How to get rid of a paustic tick on indoor colors


How to get rid of a paustic tick on indoor colors

Almost on any home plant can settle the worst enemy - a web tick. What does he look like? How to deal with a spider tick on any indoor plants? What harm can he bring a plant? Let's consider in this article how you can protect your favorite flowers from pests and prevent such an attack in the future. Go!

Why it is necessary to get rid of a paustic tick on colors

The tick is not considered belonging to the insect group. Its sizes are extremely small, it is impossible to notice the naked eye. Some people are crushing that not in time noticed his tricks and did not save the plant. However, knowing some features of the web tick, you will be able to quickly detect this pest.

Contrary to the widely accepted opinion, the web tick is far from always soaring the sputum plant who has loved to him. This usually happens when the ticks are already too much, and the plant is on the grain of death.

The web gluts gradually destroys the sheath of the leaf surface, thus disturbing the natural processes of photosynthesis. The plant ceases to receive nutrition, and gradually fades. A damaged flower becomes vulnerable in front of a plurality of disease.

What is important, the web tick can move from one flower to another. If one flower sick with any disease, for example, was infected with sowing splets rot, then when setting a tick on a nearby flower, he will transfer this infection and him. Being not just a pest, but also a carrier of diseases, a web tick can cause great harm to your colors. How to get rid of the pawn tick on colors?

In some cases, it can be especially difficult to cope with the pawkin tick. This applies to summer periods. Features of the vital activity of these parasites is that the tick of the plant can go from the plant in the premises itself. Somewhere in a secluded place, they freeze and are in hibernation before the onset of favorable temperature. If the procedures for clearing the tick were carried out precisely during this period, it may not give a result, and re-processing will be required.

How to get rid of a paustic tick on indoor colors

How to get rid of a paw-tick on indoor plants

To understand how to get rid of the web tick on the room colors, you need to be able to determine this parasite. What are the signs that your plant is infected with a paw-tick?

  1. Flower leaflets appeared small points. These points may have a different shade: from light silver color, red, yellow - to red. This feature reports the owner of the flower that in these places the leaflets began the process of die and the plant needs help.
  2. Pains can also form under the leaves of plants. However, from the bottom side, they are usually white.
  3. Thin cobweb. If there are pautinka places - this means that the web tick on the room plants, the measures of the fight against which is not always easy, chose your flower.

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Tip! To ensure that there is no pest, take a white sheet of paper and shake the flower above it. If there are ticks, they will fall onto the sheet and you will see them. Tints of ticks depend on the color of the plant with which they feed.

Although it is possible to fight tick and folk methods, in some cases it may be useless. Folk methods are effective either at an early stage of infection, or as prevention.

The main chemical methods of struggle are:

  • acaricides;
  • Insectoacaricides;
  • biopreparations;
  • Synthetic means.

It is believed that the treatment of plants acaricides gives the greatest result. If a web tick appeared on indoor plants - how to deal with it with these funds? How to do it unmistakable?

How to get rid of a paustic tick on indoor colors

How to get rid of a pawless tick on colors with special means

Now we offer more details to consider what kind of substantive chemicals and how to use them correctly to cope with the parasite as efficiently as possible, but maintain health to the plant.

Preparations of the Fitoferm series

This tool refers to the group of insectoacaricides. Similar on the impact and composition also "VermiTeete" and "actor".

The advantages of these chemical preparations are that they are most safe than all acaricides. However, they are effectively fighting with a spider tick.

The disadvantages of these funds are that it is useless to apply them against egg eggs. After treatment, the eggs remain and parasites are multiplied again. Requires additional plant treatment.

Important! No preparations of a group of acaricides give no effect if the temperature in the room where the treatment is carried out below 18 degrees. Even the re-processing time directly depends on the temperature regime.

These drugs can cause relative harm to human and plants, so apply them with caution, applying protection measures.

