How to fix the door of the shower?


The breakdown and the jamming of the doors is a fairly common problem for both completely new shower cabins and for those that were exploited by many years. The main reason is the failure of door rollers. Repair them is easy, the main thing is not to break the heavy glass door.

How to fix the door of the shower?

Drawing of the shower cabin.

Types of damage door shower cabins

It is the rollers that provide smooth movement of the shower door.

Each time, the sash are open and closed, these details are experiencing a serious load, as a result of which they are rapidly wear out.

Other reasons are the moisure and aggressive impact of household chemicals. The most common doors malfunctions are the following:

How to fix the door of the shower?

Diagram of the device of the shower cabin.

  1. Rollers make an unpleasant creaking, the cause of which is their corrosion due to increased humidity. It is impossible to repair them, it is necessary to replace with new ones.
  2. Doors break off from guides. To eliminate breakdowns, check the locations of the shower fixtures. You can repair rollers by gluing when flying tires, but this repair is temporary. With the first opportunity, worn items should be replaced with new ones.
  3. Door jamming means the rollers completely exhausted their resource. In this case, they will also be able to repair them, only a complete replacement will help.

With any serious breakdowns, it is recommended to repair and replace all rollers, and not only 1. When selecting new parts, instead of broken, it is necessary to pay special attention to the diameter of the wheel. A detail of a greater or smaller size is suitable, but the difference should not be more than 5 mm. You should also measure the width of the groove of arc and departure - the distance for which the door goes inside the shower.

To facilitate the choice, it is better to take a broken roller with you to the store or make it a photo. It is not necessary to spend a very large amount of time, picking up suitable parts for your shower model. Sometimes a "non-roller" roller can be better than "native". Details made of brass or stainless steel will serve much longer than made from silumin.

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How to repair a shower cabin?

To fix it, the following tools will be needed:

  • cruciform screwdriver and passatia (to replace rollers with eccentrices);
  • Knife or needle, screwdriver (to replace pressure rollers).

How to fix the door of the shower?

Mounting circuit shower.

Repair itself begins with the fact that the cabin doors are removed. It should be done very carefully to not break them. If the door rollers are equipped with eccentrics, then the eccentrics should be turned down so that the door freely comes out of the profile. If there is a special button on the video, it is enough to press it to free up the door. It is advisable to repair in the presence of an assistant, since the weight of glass doors can reach 15 kg and higher.

When repairing the rollers, it is important not to confuse the lower and the top, otherwise the doors will fly out of profiles and disassemble. No need to delay fixing nuts to the stop so as not to damage the glass and rubber gaskets.

After the doors were put in place, adjust the rollers using the adjusting screw, which are equipped with all models. Proper setting will ensure proper fit of the sash to each other and their easy slide.

Regular care for the shower cabin will significantly extend the life of the rollers. From time to time it is necessary to wipe the grooves of the arc so that they do not accumulate the lime flask, dirt and garbage. If the doors open with the effort, it is necessary to remove them, check the grooves and, if necessary, clean. Since the repair of the broken door of the cab is a labor-intensive and expensive, it should always be removed with great care.

It is equally important not to forget to adjust the rollers, because due to the constant loads, their settings are knocked down, and they begin to slide by profile. Most often it happens with models equipped with eccentric. Therefore, 1 time per month they need to reinstate and lubricate with silicone lubricant to protect against enormous humidity and corrosion. Effective water mitigation system will save from the need to repair too often. Ideally, the door of the shower must move smoothly, gently, without jerks, but not too relaxed. It is not worth it too zealous when you are going to take a shower.

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