How to get rid of forty-eyed in a private house


How to get rid of forty-eyed in a private house

Owners of private houses are often faced with a variety of, uninvited "grainbriques" in their home: ants and beetles, caterpillars and agricultural products - frequent guests in the countryside. If your gender is not processed by construction mastic, most likely, the waxes will settle exactly there.

Unlike most other insects, many-ones are not only not dangerous, but also useful for a person, but their appearance is able to scare to horror both children and adults. There are many ways to get rid of forty-glass in the house.

How to get rid of forty-eyed in the house of folk remedies

Most people living in private homes have pets or small children. For this reason, injury by chemical means is extremely dangerous method. In this case, you need to resort to methods of popular experience in combating insects. To date, this is the most common solution to the problem.

From the Sorryokozhek you can get rid of the following folk remedies:

  • Boric acid;
  • Red sharp (Cayenne) pepper;
  • Diatom powder;
  • Special traps;
  • Drying premises;
  • Sealing plumbing;
  • Installation of protective grids on ventilation;
  • Elimination of all insects in the house, for deprivation of meals;
  • Elimination of the organic near the house.

How to get rid of forty-eyed in a private house

How to get rid of forty-glass in the house with a boric acid

Boric acid is the main neuroperalizing agent to combat the majority of insects. It also works great on the fortieth. But, in contrast to the etching of cockroaches, it does not need to be mixed with food and lay off the house - boric acid can only help where the waistly inhabit, or where they come from. How to remove forty-eyed from the house with such a substance?

If this livestivity appears from stocks and ventilation - it is necessary to embroider boric acid in these places, so that the flour of the mukholovka passed on it and poisoned. It is even better - to process her the most large area - to get into the body. Torrystrokes of the fleece may be inside the insect eaten by it, which means that it is not forbing the many-petal monsters themselves, but their food. Therefore, if the Sorry-Troops hunts on someone concrete - for example, on cockroaches, it is necessary to make bait, first of all, for them - risks on the habitat places from egg yolk with the addition of boric acid powder.

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For people, children and animals, Boric Acid is harmless, but most insects are cockroaches, bugs, flies die, trying her "taste".

How to get rid of forty-eyed in a private house

How to get rid of forty-eyed in a private house with the help of traps

Often, people who are "lucky" with the neighbors in the form of forty-shoes are recommended to install traps against forty-skinned. This is not the most effective method. So sticky tapes installed in the places of their frequent cluster can only delay their living creatures, and, maximum to deprive it of several paws. But the paws grow rebel, and the waist continues to hunt in your territory. Therefore, traps are considered to be the least effective means against the forty-eyed.

Of course, you can catch them "on the livery" - by placing the fly on the tape. But, most likely, the shaggy "monster" will enjoy and calmly leave the trap without hitting it.

How to get rid of forty-eyed in a private house

Elimination of humidity indoor to combat

Sorrystops dwell in a wet environment, so they do not meet them in houses with a dry climate. If there were many neighbors in your dwelling in your home, try to reduce moisture.

  • Check all the plumbing devices for the presence of sublishes, stoles and pollution. Make the necessary repair work, making sure that the cranes and pipes no longer give excessive humidity.
  • Constantly ventilate the premises. Especially bathroom - install a special exhaust, more often leave the doors open to circulating more dry air.
  • Make sure that there are no places of mold in your home - especially under the floor and in the cremes of the walls. Mold attracts a flour in a dwelling.
  • Purchase bags with silica gel, a special absorbent, draining the air around yourself. Place the packages in those places where the moisture is often copied - in the basements, in the attic, in storeroom and shower.

Attention! Place silica gel in places inaccessible to children, in order to avoid the use of a chemical preparation in food!

How to get rid of forty-eyed in a private house

How to remove forty-eyed out of the house mechanical ways

The main advantage of the fortieth is that they are not fruitful in the house and will not "raise" in private houses with colonies. Torrystrokes, for the most part, single hunters. The easiest all from time to time to arrange a night hunt, armed with a satellite, fly swatter or vacuum cleaner. If you do not want to kill the insect - you can catch it to the jar and throw it out on the street.

