Is it possible to paint plastic windows and what is needed for this?


Sometimes there is a situation where you need to paint plastic windows that are already installed. You can do it yourself or ask for help in a specialized company. Now there are many suggestions of this kind, so if there is no experience in painting works and desire to experiment, this is the easiest way out. Turning to the company, you get a painted window and a guarantee for the applied coating. Performing work yourself, you acquire invaluable experience. Those who have decided to paint their hands will help learn the technology, as well as a list of materials and equipment necessary for this.

Is it possible to paint plastic windows and what is needed for this?

Low Pressure Spray Pistol

Materials and equipment

Before painting you need to stock in the following materials:

  • purifier for PVC profile;
  • water-dispersion acrylic paint;
  • painting tape;
  • protective film.

The equipment will need a low-pressure spray gun with a nozzle 1.2-1.4 μm, filter (100 μm) and viscometer.


The gun is not necessary to buy, this equipment can be leased. Selecting the model, consider that working pressure during PVC color is 2-3 atmosphere.

Is it possible to paint plastic windows and what is needed for this?

Household viscometer

Why do you need a viscometer?

To get high-quality coverage of the profile, you need to bring the paint to the working viscosity. If it is too thick - the drying period is increasing, but the worst - the adhesion with the window profile deteriorates. In case of staining too liquid paint, we get too thin layer. If there is such a paint to apply a thicker layer, it gives a high degree of shrinkage.

Breeding paint "On the eye" for staining of a plastic profile is not a very good idea, as it is especially important to get a homogeneous layer. To measure viscosity, it is best to use the viscometer PT-246 and use a nozzle with a diameter of 6 mm. The expiration time for water-soluble acrylic paint for PVC is from 25 to 30 seconds.

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Use this device is quite simple.

  • The desired nozzle is established (the instrument is sold complete with three nozzles of different sizes).
  • Paint is poured into the bowl (up to the label).
  • With the help of the stopwatch, the time of it is measured.
  • If the value is more necessary - the prepared water is added and the measurement is performed again.

Is it possible to paint plastic windows and what is needed for this?

Measuring the viscosity of paint with a viscometer

Preparatory work

Before staining in the room where it will be produced, you need to protect with the film wall, floor and ceiling. The film is fixed with the help of painting tape. Also closes the window glass and slopes. It must be done very carefully and smoothly. After that, the profile itself is prepared. It must be cleaned of dust and other small particles, and then process the cleaner. It is impossible to neglect this stage, because the cleaner also remove static stress. Next, you can prepare paint - smoked, bring to the desired viscosity and filter.


It should be borne in mind that after a tinting paint has a time of viability. It is 2-4 hours. If such information is not listed on the label, you need to specify when purchasing.

Is it possible to paint plastic windows and what is needed for this?

Staining a removed flap of a plastic window

Staining profile

When all the preparatory work is performed, you can proceed to applying paint on the window. It is better to perform this job at room temperature (+ 20-25 ºС). Although some paint manufacturers admit the possibility of applying from +5 ºС, it is still better not to experiment, as the lower the temperature, the worse the coating is formed. Paint and working tools should be the same temperature. If they are brought from the cold room, you need to wait a bit (about an hour).

Coloring is made using a spray gun. We give some tips to work with it.

  • Connecting a sprayer to the compressor, it must be borne in mind that the hose burning should be on the right not to interfere with the work.
  • The gun is advisable to keep at right angles to the window frame, moving it along the plank at the same speed to get a uniform coating.
  • It is better to start with the processing of angular zones, and then move to the main staining. You can begin both above and below.

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Applying paint, consider that the layer thickness should be within 60-100 μm. The layer with such a thick dries over 8-9 hours, after 12 hours it is already possible to process water. Full polymerization occurs in 5 days.

Thus, paint metal-plastic windows is easy, but a lot of attention requires the preparatory stage and the choice of inventory. If you take the task seriously and everything is done correctly, you can make your contribution to the harmonious design of the room.

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