How to get rid of black cockroaches


How to get rid of black cockroaches

Black cockroaches are insects that cause a sense of disgust for most people on the planet. They can be distinguished on a black body with a segmented chitine coating, which can reach a length of more than 5 centimeters, as well as in the mustache and hair carriers located along the entire surface of the Taurus. These insects attract only the presence of food. The problem is that for black food cockroaches there can be anything - from quite suitable food residues, to garbage and tamper products, as well as skin, paper and even human hair.

How to get rid of black cockroaches at home, what funds are needed for an effective struggle, and what should be taken to prevent their re-appearance?

How to get rid of black cockroaches forever: the main methods of struggle

If you saw these insects in your home, the question should immediately arise how to bring black cockroaches. These creatures are much more dangerous than it seems at first glance: disseminate infectious diseases, do not pain, but carrying pathogens of infection on their foot and bodies. In addition to all black cockroaches simply cause disgust.

Do not know how to get rid of black cockroaches as quickly and forever? Now we will analyze all possible methods of struggle - chemical and folk, among which are particularly often used:

  • Aerosols like "Dichlofos", "Raptor" and other famous brands.
  • Insecticidal powders and gels.
  • Small "Masha".
  • Lemon and boric acid.
  • Ammonia.
  • Heat treatment.

Large black cockroaches appeared in the apartment? How to get rid of - Tell!

How to get rid of black cockroaches

Black cockroaches in the apartment: how to get rid of special means

Important! Before bringing black cockroaches from the house with special means based on chemistry, it is necessary to take care of their own security, as well as the safety of all people and animals in the processed rooms. When processing poisoning aerosols, the house should be left at a certain time (5-6 hours).

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For efficient and operational combating black cockroaches, the following insecticides can be applied, which have proven themselves from the positive side:

  • Aerosols. The most popular - "Dichlofos", "Raptor" and "Sinuzan". The use of aerosol is the best answer to the question of how to get rid of cockroaches in a private house. It is fairly evenly spray enough to the means in the rooms, having previously closed all the windows and doors, and then leave the house. After a certain period, you should return to the house and assemble the dead insects.
  • Gels. The gel "Raptor" is widely used, but you can choose insecticides from other manufacturers. The use of the means is very simple - you need to smear the gel of the plinth, corners and other places for which insects often run. Disadvantage: The death of black cockroaches occurs only with direct contact with the gel, But the insect can and run past. Despite this, the use of the method gives its results.
  • Small "Masha". Means, on the principle of use similar to gels. It is necessary to draw tracks on the plinths and other insect habitats, after which it is to wait until the cockroaches are exposed to the means.
  • Poison powders. Long-playing agents against black cockroaches, which are enough to scatter in the habitats of insects. The action of the powder is very long, thanks to which it is possible to use it once and forget the re-procedure for a long time. In efficiency, it is not inferior to insecticidal gels and chalk.

Important! Before getting rid of black cockroaches forever with the help of gels, chalk and powders, you should take care that small children and pets have undergone the action of these funds. These funds can harm health and life when entering the body in large quantities!

How to get rid of black cockroaches

How to bring black cockroaches from the house using specialists

Appeared black house cockroaches? How to get rid of if you are not sure that the independent struggle with black cockroaches you die? Solution - it is necessary to contact special services that are engaged in the removal of insect pests from residential buildings and apartments. It is worth specifying several facts regarding the disinsection procedure:

  • Road air It is advisable to exercise 2-3 hours after the work, and before that - to keep windows and doors closed.
  • Enough leave the room at the time of the procedure (Animals can be closed on the balcony or in the room, in which the processing is not planned). After disinsection, you can return back (but during the holding it is necessary to be outside the processed room).

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In the process of disinsection, the room is treated with special preparations destructive for cockroaches. For this, pulverizers and other devices are used. Work is carried out by a master in a protective suit and respirator.

In order to call the disinsection service, it is enough to call by the organization number and make an order for the destruction of cockroaches.

How to get rid of black cockroaches

How to get rid of black cockroaches by folk remedies

Many people who do not want in addition to the cockroaches to train themselves and their close chemicals, there is a question of how to get rid of black cockroaches by folk remedies. If you feel about this category, good news for you! For effective struggle, you can apply the following methods:

  • Traps. Take the glass jar, lubricate its inner walls with vegetable or sunflower oil, put inward food and leave the place in the black cockroach available. Being attracted by the smell of food, insects will penetrate into the bank, but the outside will not be able to get out. After catching insects, you should destroy in any available way. You can also purchase special traps that kill insects using an electric discharge.
  • Figure. Not the most affordable, but effective method that can be applied only in the cold season or in the northern regions. The windows of the house or apartments are open (at the same time the batteries are hidden), and in such a state the home is left per day. After the expiration of the window is closed, the premises are attacked, and the killed insects are taken out of the house.
  • Boric acid. Mix a small amount of boric acid powder with sugar, flour, vanilla and egg yolk. Make small balls from the resulting mixture and place them all over the apartment in places favorite cockroaches. The meal of the mixture will lead to the imminent death of black cockroaches. Instead of boric acid, it is possible to use lemon - it has the same negative effect on insects.
  • Ammonia. Black cockroaches do not tolerate ammonia odor. In order to scare them, rinse the floors, walls, walls (if possible) and furniture, including kitchen. The solution is one spoon of alcohol per liter of water. It is recommended to engage in this processing regularly for several weeks.

Now you know how to easily get rid of large black cockroaches with the help of chemical and folk remedies. However, there is another method - ultrasonic.

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How to get rid of black cockroaches

How to get rid of black cockroaches at home with ultrasound

Residents of insects infected with apartments that are asked about how to get rid of black cockroaches in the bathroom and other premises, do not always think about the use of modern technologies. We are talking about devices emitting ultrasound frequencies.

Ultrasonic repeller radiates ultrasound, which is perceived by black cockroaches as a signal of danger (it is precisely such an individual signals to communicate with each other when the populations threaten external factors) . As soon as the cockroach falls into the distribution area of ​​a certain sound frequency, published by the repeller, the insect in a panic leaves the "dangerous zone". Thus, you can expel insects far beyond the apartment.

It is worth remembering that ultrasound emitters do not kill black cockroaches - they only scare them. Therefore, do not try to find on the sale of devices capable of destroying insects. If you see this - do not believe. Most likely, this is an ordinary advertising move.

How to get rid of black cockroaches

Useful tips: how to bring black cockroaches

Did the black cockroaches in the apartment have been discovered? How to get rid of them and never see anymore? Below you can familiarize yourself with simple, but efficient advice:

  • Find and eliminate the "source" of black cockroaches. As a rule, they are holes in the floors and walls, through which insects fall into the house from the street or from the neighbors (from nowhere insects do not appear). Detected holes must be embedded - for this you can use a putty or even a mounting foam.
  • Remove all sources of food for cockroaches. Wash the dishes immediately after making food, and not before it. Take out garbage timely. In the apartment, devoid of food sources for insects, black cockroaches do not come true. Even if they appear - do not delay.
  • Treat all the places of the possible appearance of cockroaches. With the help of gels and chalk, as well as other means, treat the plinth, corners and furniture. Insecticidated powder insecticide to increase the effectiveness of the fight against cockroaches.

Important! You should not relax after removing cockroaches from home. If you do not follow the cleanliness, insects will definitely return to the apartment and continue their "mission".

How to get rid of black cockroaches

Video: How to get rid of black cockroaches

Would you like to consolidate knowledge that will help you get rid of black cockroaches? We offer you to watch a video that most widely reveals the subject of the question.

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