Vinegar will cleaned a microwave oven in 5 minutes


With the passage of time, fat stains and food residues are settled on the walls of the microwave. And this is due to the fact that many mistresses do not know how to properly wash kitchen equipment.

There are several recipes with the use of vinegar, thanks to which you get rid of all bolt spots in five minutes. In order to clean the microwave oven, you do not have to use efforts or spend a bunch of money for newfit products, you can prepare a solution yourself at home.

Vinegar will cleaned a microwave oven in 5 minutes

Microwave Cleaning Rules

With any actions related to electrical equipment, some rules must be followed:

  • When cleaning the microwave, in no case use rags or brushes with a rigid surface. When washing this equipment with a hard pile product, you can scratch the coating and destroy the protective layer of the microwave oven.

When washing, do not touch the ventilation grille, avoid fluid from entering. If water falls there, a short circuit can occur.

  • When cooking and warming up food, cover the dishes with a lid made from special heat-resistant plastic or glass.
  • Before cleaning, it is recommended to turn off the microwave from the network, in order to avoid short circuit.
  • To prevent the emergence of spots, spend the general cleaning of the microwave at least 1 time per week.
  • It is necessary to wash the surface of the furnace, after each use.
  • For cooking, use glass dishes with a lid, it is more sealed.
  • Do not put extraneous objects on your furnace, they can tip over.

Vinegar will cleaned a microwave oven in 5 minutes

How to clean the microwave by vinegar

Many years ago, our moms and grandmothers did not have many modern funds in their access. But despite this, there were always purely and dibrably on their kitchens. For cleaning, they used folk recipes, where one of the components was vinegar. Using these recipes, you can easily and quickly clean the microwave from spots of fat at home. Here is some of them:
  • Remove the grille and the rotary table from the microwave. Soak them in the pelvis, adding a dishwashing agent into a liquid. After they were laundered, put them in place.
  • Clean the dried residues of food with a cloth or sponge.
  • Pour water in a bowl and add 3-5 tbsp. spoons 9% vinegar.
  • Put the bowl with the resulting tool in the microwave for 7-10 minutes.
  • When the required time passes, remove the container with the means and wipe the walls of the microwave oven with a soft wind.

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Clean the microwave by vinegar and soda

  • Remove all the extra details and flush them separately.
  • In a cup with water, add 4 tbsp. Spoons of food soda and 3-5 tbsp 9% vinegar.
  • Put the container with a microwave tool and boil the timer for 10 minutes.
  • At the end of time, wipe the stove walls, with a wet cloth or sponge.
  • Remove spots and moisture remnants with a dry cloth.

Vinegar will cleaned a microwave oven in 5 minutes

How to clean the microwave ovens with vinegar and lemon acid

  • Inject 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in a plate with water (acids).
  • Put the container with a microwave tool for 5-10 minutes.
  • After the time expires, wipe the furnace inside.
Using such simple ingredients, like: soda, vinegar and lemon, you can wash the microwave to the perfect whiteness.

Clean the microwave with other home recipes

In addition to vinegar, there are a lot of folk remedies for soda and citrus, with which you can quickly wash the microwave oven, from fifth fat and old food:

Juice Lemon.

  • Clean the residues of food, from the walls of the microwave;
  • in water package, squeeze the juice of one lemon;
  • Put the capacity with water into the microwave and start the timer for 15 minutes;
  • After passing time, you will only stay wash the walls inside the furnace.

Vinegar will cleaned a microwave oven in 5 minutes

Paste of soda

  • With the help of a sponge, apply the edible soda on the walls inside the microwave furnace;
  • Leave it in this state for 25-30 minutes;
  • After the past time, you will only be laundered, inside the microwave, the remains of the spots of fat.

Clean orange

  • Cut the fruit with slices and pour boiling water;
  • Put in the microwave and turn on the timer for 10 minutes;
  • After the end of time, you will be left only to brush inside the microwave oven.

Knowing such elementary recipes, you will not worry about what your kitchen favorite is contaminated. With the help of them, you can cope with any flax and food spots.

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