Sewing curtains and lambrequins with their own hands can make each


Curtains are an integral part of the interior of the apartment, their appearance is capable not only to supplement, but also radically transform the design of the room. Registration of the window opening with additional elements (tulle or lambrequins) gives the composition completed a holistic appearance.

Sewing curtains and lambrequins with their own hands can make each


Sewing curtains and lambrequins with their own hands allows you to embody bold author's ideas and design ideas. The technology of sewing curtains and lambrequins is relatively simple and does not require any special skills, any neat and attentive mistress will cope with such a task. Learning to sew curtains and lambrequins will help numerous publications on the network and video tutorials of experienced masters, and controversial issues can be clarified by talking with colleagues on specialized forums.

Sewing curtains and lambrequins with their own hands can make each

Learning sewing curtains and lambrequins is not only useful, but also a fascinating process that allows you to fully show your own fantasy.

Types of Labreken

Before you independently sew curtains with Labreken, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of sewing and decide on the model and design. When choosing a model, the size of the window, the illumination of the room, the purpose of the room (kitchen, bedroom, living room or children) and other factors are taken into account.

Lambreken is the subject of drapery window opening and is installed horizontally at the top of the curtain or curtains in the entire width of the eaves. Distinguish such types of lambrequins:

Sewing curtains and lambrequins with their own hands can make each

  1. Classic. Collected in the folds of various widths and shapes with braid.
  2. Bando. As the basis, a hard framework is used, on which the selected fabric is mounted. The design can be installed with a ceiling and hide the cornice and the top of the curtains. The lower edge of the bandage is curly or smooth, and the facial surface, if desired, decorates stucco, overhead elements and other details.
  3. Openwork. Rigid fabric with carved on it using a laser with an original pattern. It can be used as an independent window design element or complete with soft lambrene. It is attached to the eaves with the help of self-adhesive tape or other fasteners.
  4. Soft. For the manufacture uses soft types of cloth of one color or close shades, harmonize with light curtains.
  5. Buff. At the edges of the window, a semi-send the selected size is formed, not overlapping light access.

Sewing curtains and lambrequins with their own hands can make each


You should not limit yourself to the choice of one of the above species. Uniform standards and requirements for the appearance of lambrequins do not exist, so you can safely combine materials and styles, add decorative elements, experimenting with tissues - the main thing is to be guided by common sense, have a sense of measure, do not overload the composition with superfluous parts and take into account the interior of the room.

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The design of the classic type of lambrequins depends on the shape, width and method of laying folds and is represented by such varieties:

Sewing curtains and lambrequins with their own hands can make each

  • Jab. They differ simplicity of manufacturing and variety of design. Soft folds of jabs can be placed symmetrically, in the corner, several layers and in another way.
  • Kokil. Double jabin. Vertical folds begin with side sides and join the center of the eaves.
  • Svag. The folds are performed in the form of an arc, the free sagging gives the type of lightness and airiness.
  • Cake It differs from the switch of depth of savage, as a result of which the gaps between the lambrequin and the eaves are formed. For the manufacture uses soft types of fabrics.
  • Bell. The folds are performed in the form of a cone similar to the bell.

Sewing curtains and lambrequins with their own hands can make each

Labreken design

When choosing a design, it is necessary to take into account that the curtains and lambrene are performed in one style and should look harmoniously.

Fabric selection

You can perform sewing curtains and lambrequins from one type of fabric, but the combination of tissues of various colors and density allows you to achieve a more interesting and original effect. Sewing the curtains from a certain type of fabric depends not only on the color range of the room, but also on the size and shape of the room. So fabrics with a transverse pattern visually increase the width of the room, and with vertical - height. Curtains without lambrequin usually hang indoors with very low ceilings.

The density is selected based on the level of lighting. So for the shadow side, it is preferable to purchase a lightweight material of light tones, but if there is a straight sun rays in the room all day, the protection will become a more dense tone of dark shades.

Sewing curtains and lambrequins with their own hands can make each

Natural materials (cotton, silk) are less resistant to burnout and require the installation of a lining material, in addition, they are complex in care and better absorb various odors.

The synthetic and semi-synthetic materials are popular with taffeta, viscose and organza - such fabrics are easily cleaning from any kind of contamination and have an excellent appearance.

Pick up the desired type of fabric and tailoring the curtains yourself without even a newcomer.

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Calculation, cutting and tailoring

Sewing curtains and lambrequins with their own hands can make each

In order to sew curtains with lambrequin, you need a simple set of tools and devices available for each mistress:

  • Sewing machine.
  • Santimeter tape and ruler.
  • Small or pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • Iron.
  • Needles and threads of the corresponding colors.

Sewing curtains and lambrequins with their own hands can make each

Pattern scheme

Schemes of sewing Curtains and patterns for lambrequins of various types and designs Today, without much difficulty can be found on the Internet, however, regardless of the selected option, we should follow the general rules:

  • Cutting and tailoring curtains and lambrequins requires a flat flat surface. At home, the pattern is better to produce on a flat uncovered floor.
  • By producing a lambrequin calculation, it should be borne in mind that the optimal bandwidth approximately equals 1/6 of the floor from the floor to the ceiling.
  • If the curtains with lambrequin have repetitive elements, you can make a template from cardboard for convenience.

The calculation of the required amount of tissue is calculated after measuring the size of the window, the distance from the eaves to the floor and the length of the eaves. The width is calculated taking into account the number and depth of the folds. 2-3 cm on the seams obtained are added to the obtained values, after which the lambrene can be cut. For example, to sew a lambrequin with folds (oblique swag) material linked as follows:

Sewing curtains and lambrequins with their own hands can make each

  1. Pattern scheme is transferred to paper.
  2. The square cloth adds diagonally.
  3. A paper pattern is superimposed on the folded cloth and will be checked on the contour.
  4. There are places of future folds.
  5. The billet is cut and squeezed along the edge of the tape, baker or fringe.
  6. Folds are laid and fixed using a pin.
  7. After laying all the folds, the top edge is flashing one or two lines. Thus, one element of oblivion is obtained, the desired number of parts is manufactured in the same sequence.

    Sewing curtains and lambrequins with their own hands can make each

  8. Next, individual elements are connected to each other. The side side is superimposed with a reserve of 15-25 cm on the lower element and is fixed using the pin. When calculating the total length of the lambrequin to the length of the eaves, 5-7 cm is added to attach the mounting plate. To achieve the required width, the flank length can be adjusted.
  9. All parts are stitched by one line, and the seam is processed by iron.
  10. A drapery tape and lambrequin are sewed to the invalid side of the fastener, after which the top edge of the plank is bent and turns the tape.

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View video design

Tailoring the curtains with their own hands also begins with the cutting fabric. The markup is made on the floor, with the side edges, the tolerance of 1.5-3 cm is left, and from above and below - 5-7 cm, after which the edges are stroke, and the curtain tape of the required width is fixed to the upper edge. On this tailoring of the curtain is over.

To begin with, not having sufficient experience, you can sew the curtains of the lambrequinos of the simplest view itself, and the original design is achieved with additional elements.

Sewing curtains and lambrequins with their own hands can make each

It is not difficult to sew curtains with the lambrequins themselves at all, the main thing is to accurately stick the sizes and perform the work extremely neatly.

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