Septic with your own hands from the barrels: sewage at the cottage from plastic and metal, how to make


Septic with your own hands from the barrels: sewage at the cottage from plastic and metal, how to make

Make a septic with your own hands from barrels - one of the most simple and cheaper ways to ensure wastewater treatment. Its manufacture does not require much time, and materials are available. At the same time, the cleaning structure of this type is quite effective and gives high quality removal of impurities.

Principle of operation of the cleaning facility

In septhes of this type, wastewater is cleaned mainly by mechanical methods:
  • Partial clarification in the deposition of the largest particles of impurities takes place mainly in the first of three consecutively connected containers.
  • Smaller inclusions are settled in the second tank where water flows from the top of the first barrel.
  • The third barrels usually remove the "native" bottom, and when installing the septica in the lower part, a frustration is made of sand, gravel or clay. This material performs filter functions.

Passing through the soil allows you to achieve optimal results, however, this method is not suitable for sections with groundwater located close to the surface. To ensure sanitation in such cases, the drainage of purified drains is organized through filtration fields. Such structures are isolated geotextiles perforated pipes that come out of the third barrel at an angle of 45 ° to each other and are located in the trenches parallel to the surface.

Application of septics from barrels

Septic in the country, with their own hands from the barrels, it is advisable to build in the following cases:

  • as a temporary construction at the construction stage of the house before the sewer system is organized,
  • With a minimum amount of drain, characteristic of periodic visits to the country area without permanent residence.

Such requirements are due to a small amount of tanks. Capacity of large barrels is usually 250 liters Therefore, the volume of septica of three tanks will be 750 liters. At the same time, under the conditions of sanitary standards, the septic must accommodate three daily "portions".

Septic with your own hands from the barrels: sewage at the cottage from plastic and metal, how to make

Homemade septic tank of plastic barrels

Septic with plastic barrels it is advisable to build as a separate treatment plant, for example, for shower or bath.

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The advantages of such designs are:

  • Low cost (frequently used applications are used),
  • Easy device and installation,
  • Smaller volume of earthworks due to a small volume of tanks.

Pros and cons of the materials used

Sewerage in the country can be arranged with the use of plastic or metal containers. Usually use the most accessible option, however, if you can choose from the possibility of making a decision to take into account the pros and cons of each of the options.

Plastic barrels


  • low weight, ease of transportation and installation,
  • Easy to perform holes for pipes,
  • Absolute waterproof, eliminating the likelihood of soil pollution,
  • Resistance to corrosion from water or aggressive substances that may be contained in detergents.


  • Because of the small mass, plastic barrels require reliable fastening to the foundation in order to prevent their pop-up during a flood, which can lead to the destruction of the sewer system,
  • Due to the plasticity of the material there is a danger of squeezing the soil reservoirs in the cold season.

Septic with your own hands from the barrels: sewage at the cottage from plastic and metal, how to make

Plastic barrels

Iron barrels

Advantages of septula from metal barrels:

  • High strength,
  • Stiffness of construction,
  • Water resistance, subject to the integrity of the walls and the bottom.


  • Corrosion instability requiring waterproofing and periodic check of its condition,
  • A slightly more complex process of performing holes, requiring the use of power tools.

Septic with your own hands from the barrels: sewage at the cottage from plastic and metal, how to make

Metal containers

It should be noted that more often the homemade septic tank from the barrels is performed using plastic containers.

Materials and tools

Before making a septicch of a barrel, in order for unplanned breaks in the process of work, it is better to prepare everything you need in advance.

Basic components:

  • Metal or plastic barrels,
  • Sewer pipes (most often used with a diameter of 110 mm), the total length of which 1-2 meters exceeds the length of the highway,
  • appropriate tees pipe diameter,
  • sewer caps for barrels,
  • Pipes for ventilation (in some cases sewers can be used),
  • Podcils for ventilation (purchased or manufactured by protecting vehicles protecting),
  • Corner fittings
  • Flanges, couplings.

Mounting materials:

  • PVC adhesive (if plastic containers are used),
  • sealant
  • cement,
  • sand,
  • crushed
  • Fasteners or clamps.


  • Bulgarian,
  • shovel,
  • Electromycer.

