Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos


Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos
Most recently, the most popular among design destinations in the interior conquered Ecosil. He began to develop at the end of the last century very actively, and its founders rightfully consider Scandinavian designers who are very harmoniously united natural natural materials with innovative forms.

Also significantly affected the formation of a new ekostil Japanese traditional style, which is based on the use of natural wood and fabrics in complete harmony with the surrounding nature.

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

Using ecosil in the interior, you will receive a real natural oasis, in which you can relax as much as possible, get calm and sea of ​​positive, just like in the present reserved corner of nature.

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

To create an ecosil in the interior, it is necessary to comply with certain important rules, regardless of the type of room decorated.

Here are the main one:

  1. Maximum free space with a minimum of furniture. The room should not be cluttered with a large number of things.
  2. Abundance of light. Lighting can be natural and artificial. Often in ecosil use fluorescent lamps, LED backlight.
  3. The basis of the style should be exclusively natural materials: stone, wood, flax, cotton.
  4. The color scheme should be bright, natural tones: sandy, cream white, natural green shades of vegetation.
  5. The room should have a large number of live plants and accessories from natural materials.

Use of ecosil in various premises


Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

The bedroom is the perfect place to relax and relaxation. The bedroom in ecostel must be spacious, there should be a lot of light and air in it. The ceiling and walls should be bright, soft, pastel shades. Perfectly fit into the interior cork wallpaper or wooden panels. Light cream shades will be harmoniously combined with wooden armrests of chairs and backs of bed. Green looks very beautifully in textiles. Green curtains, pillows and other elements of textiles are perfectly complemented by alive plants in clay pots.

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

The floor must be made of wood, or from laminate under the tree. Curtains should be made of light natural materials. Roman curtains will look at the tone of textile accessories.

If you want to create marine style, in the design you can use all sorts of marine attributes: rope harnesses, imitating ship ropes, all kinds of seashells. Also relevant in the bedroom will be aquarium with a floral underwater world and exotic fish. Bed linen should be the colors of the sea wave.


Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

Natural materials and colors should also prevail in the kitchen design. The furniture is selected from a natural tree, best of all of the array. The use of furniture with plastic or metal surfaces is not allowed, as it does not fit into ecosil.

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Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

Wooden furniture is perfectly harmonized with glass, which gives the room with lightness and lightness, therefore it will be very appropriate to decorate the kitchen interior with a glass table and apron with a vegetable pattern. An apron can also be made of ceramic tiles having a view of an unprocessed surface.

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

Tableware and other kitchenware also have to follow style. On the shelves in the form of decoration, we can arrange wooden plates, porcelain, ceramic and glass dishes. Mandatory the presence of living flowers in crystal or glass vases.

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

One of the walls can be decorate with photo wallpapers with a suitable topics, such as still life or flowers. An interesting solution will be the use of wooden panels. The ceiling is best made white.

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

The floor can be led by a stone tile or laminate, imitating a wooden surface.

Living room

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

It should be very responsible for the design of the living room, as it is the main room in the house and most often visited by guests and households. Walls, floor and ceiling must match ecostel. The most economical option is to paint the surfaces of light paint. The ceiling can be made classically white, and the walls of a cream or dairy shade.

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

When finishing the ceiling, you can use beams made of natural wood, as in the style of the country, or the lining, which is covered with varnish.

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

For wall decoration, it is also necessary to use natural materials. For example, wallpapers from sisal, bamboo or jute. Beautiful walls or their sites lined with bamboo or cork panels, wood or specially treated stone. The combination of various types of finishes will look original. Also the wall can be issued with photo wallpapers with the image of nature.

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

The wall in the living room can be reeded by a vertical garden. To do this, a special design is installed with a plurality of floor pockets from the ceiling, where you can plant or install plants. The wall turns like a live green carpet, which gives the room a special charm. The phytostine can be successfully replaced by self-mounted self-selected pots, correctly selected plants in which they will look very original and beautiful.

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

Also, the walls in the living room can be decorated with installations from natural materials and supplement them in the built-in backlight.

Absolutely any coating of natural materials is suitable for the floor: stone, board, parquet, traffic jam and even carpet mat.

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

For lovers of zoning premises, a successful solution will be light bamboo partitions. Also, a large aquarium or a wall of large ornamental plants in pots will also look original.

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The windows in the environment must be decorated with light natural curtains of light tones, for example, from sither, flax or canvas, which will add living room light and airiness. The windows on the windows must be wooden covered with varnish or tinted.

