural or convex. It is represented by a large variety of forms and colors.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

It allows you to create textured decoration in the interior of the room. . Although it costs more than the usual smooth tile, but the effect of facing will exceed all your expectations.

Often, the textured tile is used to finish only one wall, which becomes a bright accent. The rest of the walls can be simply bonded by a monophonic tile or paint.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

It looks original Multicolored tile, which is decorated with an ornament or pattern . It will help create in the bathroom any mood, and will also become indispensable for the station of accents or to highlight some interior items. The tile in the style of the patchwork is perfect for the decor of a small bathroom. It can also be used to finish those places that are most exposed to moisture or pollution.

Mosaic allows you to embody the original pattern, a luxurious panel or a geometric pattern both on the floor and on the walls. Mosaic tile can be used for cladding various surfaces: convex, asymmetric, arched, concave and so on.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Porcelain tiles are often chosen to finish the floor. Today you can choose stylish solutions that offer imitation of stone, wood and other natural materials.

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Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Ceramic granite is characterized by increased strength, high wear resistance and anti-slip coating. Thanks to these properties, it is ideal for facing the floor, but today the trend of the use of this material is gaining popularity and for finishing the walls. Porcelain tiles are usually represented by large tiles, so its laying is faster than when using a conventional tile. A variety of colors and shades makes it possible to implement the most bold and original stylistic solutions into reality.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Color solutions

For a small bathroom, it is necessary to seriously approach the choice of color gamut. It is she who will help visually increase the room. Of course, bright colors will cope with the task, but you should not limit yourself in choosing. Very effectively looks a light design of the bathroom, decorated with bright stains, which are accents in creating a unique and colorful interior.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

For the floor, an excellent solution will be lilac or blue. Lovers of bright tones can stop their choice on red, which will create the impression of a low ceiling.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

To visually expand the bathroom space, you can make a short wall brighter against the rest of the rest or decorate it with a wide band with a tile of contrasting color in relation to the main tile in the bathroom. The same effect can be achieved if it is for sex to choose a light tile and diversify it with dark stripes.

Often, a beige or peach color is selected for a small room, which looks perfectly with other color solutions. For the bathroom, you can also choose pink, salad or turquoise color.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

For the design of the bathroom, the classic is often used - a combination of black and white. Chess laying or diagonally will give the room a special charm and expressiveness. It looks great for the combination of glossy and matte tiles.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Methods of laying

For a spacious bathroom, there are no special recommendations for the choice of the method of laying, but if it concerns small spaces, then it is necessary to think about how to visually make it spacious. Table laying is carried out on tile glue. Styling with a seam requires the use of special laying cross, which allow plates at the same distance.

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Toilet design trimmed with tiles

For low ceilings, it is worth preferring a rectangular tile preference. Stacking should be done vertically, but the horizontal laying will help expand the bathroom. Rectangular tiles can be used for gender. It should be laid along a narrower wall.

To expand the size of the bathroom, the ceramic elements in the decor as a mosaic can be used. For floor covering it is better to apply diagonal laying. So that the room seemed wider, you can use friezes or borders. They should be placed under the ceiling and at the level of the plinth.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

What to take into account when choosing a tile in a small toilet?

To create a stylish interior in small rooms, it is worth sticking to a single color gamma. With it, you can create the illusion of solid space. For floor covering, a large tile is better fit without small ornaments or patterns. The tile for the floor and walls must be selected in a single style.

For a small toilet it is better to choose a large tile. An ideal solution will be a monophonic tile, although you can decorate the room and a large pattern.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Mosaic, a variety of drawings and ornaments allow you to produce a visual distribution of a small space on the zone . Relief tile increases a small room, add brightness and unusualness.

To create the impression of a high ceiling should produce vertical laying of tiles . The location of the decorative elements is better to produce at the level of the eye. Bright stripes in the decor will also help visually lift the ceiling.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

So that the space in the bathroom seemed wider, it is worth a preference to cold colors - silver, blue, turquoise or bluish-gray color. For flooring, it is worth using tile laying diagonally, but for the walls several rows of tiles must necessarily be laid horizontally.

An ideal design addition will be a clear cross-ornament or an abstract drawing.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Competent examples of design

For small bathrooms, an excellent choice is a ceramic tile in bright colors. To create an interesting interior you can use a mosaic. The light-beige mosaic tile palette will help create a comfortable setting. Cream porcelain stonewares will become the perfect addition.

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Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Very spectacular and brightly looks like walls of white tiles in combination with a saturated dark burgundy mosaic. The presence of mirrors and marble flooring creates a magnificent tandem with contrasting walls of the toilet.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Often, ceramic granite is selected for wall cladding and floor. Today it is very popular to use a tile that imitating a wooden surface. It allows you to create comfort and comfort. Warm cream colors will help convey calm and relaxation. Mirrors in wooden frames perfectly complement the interior design.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

The aged appearance of the tile in different color solutions with the curbs is ideal for the incarnation of Loft style. An exquisite natural wood shelf is a stylish accent. Snow white tile is perfectly harmonized with plumbing.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Another interior for a small bathroom is presented in contrast. Black bottom and bright top help visually increase the space. Amazing butterflies seem to come to life thanks to well-selected illumination. The presence of a convenient shelf from the back will allow you to store all the necessary accessories.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

The classic combination of white and black never comes out of fashion. Properly located combination of tile allows you to make space above and more. The rear wall is decorated with an amazing pattern, which is an interior highlight and is harmoniously combined with floor-coating.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

And a few more spectacular designs that can help you decide on the choice.

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

Toilet design trimmed with tiles

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