Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes


Redevelopment in the apartment or the house implies the arrangement of new doorways or arched arches. Not rare, in such cases, carrying walls are affected, which can lead to fatal consequences. Minimize a similar risk allows a tandem of using new technologies and old masters experience.

Carrier Walls: Features and tolerances

With a desire manifested during repair work and redevelopment, make the opening in the bearing wall quite acceptable, although the task is not from the lungs.

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Operactions in the bearing walls require maximum attention and amplification

More precisely, actually all work on the arrangement of the doorway will be made from scratch. Cock the doorway door in a multi-storey building, it means to make your own hands in the design of a holistic building.

The consequences of unauthorized intervention in the partition of the carrier value can lead to the most fatal consequences. But it does not indicate at all what makes the door opening in the wall or the arched arch is completely impossible and prohibited. In fact, all risks are permissible to reduce to zero, if you use modern technologies, experience masters and take into account all the features of the carrier inner partition.

If a decrease in the opening is under the power to fulfill and not prepared homeowner with their own hands, and the expansion of the passage in the carrier walls is already familiar to us and bye, the process, how to make the doorway in the carrier wall, is practically no different, only work.

It is worth noting that the solution of this kind is quite acceptable, taking into account compliance with the necessary conditions of technology. But if possible, it is better to refuse to pierce the opening in the bearing wall.

Redevelopment that affects capital partitions inside the structure, especially multi-apartment, essentially undesirable. After all, the bearing walls themselves are at rest are prone to colossal load. Engineering calculations, embedded in the construction of the structure, will be under threat. Because the slightest violation of technologies for the implementation of punching works in the wall is able to lead to the moves of overlappings of a multi-storey house and the destruction of the part of the structure as a whole.

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Constructive types of multi-storey buildings

Special requirement: Fully remove the carrier wall is categorically prohibited.

All work related to the impact on the carrying wall should be coordinated with the relevant authorities, and to coordinate with the previously developed and approved redevelopment project. Unfortunately, not for any structure, it is permissible to obtain permission to such work on a number of reasons presented by the authorities. This is especially true to the owners of the apartment of the first two floors, the walls of which carry a special fundamental burden.

Properly prepared package of documentation is able to embody a dream and open new horizons of the apartment.

  • Floor plan of the structure;

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Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Example of a floor-building floor plan

  • plan of the apartment (plan of the bearing walls of the floor);

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Plan reflecting the bearing walls and partitions of secondary value

  • documents confirming the rights to the ownership of residential area;

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Reference plan

  • engineering sketch of future works;

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Procedure for the work of the opening of the opening in the bearing wall

  • phased plan for redevelopment;
  • Application for future work in the appropriate form.

Many are trying to bypass the preparation of the relevant documentation, which gives permission to redevelop the apartment.

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Option approving the legality of actions

Especially there are individuals (and even the company) who offer services to help legitimize redevelopment after the events held. But housing owners are worth knowing that relatively recent regulations, work on the unauthorized production of doorways in the walls of the carrier value is punishable by high penalties.

At the worst version of the consideration of the case, legal owners can deprive property and the right to reside in the apartment. Otherwise, with the most favorable decision of the court and the findings of experts of house-building, they can simply force the back of the old integrity to return the wall. Even with the successful concealment of the fact of exposure to the capital wall, the consequences will not make themselves wait in the form of cracks and other movements.

Permission to make the opening in the bearing wall in the brick multi-storey structure to get much easier.

A number of preparatory aspects

So, if the cherished permit for redevelopment of the apartment is obtained, then you can proceed to direct work.

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Designer Operate Embossing Apartment with Passing Walls

But, first of all, it is worth it to prepare for actions:

  1. We make a design layout of the apartment.
  2. Determine the configuration of the future passage.
  3. We study the material used in the construction of a multi-storey house.

As for the layout of the indoor room, then this question, of course, should be solved in advance so that it is not to reflect on the inconvenience of the location of the new passage in the wall. As well as deciding on the project opening of the door, as it is directly related to the order, technology and complexity of upcoming work.

Transition design options to adjacent rooms There are several:

  • Standard sizes open door in the classic wall, carved in a new place.

Such openings in brick walls are easiest to do, but the degree of the title load on the partition is determined depending on the arrangement.

  • The arched arch of the opening is a complicated embodiment of the new transition in the partition.

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Stressed arched arch in the bearing wall

In this embodiment, it is worth calculating the height and shape of bending relative to the material of the wall. Arched dimensions of door openings can be absolutely any, but not exceeding 200 cm (depending on the length of the wall itself). At the same time, only a skillful bricklayer is able to make the opening in the brick wall in the form of the arch, which is disassembled in the ratio of the location of the seams of brickwork. Whereas, cutting concrete under the arch simplifies the entire course of the event.