Installation of septic

Sewerage from the barrels with their own hands requires the fulfillment of certain preparatory work before the start of installation. We will look at the manufacturer of the septicity of three barrels, but the principle of the device remains the same for the septicity of two tanks.

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In each barrel, technological holes are performed.

Septic with your own hands from the barrels: sewage at the cottage from plastic and metal, how to make

Preparation of the plastic barrel for the sewer

  • In the first: inlet for sewage, the output for the flow of partially purified water into the second tank.
  • In the second: the entrance for the flow from the first tank, the outlet for the flow of water into the third container.
  • In the third: the inlet of the second barrel, and when organizing the filtration field - two more at the bottom of the corrugated pipes (with drainage of purified drainage through the bottom, the output tube and the hole is not required for it, but it is recommended to make small holes at the bottom of the wall for more efficient Drainage in the ground.

    Septic with your own hands from the barrels: sewage at the cottage from plastic and metal, how to make

    Holes in the last barrel for outputting stocks of filtering fields

In each of their barrels, in addition, holes are performed on the upper end (or covers that are often provided with reservoirs for ease of purification) for ventilation pipes.

In each tank, the inlet is located 10 cm above the output.

Important: Making a septic tank from iron barrels with their own hands, metal barrels for sewage from the inside and outside are covered with an anti-corrosion composition.

Drinking under the septic tank from the barrels in such a way that when installing on each side of any tank, there was a gap 25 cm. The bottom of the pit is falling asleep or satisfied with a sandy pillow.

  • For filling the foundation, install a stepped formwork. When placing a barrel with a consistent level decline (each is 10 cm below the previous one), the volume of tanks will be fully used, which is very important with a small capacity of septices of this type. If the removal of the purified fluid is provided through the third barrel filter, the last tank is installed directly on the crushed stone, without the foundation.
  • After filling the foundation at the stage of solidification of the solution, the rings or hooks are installed in it to which the clamps will be cling to fixing tanks. Just in case, it is better to "smoke" not only plastic, but also iron tanks.

If the removal of the effluent will be carried out through the filtration field, then the trenches for laying corrugated pipes can be pulled out at this stage.

Septic with your own hands from the barrels: sewage at the cottage from plastic and metal, how to make

Floating septicity soil

After the foundation gets strength, you can start installing and fastening the tanks, the installation of pipes and sealing the joints at the place of their entry. Specialists recommend not to use silicone for these purposes, preferring other types of sealants, for example, epoxy.

The trenches of the filtration field are littered with geotextiles, and after laying perforated pipes, the material wrapped with the overtrib of edges on each other.

Fully mounted septic tank from barrels is covered with soil. Plastic containers at this time are better filled with water to avoid deformation. In the process of frustration, the ground is periodically tightly tamped.

Construction nuances

By mounting septic tanks from the barrels in the country with their own hands, some nuances and rules should be taken into account:

  • The sewer pipe going to the septic tank, regardless of its length and place where it comes from, should have a slope of about 2 cm for each meter of length.

    Septic with your own hands from the barrels: sewage at the cottage from plastic and metal, how to make

    Remember about the required corner of the incoming pipe

  • There are rarely input and branching sites in this case, however, when changing the trajectory of the sewer tube, an audit well is needed in this place.
  • Reservoirs need periodic cleaning from precipitated yla, the presence of covers on the barrels will significantly simplify the work.

Rules for selecting the volume and installation site of septic

The daily rate of water consumption is 200 liters per person, and the septicch must hold the drains. Collected within 72 hours or 3 days. Thus, subject to permanent residence, a three-chamber septicity from a barrel for 250 liters is suitable only for one person. Therefore, septic tanks of this type are used only for temporary residence or cleaning of drains from one point (for example, from a bath). In most cases, it is trying to increase the possibility of septic in any way, therefore, among the sewage treatment plants from the barrels, there are practically no two-chamber options (they have too small volumes).

It is important to comply with the sanitary requirements for admissible distances from the Septic to certain objects. For example, remoteness from the source of drinking water should be at least 50 meters. Gardening plants and fruit trees should be at least 3 meters from the sewage treatment plant. The distance to the road is at least 5 meters.

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