Definition of ekostil in the interior

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

Ecosil in the interior of the residential premises is the most comfortable and comfortable for the person today. It allows you to relax, feel the inner harmony, calm the nervous system. All this is due to environmentally friendly materials and abundance of green in style design. Choosing an Ecosil for the interior, you immediately feel the tide of the energy, improving mood and well-being. In addition, choosing clean eco-friendly materials, you also declare yourself as a person, lovingly and carefully related to mother nature, being part of it, and gently taking her gifts.

Lighting in ecostel

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

There should be a lot of light, both natural, passing through the windows and artificial, emanating from various lighting devices, designed in ecosyl. To light freely pass through the windows, they should not create large obstacles for this. The exceptions are the bedroom windows, the light of which can prevent a full-fledged rest.

Lighting devices, such as chandeliers, sconces, lamps, must be reorganized natural materials. For example, lamp lamps can be made of linen fabric, wood, rice paper. Often, a variety of LED and fluorescent lamps use as lighting. Aquarium, often used in ecostel, can also be a source of illumination in the evening. An unusual and fancy underwater world will create a special mood in any room.


Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

In order for the design of the room in Ecosyl, it looks complete, it is necessary to use a large number of all kinds of accessories. It can be glass and clay multicolored vases, live flowers in beautiful vases from natural materials, such as stone, clay or wooden, flax or cotton textiles.

Accessories for the kitchen in ecosyl can successfully serve as wooden vases or coarse ceramic dishes. Also harmoniously arrive in the overall design of wicker cribs, bamboo stands under hot, fruit, napkins. The walls of the kitchen can be decorated with paintings with natural themes, compositions of dried flowers.

The sofa or bed will decorate decorative pillows in pillowcases from natural fabrics under the color of a curtain or carpet.

Creating an ecostel with your own hands

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

To create an environment in the interior it is not necessary to invite an expensive designer. It is enough to show my creative fantasy, taking into account some useful advice.

There are several methods for creating ECO style, which can be successfully combined with each other or use each individually.

Using green and its shades

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

Green is the best color decision of the ecosel. You can fill the room with alive plants in beautiful vases from natural materials. Plants must be arranged by groups, creating peculiar green islands, just as they looked in wildlife. In addition to genuine greenery, you can add green shades textile in the form of a curtain or furniture upholstery.

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Decorating stones

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

With the help of a beautiful small pebble, you can originate any item in ecostel, whether there are a flower vase, a candlestick or photo frame. Part of the wall, lined with a stone, also perfectly fit into the interior in Eco-style. Between plants you can accommodate large multi-colored stones.

Using a tree

Ecosil is characteristic of a large amount of wooden products and surfaces - furniture, vases, frames, bizarre crafts from roots and branches.

Textiles in ecostel

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

Elements from textiles are widely used in interior design. Textiles must be made from natural materials - flax, cotton, sitz. It is allowed both a monophonic version and all sorts of drawings with the image of animals, plants, colors.

Photo wallpaper

Add grace in the interior design of photo wallpaper or photographs, if you correctly pick up. The image with the view of nature will create the impression that you are not in the apartment, but in the heart of the Amazon or more of the forest.

Color gamut ecosil

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

Natural natural colors, without the use of bright contrasts are characteristic. The main colors of the ecosil are: white, green and brown, as well as their shades.

The bedroom is ideal for the combination of white walls and ceiling with light beige shades of bedspread and juicy-green pillows and curtains. On the floor, you can put a carpet with a long pile to the tone of the curtains.

The kitchen is perfectly decorated with dark brown shades of furniture, against the background of dairy walls and ceiling. Terracotta and clay dishes on the shelves benefit from cream curtains. In combination of colors and shades, it is safe to improvise without disturbing the main condition - naturalness.


Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

Ecosyl must prevail wooden furniture in strict lines, without any coupling elements and threads. The upholstery of furniture should be made of natural material, for example, from a linen canvas. Natural wooden furniture can be successfully replaced with furniture from chipboard or MDF, but it is necessary to pay attention to its quality and appearance. Often, woven furniture is used in ecosyl, and the tables and stools are made from the solid trunk. The tabletop can be stone or marble.

Ecosel in the interior - style features, photos

The main principle of furniture of the premises is to prevent overload. The room should be spacious and open, well lit, which is the main principle of creating an ecostel.

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