Is it possible to glue wallpaper on the water-level paint, the preparation of the walls


I recently started repairs in my apartment. She got me from her grandmother and was in the old building. And as we know, in such houses, many walls were painted with paints. Here, actually, it is an urgent question, is it possible to glue the wallpaper on the water-level paint? For the answers, I went to my friend Anton and he gladly agreed not only to express me all the technology of the process, but also help prepare the walls and shove wallpaper on them.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on the water-level paint, the preparation of the walls

Glue wallpaper

Find out what makeup walls painted

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on the water-level paint, the preparation of the walls

Is it possible to glue the wallpaper on the water-level paint?

As Anton explained to me, it is very important to know with the help of what kind of coloring matter there was a decoration of the walls. Some paints do not allow walls of walls with wallpaper, so it is better to make them better to paint or remove the old finish and prepare the surface under a new facing.

To clarify the type of paint, it is possible to use a simple way and with the help of a spatula, and find out how staining was carried out. To do this, try to remove part of the finishes - if large and small layers are peeled from the wall, it was covered with an oil mixture or nitroemal. If the coating creates or pecks together with the plaster, then this is unambiguously a water-based solution.

Important! Oil paint is distinguished by the existence of smell and for wicked walls, wallpaper will have to completely remove the old coating.

Now, when I and you also decided how your walls are painted, you can proceed to surface preparation.

Preparatory work from Anton

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on the water-level paint, the preparation of the walls

Wallpaper in the room

Anton confidently told me that if there are cracks on the walls, potholes or in some places, the paint was departed, then the first necessary process would be sealing flaws with a putty. Since there were no such problems with my walls, we immediately switched to the second item, which was called: Surface stripping.

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To do this, we needed a logging of large grain - with its help, we have been treated with the entire surface. It is resorted to this method to improve the adhesion of wallpaper and walls as much as possible, as well as remove all the dirt that has accumulated over many years. After this process, dust will appear in the room, which is worth removing from walls, gender and ceiling with a broom or vacuum cleaner. Now we turn to the application of the primer layer, which will also increase the declaration of the adhesive solution with the wall. Apply the primer on clean and washed walls, and then wait for it to complete drying. If you wish, you can use the means that protect the surface from the formation of fungus and mold.

Before glueing wallpaper on the water-mounted paint, it is worth a qualitatively prepare the entire surface, because it will be from this that the service life of your new finish will depend. And if you do not want, in order, after a short time, paper or other wallpapers just started flaking from the wall, then make all the work carefully and strictly according to the technology.

Tips before starting the salary

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on the water-level paint, the preparation of the walls

Glue wallpaper on the walls covered with water-emulsion paint

Before helping me punish paper wallpapers, Anton gave me some tips that became very relevant. So:

  1. If it is planned to apply heavy choler, then the entire surface need to be sealed with an intermediate layer of paper. In the process of further salary, do that wallpaper and paper did not coincide with the seams
  2. For waterfront paint, you can use one trick. Before starting finishes, water-emulsion paint on the wall should be coated with a solution of soil and glue, in proportions 1: 1
  3. Spend your experience and glue a piece of newspaper and old wallpaper on the wall. If, after complete drying, you need to apply force to tear them, you can safely begin to glue the wallpaper of any type, whether paper, vinyl or liquid
  4. Glue wallpaper on the water emulsion paint is better after the day after applying primers

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After such tips, we quickly began to fulfill the conceived and must tell you that I was satisfied with the result. In fact, I didn't even think that glue paper wallpaper, and even the previously painted wall would be so simple.

Pray Wallpaper Water-Emulsion Paints

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on the water-level paint, the preparation of the walls

Independently glue wallpaper

If in the future you plan to paint the tag, then you should know that paper and vinyl canvases are simply not suitable for such purposes. Paper tapers in mind their characteristics and properties do not like wet rooms and water influences.

Let's look at a few tips from specialists:

  • Pick the mixture to paint the walls based on the operating conditions of the room. It is best to immediately use the paints that are protected from mechanical impacts and are not afraid of water.
  • Pigment must not be added immediately, but gradually. During this, constantly stir the solution. Such actions will help control color saturation.
  • You can dilute too thick paint with water, but should not overdo it that it does not harm the main properties of paint
  • Many masters love to use such a painting wallpaper that originally already have a color and paint them possible in 3-4 years after the start of operation


Is it possible to glue wallpaper on the water-level paint, the preparation of the walls

Glue wallpaper alone

After all the works and sticking paper wallpapers on the water-mounted paint at home, I realized that you should not be afraid to perform these processes alone. For efficiently carrying out repairs, it is only worth considering the process of preparing the walls and the ceiling, and then glue the sleepers in the room strictly according to the technology. Do not neglect the advice of specialists who, over many years of work, learned some tricks of such events. The presence of good adhesion is always a guarantee of high-quality and successful shaking wallpaper. Only in this case, your new interior will delight you for a long year. And do not forget that it is best to start glue from window openings, then the seams will not be so visible. If you still doubt your abilities, please contact qualified specialists who will help bring peace and comfort to your home together with the new interior.

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