How to choose metal plastic windows: specialist advice


Metal-plastic windows today have acquired unprecedented popularity, and companies engaged in their production, a great set. How to choose metal-plastic windows, to what to navigate when buying?

How to choose metal plastic windows: specialist advice

How much do you need to listen to the recommendations of experts?

The advantages of plastic windows do not cause doubts. They are largely better than traditional wooden blocks. These designs do not miss dust, cold, moisture, do not require any complex care. High noise insulation - their main difference from wooden structures. But all these advantages persist provided that the quality product was purchased. The plastic windows market is simply oversaturated by various manufacturers. To attract as many new buyers as possible, they offer various discounts and bonuses. And consumers in pursuit benefits do not always pay attention to quality. More precisely, they simply do not know what needs to be considered when buying a metal-plastic window to avoid big problems in the future.

How to choose metal plastic windows: specialist advice

Window construction

When choosing a metal-plastic window, you must pay attention to the following design elements:

  • PVC profile;
  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • accessories;
  • Ventilation type.

It is also important to know how reliable the manufacturer of the window than it is better than others.

From how compliance with the rules for the installation of the window structure, its life depends.

How to choose metal plastic windows: specialist advice


As for the brand, experts recommend choosing windows of well-known manufacturers (for example, the German Rehau models installed more than 10 years ago, have not yet changed their quality and appearance): they take care of their name and do not save on the components of the window models.

Today there are many plants engaged in the manufacture of domestic profile. But often in pursuit of saving the quality of their products leaves much to be desired.

How to choose metal plastic windows: specialist advice


The window profile of plastic is one of the main structural elements. He has a complex system. Products from a reliable manufacturer The thickness of the outer wall of the profile is 3 mm. Manufacturers who want to save, use more subtle plastic, which will undoubtedly lead to the rapid loss of the appearance of the window and will affect its operation. The window will bend, change its parameters and ultimately can move away from the walls, and this will lead to the appearance of the gaps and to all the consequences. But to seekly determine which profile in front of you is difficult.

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The metalplastic profile is enhanced by the reinforcing belt, which will hold the window at temperature drops. Today, the climate is so often changed that it is impossible to predict what will be this or that day. The poet is better to acquire windows in which the galvanized steel insert with a thickness of at least 1.5 mm is present in all window elements. Thanks to her, the window will serve much longer.

Unfair manufacturers install black, unprotected metal, which is exposed to corrosion already at the very beginning of the window operation, or use more subtle reinforcement.

The reliability and strength of the entire design depends on the quality of the profile, so it is best to purchase windows from a certified material that meets the necessary standards and GOST.

How to choose metal plastic windows: specialist advice


Most often, poor quality profile makes matte. Unfortunately, he strongly absorbs dirt, and tick it even with specialized means (which is also not hidden) is not always possible.

Less susceptible to pollution glossy profile surface. Even from the most inexpensive element, you can easily remove any stain. In addition, glossy plastic looks much better.

How to choose metal plastic windows: specialist advice

Glass windows

After the PVC profile, the glass package is one of the important parts of the metal-plastic window. Its function is noise metering and energy saving. Installation of the glass package is carried out after installing the accessories. It is a block of 2-3 glass, between which hermetic cameras are located. The glass thickness must be at least 4 mm. Unfortunately, you can "run out" on the glass with a thickness of 3 mm. But at this moment again will have to rely on the blessings of the manufacturer.

Double-glazed windows are two types: single and two-chamber. A distinctive feature of the latter is a high level of noise insulation. But they are more expensive. If you want to secure a comfortable stay, especially if you live in a big city, do not save, choose the two-chamber models. By the way, they have three glasses, and not two, as many buyers think.

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High-quality double-glazed windows from a reliable manufacturer have chambers of different thickness (this can be determined by metal spacer inside the package), the external glass should be thicker than internal.


Check the number of glasses in the package with a burning match, bring it to the window; You can't check the thickness of the glasses, you will have to trust the manufacturer, so again it is necessary to choose the products of proven trademarks.

Some manufacturers fill the windows inert gas, which increases the thermophysical properties of the whole structure.

But here it is necessary to take into account one feature of two-chamber packages: they are sufficiently heavy, and not every fitness can withstand the weight of the opening flap and not shift. Therefore, special attention should be paid when choosing the window to pay exactly to it.

Glass with heat transfer effect

Glasses with a special coating that makes it possible to reflect infrared waves, that is, heat, called energy saving. Such designs will not give in winter to leave warmth, and in the summer they will not let the heat into the room. They are more expensive than conventional glasses, but provide extra comfort.

How to choose metal plastic windows: specialist advice


Thanks to the fittings (hinges, brackets, traction, connecting elements), the flaps are sealed to the frame, are in the desired position, there are no cracks in the window structure. The entire mechanism is controlled by one handle alone. From the choice of fittings depends on the service life of the window. Again, you need to choose accessories from reliable manufacturers.

Cheap parts on the design with double double-glazing will significantly reduce the service life of the window. Problems will begin after six months: the sash will fall over the side, the fit will not be sealed and uniform, the crack will appear.

How to choose metal plastic windows: specialist advice


In order for the air in the apartment is not a bit and stuffy, it is better to choose windows with the possibility of folding the sash and adjusting the level of air levels. You can buy constructions with micro-level system and with special supply valves embedded directly into the window box (for them there will have to make a hole in the frame). But such details are not offered all manufacturers, so information about them must be found from the seller.


If constant ventilation in an apartment or house is important for you, then choose a system with heat recovery, it will provide heating of incoming cold flows due to the emerging warm air masses.

Do not save on the installation of sings, mosquito net. This will lead to big expenses in the future.

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Waterproofs are needed so that water does not fall into the gap between the wall and the window. Installation foam, which was used when installing the window, in the case of moisture getting started.

Mosquito net is a reliable protection of residents at home from insects, from which in the summer just nowhere to go.

It is best to "wear" the entire window design into high-quality plastic slopes. This will give the opportunity to avoid the appearance of mold.


Do not choose the drywall slopes to finish, it will cover the plates in the first winter.

Reliable manufacturers are installed on their products white or transparent elastomer seal. It is worth such a material more expensive than the standard black seal, but it is resistant to temperature differences and is more durable.


Before the winter season, lubricate the seal with a special composition or silicone oil.

How to choose metal plastic windows: specialist advice

Installation of plastic window

The installation of the metal-plastic window must be carried out according to GOST 30971-2002 "Suts of the mounting nodes of the window blocks of the window blocks to the wall outlook". Properly installed design will serve you more than a dozen years.


Find a firm in your city that will install your windows in accordance with the specified Goste, it is not much more expensive, but will be fulfilled reliably and efficiently.

Choosing a metal-plastic window, you must understand that you acquire a thing that will be operated by many years. Therefore, the savings on trifles will significantly reduce its service life and add you trouble in the future.

It is best not to focus on the brand, but to stop your choice on the manufacturer who has proven itself in the market of such goods. And be sure to pay attention to the quality of components. This will subsequently avoid a multitude of trouble.

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