How to get rid of a paustic tick on indoor colors

Apply "Apollo"

It has the same properties as the previous one. The advantage of this fund is that it is successfully fighting not only with active individuals, but also with the eggs of the pawkin tick. Considered acaricide.

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Chemical agent "Aktellik"

This substance has a property to evaporate. It is unsafe for man and plants. Never use this tool at home! It is possible to use it only in the outdoor protection tools.

Despite its "harm", "Aktellik" fights the spider tick.

Tip! Never handle wet plants. This reduces the effectiveness of the drug, and can also be applied with additional harm.

If you have settled a web tick on indoor plants - how to get rid of it by folk remedies at the initial stages of infection?

How to get rid of a paustic tick on indoor colors

Weather tick on indoor plants: how to deal with folk remedies

So, you are sure that you have settled the web tick on houseplants. How to deal with folk remedies with this "guest"?

Let's look at some practical advice.

  1. We fight with a spider tick with medical alcohol. Pour alcohol into the spray gun. Spray the surface of the soil. With a cotton swab wipe the flower leaves. Also carry out the processing of surrounding surface flowers. It may be a windowsill, window frames, and the like.

    It is important to remember that ticks can move on the surface, and female and dying at all. Therefore, local processing is not enough.

    But how to get rid of a spider tick on a rose? At home, it is also possible with the help of healthy agents and special chemicals.

  2. Buckle of cyclamen tubers. This method is considered completely safe for both a person and a plant. It effectively copes with a small amount of parasites. How to cook this decoction?

    Take a few tubers and cut them into several parts. Then fold into the saucepan, pour with water and boil for about 30 minutes. Use the sprayer to process plants and soil.

    For greater effect, it is recommended to repeat the processing several times. The optimal option will be re-spraying after 6 - 8 days depending on the room temperature.

  3. Help garlic. About 15 grams of purified garlic need to be crushed. Ideally, it will be crowned into the mortar, or grate into a small grater. Now this amount of substance needs to be thoroughly split into 10 liters of water and spill plants into spray guns.
  4. Strong as a means of destroying a paouth tick. If you got a web tick on colors, how to deal with this pest? Effective help can have horseradished!

    Rhizome and chrine leaves are grinding with a meat grinder or blender. The finished mass should be one third of the bucket. Then water fills to the edges.

    The solution must be labeled. Just one - one and a half hours. Then it is necessary to profile the resulting composition and spray flowers.

    But how to get rid of the pawless tick on cucumbers? After all, the cucumber is not just a flower, but the food product. In this case, it is better to use folk remedies without resorting to the help of chemicals.

  5. Fighting tick on plants that can not spray. You can apply finely chopped garlic or screwdrived. That's just now we do not prepare a solution for spraying, but we fold the resulting mass into the container and have several plants next to the damaged plant.

    Now you can cover the flower with a polyethylene package for a couple of hours and give the "Raise" flower with this composition. This method effectively helps to cope with ticks on fragile plants.

  6. Ultraviolet lamp against a paustic tick. Write the plant. It is advisable to spend this procedure only on the reverse side of the leaflets. So you will have the desired effect on the tick, but at the same time protect the flower itself.

    Economic soap and water. This is the easiest and harmless method of combating a spider tick. Apply with a clean sponge on the flower leaves a shop soap, and then wipe it. This will help significantly reduce the number of parasites and successfully start fighting them.

  7. Try onions. About 25 grams of onion husks or cut roots are enough for liter tincture. Lay everything in the jar and, bay with water, leave for a day. Now you can filter the resulting composition and spray plants.
  8. Dandelion tincture. A similar method of combating tick is to use dandelion. On 2 liters of water, 100-150 grams of dry roots of the plant are enough. Insist them in warm water, then run and scatter in color.

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Remember that in cases where the pest has spread greatly, folk remedies may not help. In this case, chemicals should be applied.

How to get rid of a paustic tick on indoor colors

Video: How to get rid of a spider tick on a rose at home

To visually see how the processing of home plants is going, let's see the video.

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