Soft windows for arbors: features, advantages and disadvantages


For many gazebo - a favorite place in a private house or in the country where you can relax the company, arrange a family lunch or in the evening drink tea in the fresh air. But in open structures such a pastime is possible only in the summer, and in some cases even in warm periods hinders bad weather. Therefore, if you want to always comfortably spend time, better option than soft windows for arbors, you just do not find.

Such designs have a lot of advantages, but the main thing is that you can easily mount them when they are needed, and also quickly clean up asleep. Consider in more detail all the features of this type of glazing.

Soft windows for arbors: features, advantages and disadvantages

Features and destination

Soft windows can be made of polyvinyl chloride or transparent polyethylene. In some cases, opaque multi-colored or monotonic tissues impregnated with acrylics are used for such glazing. If you wish, you can apply to the print film. To improve the appearance, you can use color edging design.

Such products can be ordered in a specialized company or make it yourself: Installation is quite simple, and even a person who does not have greater experience in the field of construction will be able to fulfill it. You can install them on the openings of almost any shapes and sizes.

Soft windows are often used when the gazebo needs to be "canned" during the cold period, and in the warm season, the openings are open open. In many cases, only part of the openings are closed, so that in Nonya it is possible to hide from rain for transparent shelter, which does not close the review. This method is common not only for gazebo in private homes, but also those that are on the territory of restaurant complexes or recreation areas.

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Soft windows for arbors: features, advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of soft windows

Soft windows have a lot of advantages. The main ones are:

  • Fast and easy installation;
  • affordable cost;
  • high light transparency;
  • open review;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to fire (in some models);
  • resistance to the appearance of mold;
  • aesthetics;
  • Reliable protection from external factors.

Of all the glazing options that can be applied to the gazebo, soft windows are the most budget. Modern manufacturers offer products that retain their qualitative characteristics at temperatures from -40 ° C to +80 ° C and at the same time securely protect the inner space. The service life of such windows is from five years and can reach ten-fifteen years.

Soft windows for arbors: features, advantages and disadvantages

How is the installation of soft windows?

As already mentioned, soft windows for the gazebo can be purchased in a specialized company. You can either order a turnkey installation, and then all the work - from measurements to installation - specialists will be done; Either buy material and fittings itself and make this procedure with your own hands. For installation, special attachments are used, which are selected depending on the material from which the main design is made, as well as the opening and closing opportunities.

There are three main fastening methods:

  • with the help of rotary brackets;
  • using brackets and straps;
  • Using the sliding system.

The swivel bracket system is the easiest way, in which all over the perimeter, the staples with a rotary mechanism are inserted through the champs located at the same distance. When they turn, the cloth is stretched, the window is fixed in the desired position.

The second method involves putting on the holes of the window to the brackets and their fixation with special straps with a clasp, which adjusts the tension.

The sliding system is used where the tightness is not required, but is of great importance to the appearance: in pavilions, cafes, etc. Panels in this case are moving using guide and rollers.


If you independently install soft windows for the arbor in the summer, it is impossible to pull them too much, since with a sharp cooling, the size can change. If the installation occurs in winter, then the tension must be made maximum.

How to care for windows?

Soft windows are attractive by the fact that they do not need special care. Usually, it is enough to rinse them with ordinary water, and with strong contamination you can use synthetic detergents: the surface of the film is resistant to their effects. If the sizes of the arbor are small, it can be done manually with a simple sponge, for large pavilions, scattering cans are usually used.

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Soft windows for arbors: features, advantages and disadvantages

How to calculate the cost of construction?

Soft windows have a fairly affordable cost. It is calculated depending on the size of the canvas, the design of the window opening, the form and number of fasteners. An important impact on the price also provides the company and the manufacturer of such windows. To find out the exact cost, it is best to refer to specialists who work in this area.

Soft windows for arbors: features, advantages and disadvantages


Soft windows for the veranda and arbors are very popular with owners of private houses, country cottages and restaurant complexes due to their unique properties and advantages over other materials. They perfectly protect the inner space from the cold, rain, wind, sun, dust and insects and at the same time due to high strength and resistance to stretching for a long time can function without the need for repair. Even if your gazebo does not heal, high thermal insulation properties allow you to maintain heat inside. You can mount and dismantle such windows with your own hands at any time of the year, while the process takes only a few hours.

All these positive characteristics that are perfectly combined with low cost (and prices are truly many times lower than any other protective materials that could be used in this case), such structures are the ideal choice for the gazebo. High-quality transparent windows are visually different from ordinary glass, and if desired, you can use a combination with other types of glazing or design.

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