When you can open windows after sticking of fiberglass wallpaper and other materials


Getting Started with your own hands, my acquaintances ask how to glue the glassy. They are interested in GOST and the technical characteristics of the finishing materials, consumption and how much prepay. The windows and temperature mode of repair are rarely asked. Drafts, air humidity and other parameters of the microclimate in the room strongly affect the quality of wall decoration. They depends on the duration of the preservation of the gloss in the interior and the term of the next repair.

When you can open windows after sticking of fiberglass wallpaper and other materials

Glue wallpaper with your own hands

I do not like how the wallpaper was stuck, open the windows immediately

I called my friend. He finished glue wallpaper in the room. The problem was in the unsuccessful choice of the species of the trellis, their color and poor quality finish. How to glue wallpaper from fiberglass Vadik knew, but he did not like the result. He asked the Council, what to do to him, to beat them until he was dried or cross in a couple of days.

When you can open windows after sticking of fiberglass wallpaper and other materials

Self sticking wallpaper

I did not have a minute free time, and I recommended to open all the windows. I did not understand anything, but I did everything in habit.

A few days later, Vadik called again. Gymeloche wheels completed normally, after how many days or hours you can open windows. According to GOST, the air temperature in the room must be 16 - 20o, the moisture is average. In such conditions, most types of wallpaper dries in two days. But it is better to suffer three and then you can ventilate the room, open the windows and turn on the stove.

My friend was displeased to everyone and did not want to spend time and strength to remove the wallpaper. For him, they made drafts and open windows. In the morning he saw that only 2 - 3 m2 finishes remained in place. The remaining fiberglass canvas lay on the floor. Now he knew not only how to glue the glassy, ​​but also when you can open the windows.

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Textures and technical characteristics of glasses

When you can open windows after sticking of fiberglass wallpaper and other materials

When can I open windows after sticking wallpaper?

Fiberglass finishing materials have specifications, fully relevant GOST for residential premises and ecology requirements. From the thinnest glass fibers, a textured canvas has been created, having a number of positive qualities:

  • does not emit harmful substances;
  • consists only of natural components;
  • Walls after salaling with fiberglass wallpapers breathe;
  • The advent of fungus is excluded;
  • Insects and mice do not destroy fiberglass canvas;
  • You can paint up to 20 times to change color.

Glass equipment in the interior creates comfortable conditions. You can regularly update the room, repainting the walls. You can not use solvent-based paints, only aquatic. Then the microclimate of the room will comply with the requirements of GOST for residential rooms and children's institutions.

Fiberglass materials are made of natural components. The basis is sand and soda. The texture is similar to the textured fabric, from which they sew clothes. Only flax and woolen threads are replaced with glass.

The technical characteristics of glasses are superior to the correspondence of GOST all similar finishing materials.

  1. High strength. An effort on the gap exceeds bamboo panels 3 times.
  2. Do not burn.
  3. Moisture-resistant.
  4. High vapor permeability.
  5. Do not react to acid and alkali.
  6. Lifetime for more than 50 years.
  7. Resistant to wear.

When you can open windows after sticking of fiberglass wallpaper and other materials

Glue wallpaper in the room

In accordance with GOST, fiberglass textured wallpapers can be glued in rooms with different characteristics of the microclimate and intensively operated:

  • bathrooms;
  • kitchen;
  • boiler rooms;
  • hallway;
  • laboratory;
  • children's institutions;
  • offices;
  • Public rooms with a large flow of visitors.

Gymelocoes in the interior look great and perfectly suitable for the requirements of GOST for various institutions.

Independently glue wallpaper

When you can open windows after sticking of fiberglass wallpaper and other materials

Glue wallpaper in the apartment

Before glueing glass, it is necessary to learn about their shortcomings and features:

  • Large specific weight on m2;
  • high cost of fiberglass finish;
  • With cutting, dust from small glass fibers are formed, harmful to respiratory organs and irritating skin;
  • Colored spots on the wall will be shifted when you beat the wallpaper without painting.

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Pocking glass, like other types of choler, requires certain conditions. Glue is used only specified on the package. Fiberglass, vinyl, bamboo and cork cloths are not lubricated with glue, only wall. This minimizes the deformation from wetting and stretching wallpaper on each M2.

When sticking wallpaper it is impossible:

  • open windows;
  • turn on the stove and fan;
  • leave the air conditioner;
  • Violate natural uniform drying.

According to GOST in winter, it is allowed to include stationary heating before the start of repair and leave it for the entire period. It is possible to start glue the wallpaper when the room temperature stabilizes. It is impossible to turn off the heating system until the glue and other materials are completely drying. This is a period of at least 3 weeks when recent work has been made.

When you can open windows after sticking of fiberglass wallpaper and other materials

New wallpapers in the room: when can you open the windows?

The consumption of glue on M2 depends on the material. For lightweight paper chopers, 15 GB of powder diluted in 75 grams of water. When calculating the walls of the walls and multiplies the number of composition on it, plus 5%.

For heavy fiberglass and vinyl wallpapers, get ready-made glue. Consumption is indicated on the package. This is about 30 - 40 grams per m2. Calculate more accurate how much you need, rather, indicated on the reverse side of the packaging. There is also the technical characteristics of the mixture, including consumption.

Attention! Gymelomes will hold much better if after sticking them to lubricate them with glue.

The windows can be opened when the wallpaper is dried after the walls of the walls. Thin enough 24 hours. The higher the technical characteristics of the material and the proportion, the more time the wall dries. The temperature difference and humidity will force the canvas to shrink and move with uneven dried. As a result, wallpaper can completely fall off or start to lose their appearance shortly after the completion of the repair.

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Ceiling lightweight

When you can open windows after sticking of fiberglass wallpaper and other materials

Glue wallpaper in the apartment

Quickly hold wallpaper after sticking with the help of open windows, my friend has already learned. He already knew how to glue the glassy so that they would look good for a long time. How much you can not open the windows. But Vadik continued to ask me questions. If windows can be opened 3 days after sticking wallpaper, then when do the stretch ceiling.

PVC film is stretched through heating the thermal cannon of the room. Therefore, after placing the wallpaper, it is advisable to withstand a week.

I told a friend how to glue the glass to the ceiling. It is necessary to press them and smooth them. A heavy canvas should be well glued.

There is an easy way. Under painting use thin wallpaper, called a cobweb. They are light, durable, have all the characteristics similar to the glass windows. The proportion of their approximately 250 gr per m2. Consumption of glue and forces less.

Pray and repain wallpaper

When you can open windows after sticking of fiberglass wallpaper and other materials

When you can air the room after sticking wallpaper

The next stage of repair in the house of a friend was painting glass windows. How many paints should be bought, calculated from the norm of 500 grams per m2. The first time and when the color changes, it is necessary to apply 2 layers. Use rollers.

With uneven drying, stains and stripes may appear paint. Therefore, the first day after staining the wallpaper window is kept closed.

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