What fertilizers to use on the backdrop?


Plants can be grown in the garden or in pots, each of them requires a certain composition of the soil. But even if you choose the soil as accurately as possible, it is not a guarantee that it will give the plant the necessary nutrients in which it needs. Among other things, growing plants in the garden is simply impossible for each of them to organize a certain composition of the soil. But there is an output - fertilizer.

What fertilizers to use on the backdrop?

Good fertilizer does not have to be expensive. To date, there is a huge number of fertilizer species, but the best of them is organic.

Especially important is the choice in favor of organic fertilizer when growing vegetables and fruits, because chemical fertilizers can accumulate in the fruits, which can lead to poisoning of the human body.

What fertilizers to use on the backdrop?

As a rule, gardeners buy such a fertilizer that is available. For the most part, these are chemical fertilizers. Since the use of organic, despite its safety and benefit, stimulates the growth of weeds, which in the presence of a large garden can become a problem.

Organic fertilizer

The easiest way to get organic fertilizer is to find small farms on rabbits or chickens and buy a product of animal vital activity or organic fertilizer. Cow owners can also help in this matter, but here you need to be prepared for what you have to search and collect cow pellets. But despite the troubles for the search and delivery of organic fertilizer, it is the best for any kind of plants.

What fertilizers to use on the backdrop?

It should be remembered that the organic fertilizer makes exclusively herbivores, carnivorous on the contrary, pollute the ground with their excrement, including the transfer of parasites, for example, cats can transmit such a disease as toxoplasmosis with excrement. Fortunately, finding the right organic fertilizer if desired, it is absolutely not difficult.

Various herbivores produce waste with different composition. For example, the excrement of the rabbit is called "black gold", they can fertilize the soil around the plants, since there are a huge amount of nitrogen and phosphorus in their composition, which is very beneficial effect on the plants.

What fertilizers to use on the backdrop?

Kura produce one of the richest fertilizer microelements containing a large amount of nitrogen. Chicken excrement must move before they can be used as fertilizer.

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What fertilizers to use on the backdrop?

Those organic fertilizers that are sold in stores, most of them contain unwanted salts and weed seeds, this is not the best choice for your garden.

Cow pellets are also used as an organic fertilizer . Since in it the concentration of nutrients is not too high, it can be used in large quantities. This fertilizer can be used in the spring when pumping the soil, stirring with an explosive land, organic fertilizer from under the cows will update the ground and saturates with its nutrients, albeit in small quantities.

What fertilizers to use on the backdrop?

Horses and sheep, as well as chickens produce a "hot" fertilizer before using it, it is necessary to wait until the manure takes over and turn into compost. It is usually appreciated by the manure of those animals that fed on with hay and grain, since it contains a huge amount of nutrients.

Why did the "chemistry" worse?

Since the appearance of chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers have lost their popularity. But over time, its popularity resumes, because at least chemical fertilizers act quickly, their purchase and use is easy and without much difficulties. But for plants, a more natural-natural fertilizer, which will not accumulate in various parts, such as fruits, which is important for vegetable and fruit crops.

What fertilizers to use on the backdrop?

Yes, organic fertilizer in terms of its search and the process of fertilizer is slightly difficult, but the result will be much better as for the plant itself and for the environment.

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What fertilizers to use on the backdrop?

What fertilizers to use on the backdrop?

What fertilizers to use on the backdrop?

What fertilizers to use on the backdrop?

What fertilizers to use on the backdrop?

What fertilizers to use on the backdrop?

What fertilizers to use on the backdrop?

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