Bacteria for septic and cesspools: what live microbes are better, reviews


Bacteria for septic and cesspools: what live microbes are better, reviews

Many hassle owners of cottages and private houses delivers local sewage. Significantly its maintenance in proper order helps to support bacteria for septic and cesspool. A full-fledged septic tying is not always possible - a considerable area is required for its components. Therefore, most of the owners of small areas or cottages is limited by a cesspool device. This simplest version of local sewage has a feature to distribute unpleasant odors. They can be killed by chlorine, but also its specific aroma of comfort by residents at home does not add.

Unlike chlorine lime, some microorganisms are microbes for the septic and cesspool, they cope with this inconvenience much better: they completely destroy the smell of feces.

How bacteria work

In septices and cesspools, there are always living microorganisms, under the influence of which waste has been decomposition. However, this process proceeds so slowly that the effect of their activities to wait a long time. Additionally entered microbes for cesspool Many times increase the purification speed.

Live bacteria for sewage are grown in special laboratories. They are harmless to the human body. These microorganisms feed on our livelihoods: food waste, feces. Paper, soap solution, fat deposits are also to taste. As a result of the operation of the bacteria, the organic cleavage occurs on simple substances:

  • carbon dioxide;
  • water;
  • Nitrates, etc.

The contents of the pit turns into a muddy driver that does not have any smell. At the same time, there are intact basic materials involved in the construction of a cesspool - concrete, wood or plastic.

One of the main conditions of the viability of bacteria is Sufficient water content in a septica or cesspool. If, for example, the toilet has just been built, or the contents are made from the septic, it does not make sense to run germs - they will not survive there. In this case, can fill into a pit of several buckets of water.

Important: The temperature in which bacteria live for the septic is +4 - +45 degrees.

Benefits of biological cleaning

Live bacteria for cesspools practically destroy the unpleasant smell. In addition, there are still a number of positive moments when using microorganisms:

Bacteria for septic and cesspools: what live microbes are better, reviews

Live bacteria for cleaning septic and cesspool BioForce (Bioforce)

  • reduction of sewage waste;
  • Reducing the number of pumping of the contents of septic and cesspool;
  • restoration of colonies of useful bacteria;
  • Waste thinning and disinfection them.

Another important advantage of using biological organisms for cleaning cesspool by bacteria is their safety for the human body and the environment.

Types of bacteria

Bacteria for drain yams are divided into two types:
  • aerobic;
  • Anaerobic.

Aerobic bacteria for septic and cesspool

This type includes microorganisms, for the vital activity of which oxygen is necessary. To create optimal conditions in Septic, you have to supply air with a compressor.

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Aerobic microbes decompose suspended organic particles. The process is accompanied by drain blending with air bubbles. Aerobic bacteria for septica are located on special panels made of porous fabric. Such a reception protects them from flushing with a strong water flow.

Bacteria for septic and cesspools: what live microbes are better, reviews

Septic aeration system

As a result of the operation of oxygen-enormous microorganisms, water and a small amount of solid precipitate are formed at the bottom of the septic or drain pit. It can be deleted manually without attracting special equipment. It is possible to dump water without additional filtering or drainage wells - they are absolutely harmless. The solid fraction is used as a garden fertilizer.

Anaerobic microbes for septic

Anaerobic bacteria live and work without oxygen intake. Waste, accumulated in septic, under the influence of microbes are overloaded. Some of them fall on the bottom of the tank, where they decompose. Another part turns into water purified by bacteria.

Septics in which these types of microorganisms are used are also called anaerobic. It must be said that this method of cleaning is not the best option compared to aerobic. The main disadvantages include:

  • the need to attract association machines to remove solid precipitation;
  • Mandatory utilization of the obtained solid fractions - it is impossible to use it as a fertilizer due to possible content of pathogens in it dangerous diseases.

In addition, the process of fermentation of waste is accompanied by an unpleasant "aroma".

The water purified by bacteria is subject to additional cleaning - without it it is impossible to drop it into the drainage system. During wastewater to admissible norms occurs in a drainage well or on filtration fields. And in the other case, the role of the filter usually plays a sandy-gravel frustration. The mixture contains soil bacteria, so the filtering process can be called aerobic.

Bacteria for septic and cesspools: what live microbes are better, reviews

Bacteria For the septicch, you need to use strictly according to the instructions - usually powder means are pre-bred in water and insist

Strengthening the quality of cleaning of wastewater using a combination of two types of bacteria. This method of cleaning is possible only in multi-chamber (at least two) septic. Anaerobic and aerobic bacteria are placed in separate cameras. As a result, the effectiveness of water purification is significantly increased.

Live bacteria for septicity require its permanent job : just a few days of downtime (two weeks maximum) will destroy them without hope for recovery. Consequently, in country areas, occasionally visited, to launch microbes into the treatment plant is absolutely useless.

There are many biological preparations for cleaning cesspools and septic. However, not all of them give a good effect. Users allocate several brands, the reliability of which is confirmed by practice.

