Sewing lambrequin for curtains - the fastest way!


Curtains with lambrequen - one of the most elegant details in the interior of the room. They attract attention to themselves, look rich and exquisite.

Sewing lambrequin for curtains - the fastest way!

Execution option

From this article, you will learn what kind of lambrequin and which types of this decor exist. We will consider in detail the sequence of work on its creation and teach you how to independently sew a lambrene.

What is Lambreken

Labreken is a horizontal band of fabric, located at the top of the curtain, which is attached to the eaves either to the canvas itself. Initially, they performed a purely functional role - they were closed by the holder of the cornice, but thanks to a significant addition to the general visual picture of the curtain, the lambrenes are now used mainly as decoration.

Sewing lambrequin for curtains - the fastest way!

The correctly selected combination of lambrequin and the curtain makes it possible to influence the visual proportions of the window - it softens the corners, making the opening visually wider. The standard Lambonen length varies from 1/7 to 1/5 of the curtain length.

The classification of this decor element is performed on the basis of two factors: stiffness and shape of the structure.

Hard lambrequins were once performed from wood, now such products are extremely rare - mainly in ethnic interiors created on the basis of ancient Russian or English culture. To replace them, they came structures made on the basis of the "Bando" - a dense thermoclaim material used as a lining under Kan.

Sewing lambrequin for curtains - the fastest way!

Soft lambrequins are made from one layer of textiles. They may consist of from the monolithic canvas, so of several, different slicing of the fabric. It is the mild structures that are characteristic of the most fancy drapery and a variety of lush forms.

About form: The simplest lambrequins are a smooth horizontal strip of tissue, decorated with rolling or folds, complex - this cannon with curly finish, unevenly hanging on different sides of the eaves.

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Sewing lambrequin for curtains - the fastest way!

Elegant combination with monophonic curtains

Sewing simple lambrequen

Sew the lambrequen with their own hands - it is not so difficult, as it seems. Sewing simple samples, in fact, no different from the creation of ordinary curtains.

To sehe the lambrequin you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Chalk or dry soap;
  • Scissors;
  • Sewing machine, needles, pins, threads;
  • Iron;
  • Measuring tape;
  • Fabric (for simple products well suited easy, well draped textiles);
  • Curtain tape;
  • Decorative edging (as an option - oblique beyk).

Sewing lambrequin for curtains - the fastest way!

First of all, you need to remove measurements from the window - to determine the width of the cornice and the height of the curtains. If you plan to sew a lambrequin into a fold, calculate the additional tissue consumption based on the assembly coefficient of the used curtain tape (standard 2-2.5). If the product is smooth, without drapery, the width of the fabric will be a similar width of the eaves (plus several centimeters for seams on the sides).

For example: To sew a lambrequin for a curtain with a width of 175 centimeters, which will have light vertical folds, you need to use the assembly coefficient 1.5. Based on which it will require a toddler width in 263 centimeters for sewing.

Sewing lambrequin for curtains - the fastest way!

175 * 1.5 = 262.5 cm.

The height of the canvas is determined arbitrarily, but it should not exceed 1/5 curtain height. Circling the lambrequins of a simple sample is better than horizontal or arched shape - the pattern can be created independently, having painted it on a sheet of paper of the appropriate size and weened using tracing cartridges or use ready-made samples.

If you are trying to sew curtains with lambrequins for the first time, use the arched scheme below - such a product is extremely simple.

Simple lambrequins for curtains are sewn according to the following algorithm:

  1. We fold the tissue in the central collar, we mark the extreme sizes and carry out the longitudinal line of the arch;

    Sewing lambrequin for curtains - the fastest way!

  2. On lateral circuits, add 2 centimeters on the seams;
  3. Cut the pattern, wrap and add the side seams;
  4. We finish the lower and sides of the oblique baker;
  5. We sew to the top of the workpiece with a curtain braid;
  6. We are tightening so that the width of the canvas becomes a similar width of the eaves.

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On this, everything - elementary lambrequen can be sewn through one and a half or two hours.

Sewing lambrequin for curtains - the fastest way!

Tailoring with Ruffle and Lining

Singing hard structures with a lining is somewhat more complicated, but also with this can cope with any needlewoman. We suggest you make openwork lambrene with your own hands. To do this, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. First of all, you need to make molds - draw a pattern on the hard paper and cut it carefully;
  2. Now you need to carve out the lambrene - attach the blank to the bandage, transfer the contours of the pattern and cut the lining;
  3. Bando apply to the wrong side of the tissue. If you are using the thermo bandage, turn the lining through the parchment paper. With the self-adhesive bandage, it is enough just to remove the protective layer and glued to the canvas;

    Sewing lambrequin for curtains - the fastest way!

  4. Cut the cloth along the contour of the stencil with a special soldering iron (when it is not enough, use the sharp stationery), leaving 1 centimeter on the seams on each side;
  5. On Overlock, along the edges of the pattern, we admonish fabric to the lining. Sewing lines, if desired, close the decorative braid.

To make openwork lambrequin you will have to work hard, but the result is worth it - such a product will become a real decoration of any curtain.

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Sewing curtains and lambrequins is accompanied by a variety of options for their finishing. Consider the most popular of them:

  • The trim is a fringe - to sew a lambrequin with a fringe take a decorative braid with a width of 5 centimeters more of the main web, adjust the ends of the ribbon with a booze on the front side of the lambrequin and set it up with two longitudinal lines;
  • Ribbon finishing - when using the tape, its length should be 5-10 cm. More product width, it is pinned with pins to the lower edge of the canvas, the side ends are bent onto the involve and the finish is adhering to two lines;

    Sewing lambrequin for curtains - the fastest way!

  • Festones - Sew the curtains with lambrequin decorated with festons will help the usual saucer - attach it to the bottom of the back side of the tissue and outline the contours of the festoons, cut the cloth along the markup lines. To the top slice of the cloth, the drapery braid, it is necessary for giving the folds to the festers. Festo themselves cover decorative ribbon.

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