  • The transfer of the opening to a minor degree along the wall to the side is the safest interaction option with the bearing wall.

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Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Jumper allows you to move the way to the side

This option offset the passage implies a shift of the door jumper in the desired side. A portion of the opening of the transition is simply laid by piece material or sewed by plasterboard. An additional extension of the hole is made by the method that was considered with the increase in the openings in the wall.

Before the dismantling process, do not be lazy to learn the wall in which you intend to knock out the hole. This will give the definition of the partition material, which directly depends on the technology of the process being used. The dimensions of the future passage also depend on the material of the wall.

Passage manufacturing technologies

The doorway in the wall of capital structures in the old days was made by a jackhammer, because another type of adaptation for these works was found problematic. Yes, and technologies were then there. This method is, of course, tested by time and intensively, but in many versions it is simply inffective. Moreover, a jackhammer in the process of use can bring a carrier wall a number of negative consequences:

  • The openings in the brick walls of the jackhammers should be made categorically not recommended, because due to the strong vibration, the integrity of the partition will violate.

    Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

    A jackhammer, even a modern type, is not recommended to use for punching opening in the bearing wall

  • Plates of overlapping interior concrete from concrete receive microcracks for the same reason for vibrational influences.
  • Concrete partitions are endowed with metal strengthening reinforcement, which makes it difficult to make an additional technique.
  • The hammer-knocked out of the opening requires additional processing of the eracha, which entails the use of an additional tool, respectively, and cash costs.
  • The process is too noisy and dirty.

Modern technologies in house-building allow you to make the opening in a deaf wall fairly quickly, relatively cleaner and with the smallest costs. So, before making a doorway, it is worth deciding on the technology of work:

  • Cable cutting. Installation is based on the work in itself contains special cutting rope elements and sleeves, with installed artificial diamonds. The efficiency of using cable equipment is small dust formation, reduced vibration and noise.

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Installing cable cutting

  • Diamond cutting. In the process, strengthened disk nozzles with diamond sputtering to reproduce the wet cutting process. The installation has a water tank for work, which allows you to cool the parts and prevent excessive dusting.

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Cutting disk opening with diamond spraying

  • Diamond drilling. The technology involves the use of a square-shaped drill or a cone-shaped bore with a diamond spraying. The method will save the integrity of the concrete or brick wall, and reduce the costs of additional processing of ends of the opening.

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Installing diamond drilling holes

Preliminary arrangement of the opening and the process itself

Redevelopment in the apartment with a change in the location of the passages involves an excess of construction waste and dust.

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Dimensions of the future opening and used materials used

Before working, it is advisable to free the room from furniture alignment and technology. Before proceeding with the direct dismantling, it is worth transferring the dimensions of the doorways to the plane. The size of the opening is selected in accordance with the limiting requirements: the height is not more than 210 cm, and the width is up to 200 cm.

Previously, when cutting concrete will be started, it is worth making a jumper, that is, to make an increase in the opening. The jumper will impose the main temporal load above the overlaps. Such a preliminary arrangement is quite important in the process, since it is the jumper that will create the level of security during the operations and further operation of the transition:

  • floor overlapping plates are strengthened with special backups or jacks on both sides of the transition;
  • In the wall, the holes are done under through backups;
  • The reference installation is exhibited;
  • The upper part of the wall along the perimeter of the transition is cleaned from decorative finishes and placed under the jumper;
  • Then the wall is extinct under the channel and the holes for the bolts of the screeds are done;
  • Next, the jumper is installed from the channel, fastened by bolts through the wall.

Before the channel will be installed, the opening of the opening under the jumper is to be embedded with a solution. After that, to install the jumper there, and pull it through through bolts. The jumper should exceed the dimensions of the future pass at a minimum of 10 cm in each of the parties.

The entire process of mounting the reinforcement of the opening channel is to play around the perimeter of the placed opening in the wall.

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Strengthening channel laid on cement mortar

The manifested voids in the stroke should be chopped by the same cement mortar and chunks of the building material of the wall. Bolted connections should be strengthened with washers. After the reinforcement of the opening is done, the wall overlap concrete can begin. The method that will be used at the same time is selected at personal discretion and availability.

From the technical side of the consideration of the issue of creating an opening in a deaf carrier wall, a special difference in the type of expansion of the landing space under the door or the new arrangement is not.

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Stages of installation of supports and jumpers

To transfer or create openings in a brick wall or concrete, it is, first of all, to strengthen the passage of the jumper insert. Such a process is the most important, both for bearing walls and for overlappings of secondary importance, and the dismantling itself is made much easier and safer.

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes

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Door opening in the bearing wall - the necessary tools and schemes


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