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Important! Any mechanical method of combating meat-glasses will require you a considerable speed and skill, as well as strong nerves. The disgusting creature is also very strong - to kill or catch it from the first time it is hardly possible.

In addition to catching insects, it is necessary to take measures to make it no longer returned:

  • Firstly, Remove the favorable conditions for the spread of insects near the house. It is no secret that the vestipers need moisture and insects as food. And if there is a pioneer with unexigible wood, compost, ditch with water - be sure, insects next to you in the courtyard will definitely brace in the dwelling. To minimize the risk of the appearance of Sorryokozhek in the house, increase the distance between the organic clusters and the structure itself. Transfer the compost to the long end of your site, push the flight and try to dry it as much as possible. If there is a street toilet - try as often as possible to fall asleep his ash or sawdust.
  • Secondly, Mouse over to the house. Crumbs, garbage, dust, humidity are favorable conditions for the appearance of cockroaches and flies, and therefore, and the Sorokhlohee. Do not forget to wash and dry the basement, storerooms and other utility sites.
  • Thirdly, get rid of any holes and cracks in your home. Take out the space between the pipes and walls, legish the window slots, pass the sealant according to the foundation and the outer walls of the house. Do not forget about the plinths and thresholds, boiler room, basement, veranda or terrace. If there is a special LAZ for animals - put the mobile grid on it that the cat or the dog will move your head, and which will return to its original position, tightly closing the passage for other animals.
  • Fourth, install protective grids on sewer inputs, ventilation and windows. Treat grids by boric acid or other means from insects. Pour into the pipes disconnecting powder, boric acid or insecticides for the night. Close the sinks, bathrooms and showers with special traffic jams that will not allow the cuts to get out of the pipes.
  • Fifth, if you have a wooden floor - treat it with parquet mastic. This will surely save you from individuals living in the floor - the Sorrystrokes hate mastic.

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How to get rid of forty-eyed in a private house

Additional ways to deal with ag-glands in the house

Homemade Home: How to get rid of without resorting to chemicals? You can try to poison the flyballs in the house with the help of Cayenne Pepper. It must be poured in the places of insect penetration to the house. Also suitable powder from the inflorescences of the chamomile - Pyrethrum. You can buy a food diatom of powder or a boor - they are also effective when dealing with the waxes. But for the interaction of the "mandeship" should at least run on them, and even better - to consume already a poisoned insect in the food.

Torrystrokes will leave your home yourself, if you eliminate moisture and potential food - they will just go hunting to another place. Therefore, before riding the fortieth, get rid of other insects. If you met the invasion of the Sorryokozhek, and the above methods did not help you - feel free to contact the specialized company. Your home and territory next to it will be treated with powerful chemical compositions and destroy all sorts of livery, including the Sorry-shock.

How to get rid of forty-eyed in a private house

How to get rid of forty-eyed in a private house with special means

Multonyzzo can be easily expelled from the house with various insecticides and chemicals.

Frequently helping chalks and gels from cockroaches - such chemistry, the vests in the Spirit are not tolerated, and, having sought, seek to go away.

Aerosol preparations from crawling insects are very effective:

  • Raid;
  • Raptor;
  • Combat;
  • Moskitol.

Aerosols are sprayed locally, when meeting with insects, and they are processed by the places of the most likely penetration of flies. Update spraying is necessary every three or four days.

Chemicals from multi-ninexes are not so much on sale, but they are well there are well-profile drugs listed above.

Important! When processing the room insecticides, it is necessary to expel the house of all households and animals, pack food and medicines, put on protective outfit - mask, gloves, respirator, glasses and suit, and tightly close all windows and doors. After disinsection, to ventilate in a few hours. Conduct wet cleaning.

The chemical remedy for the forty-glazes in the house is worth using only if the deliverance from moisture and insects and folk methods did not help, because such funds can harm not only insects, but also for children and domestic pets!

How to get rid of forty-eyed in a private house

Video on the topic of the Sorryokozhek

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