Dr. Robik

Bacteria for septic and cesspools: what live microbes are better, reviews

Bacteria for septicism and cesspool Dr. Robik - One of the most popular funds for private sewage

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This mixture is applied by many owners of private houses for cleaning toilets (yard) and cesspool. Bacteria, which is included in its composition, it is easy to recycle fats, phenols and other substances of complex and heavy compositions. Dr. Robik is harmless to humans, it does not reduce the service life of sewer pipes. In the cesspool, the tool can be sent through the toilet: it is simply poured into the bowl and drain water from the tank several times. On a five-cup cesspool, a single RoeBIC package is enough.


Quite effective means. Sold in the form of a brownish-orange powder with a slight smell of bread yeast. The basis of Sanack contains special enzymes that are able to decompose not only feces, but also more complex materials:
  • paper;
  • organic fibers;
  • starch;
  • Fats.

In the process of work, SanEX turns into water all the contents of the cesspool. The resulting liquid is neutral, no danger for a person does not carry. It can be used for watering the beds and flower, as well as dump in the reservoirs without additional filtering.


Micropan - product of new technologies. Incoming enzymes and microorganisms in its composition do not harm neither man or plants or animals.

This preparation has two modifications:

  • Micropan - cesspool;
  • Micropan - toilet-bucket.

The first modification can be used in summer cottages equipped with a cesspool. Second - for small volume toilets.

Micropan quickly eliminates unpleasant odors and destroys pathogenic microbes. Fekes and paper it turns into water and mineral precipitate. The solid component can be used as a fertilizer, liquid - for watering plants.


Bacteria for septic and cesspools: what live microbes are better, reviews

Atmorbio Bioactivator

The drug of French production is used to clean cesspools and toilets. Comes in a set of 12 or 24 doses. One dose is enough for one week of waste recycling from a family consisting of two or three people. Acts quickly, with a well-pronounced effect. Under the influence of the atmorbio, the bottom precipitate is diverted, the amount of unclean fraction is noticeably decreased.

Tips for use

First of all, it is necessary to determine which bacteria is better for the septic, and which are for a cesspool and toilet, since the final result of the activities of various means is significantly different. It is better to launch microorganisms in the septic tank, which reduced the volume of solid precipitation. Thus, you can minimize the number of challenges of the assessing machine.

In the country toilets, made by type of cesspool, it is better to add bacteria in tablets that turn waste into safe water and precipitate suitable for use as a fertilizer.

For normal operation of biopreparations, some rules should be followed:

  • We regularly use the sewer, not allowing it for long downtime;
  • Follow the water level in the cesspool: if necessary, tighten it - with a lack of fluid, the microbes will die. The optimal water level is a couple of centimeters above solid waste;
  • Refuse the use of washing powders and chlorine-containing cleaning products: they are destructively acting on microorganisms. If the execution of this rule is not possible for you, acquire special biological preparations containing microorganisms resistant to aggressive chemicals;
  • Before entering into a working environment, prepare the drug, strictly observing the manufacturer's instruction.

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When you first start the biological cleaning of local sewage, you use a "start" mark. They are designed specifically to ensure the rapid growth of colonies of microorganisms. This will help to establish normal sewage operation as soon as possible. In the same way, when restoring the work of septics after long idleness.


If you choose the best bacteria for septic and cesspools - buyers will help you with this. Here is some of them:

"Of course, you can do without special bacteria, and unfortunately many do it, but in our experience I can say that thereby people just complicate their lives and pollute nature.

Personally, I and my family, we constantly use different bioactivators, now for example, it is a bio-formation, so far it copes well with the cleaning of our septica, processes organic sediments well, household waste and eliminates the smell, the only minus means is its price, but it fully corresponds to the quality ... "

Lyudmila, Tver

"For me, it remained a mystery for a long time, why do you need bacteria for septics and that they eventually give ... But, on the advice of acquaintances, I purchased on a sample ... The result was almost immediately - almost disappeared by an unpleasant smell, which pursues any cesspool or septic. It turns out that these bacteria are powered by organic waste, as if skipping them through themselves, as a result, a massive mass is formed, but already in smaller quantities and without an oppressive smell, familiar to many. There is a variant and cons ... For example, a wet environment is needed for full reproduction of these bacteria, so that water had to add water. But in general, this method of cleaning came to my soul - inexpensively and really effectively! "

Alexander, Tula region

"We live in a private house and in the yard there is a street toilet with a cesspool without urban sewage. It is often quite difficult to call the assessing machine, so we use bacteria for cesspools. We use "Dr. Robik". 1 Package is enough for 3000 liters, after a week the smell has become much smaller. In addition, we use the pool in winter, and in the summer, so "Dr. Robik 409" we always have. At the end of the summer, add "Dr. Robik 509", in order to fight or conditions. He also has one big advantage - it does not eat the sewer pipes themselves, and their connections. Who lives in a private house, will appreciate "

Sergey, Rostov-on-Don

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