Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photos


Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photos
The kitchen in the Scandinavian style is quite simple so that it can be arranged its room independently without the involvement of designers. First of all, it is necessary to understand the features of the style and its origin.

Scandinavian style came to our houses from Northern Europe - Norway, Switzerland, Finland, which are characterized by severe, cold winters and cloudy weather.

Methods of design of kitchen interior in Scandinavian style

Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photo

For the inhabitants of the harsh climate of the northern regions of Europe, it is important to feel warm and comfortable at any time of the year, so the Scandinavian interior is adapted for such needs.

Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photos

When designing a kitchen in Scandinavian style, you need to follow certain rules:

  • The design should prevail white;
  • Walls should be bright pastel tones. Since the sun is very rarely shining in the windows in the northern latitudes, the room must be decorated in bright colors. The favorite is white, but it is quite successful, it can be replaced with light beige, ivory color, melting, light gray or pale blue. Such tones will reflect light and visually increase the space. Even if the kitchen has a non-standard layout, a large number of corners, the white color will be able to hide these flaws. Walls can be covered with wallpaper, but it will be more correct to just shock them and paint on suitable color. Such walls are easy to maintain in good condition, you can only slightly update the color. The plaster can be a textured, and some part of the wall can be performed in the form of a rough brick or stone masonry, which will make the interior not so strict. On the walls of the kitchen, you can arrange all sorts of paintings of the appropriate theme, which will look very original and unusual. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the kitchen does not turn into the art gallery. How to make a kitchen with paintings, you can learn from a special article on this topic.

It looks good in the Scandinavian interior wooden panels, but they are more suitable for the bedroom or living room.

Paul in the kitchen in Scandinavian style

Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photos

For a kitchen made in Scandinavian style, a wooden floor of warm shades is best suited. For this style, it is characterized by the use of a tree of all kinds of species - oak, ash, birch, beech or pine - any option will suit. The best choice is parquet or laminate, but if the material tools are limited, you can use the Lenolium under the tree. Modern manufacturers of Lenolyum produce coatings, repeating the color and structure of the tree, visually differ from the present material.

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Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photo

A small rug in the area of ​​the table will allocate a dining place in the kitchen, adding comfort to the overall interior.

Ceiling in the kitchen in Scandinavian style

Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photos

The ceiling must necessarily be light or white. This contributes to the reflection of light in the room. Cant at the junction of the walls and the ceiling should be inconspicuous, without special patterns. Restraint and conciseness, inherent minimalism, is the basis of the Scandinavian style.


Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photos

It is the accessories that create a scandinavian style face that does not allow him to confuse with minimalism. The accessory should not be too much, they should be simple and functional.

Here are some basic characteristics to be relying when choosing accessories:

  • Bright colors . In all small details in the interior, you can add any bright color, maximum - two. Color accents should not be too much, otherwise it will look extremely tasteless. Bright accents can be towels, curtains, pillows on chairs, vases, coasters for dishes, flowerpads, etc. The color of accessories should be harmonized with the color of the walls and the floor. Classic options for the most successful combinations can be chosen from the photo library of kitchens in Scandinavian style. For example: yellow-white-white, brightly turquoise-gray and white, salad-protein-white.
  • Natural materials . Curtains on the windows and tablecloth on the table preferably choose from natural materials. It may be coarse unpacked flax or colored cotton. On the seat chairs can be thrown to soft cut fur.

Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photo

Appropriate in the kitchen in Scandinavian style items made of glass, ceramics, wood, metal, as well as natural stones and leather that make up the basis of the style. Well fit into the interior wicker basket, ceramic jars for spices and croup.

Decor for kitchen in Scandinavian style

Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photos

Bright and juicy greens in pots are very relevant in the kitchen interior. It creates a feeling of residential and cozy room. Pots can be monochrome colors or in several basic colors.

The dishes can be both homogeneous and collected from several sets. The main condition is simplicity and naturalness.

Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photos

The curtains on the windows must be made of a thin transparent material, such as thin flax, kitty or muslin. Their main task is to skip as much light as possible to the room, so the curtains should always be open, or there is no absent. Well look at the windows fabric horizontal blinds.

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Color gamut kitchen in Scandinavian style

Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photos

Selecting the colors for the interior of the kitchen in Scandinavian style, it is important to adhere to these rules:

  • The main colors should be no more than three. They can be supplemented with close shades, but without leaving the framework of the three main colors.
  • Depending on the location of the windows (north or south), the palette of colors is selected. For example, a warm pastel gamma shades with juicy orange or green accents are suitable for the northern orientation kitchen. For the south orientation kitchen, white is suitable in combination with blue, blue, purple and other cold shades.

It is important to know that some colors look different in the afternoon and in the evening, in the shade and in the sun. Therefore, you need to see how the same option looks at different times of the day.

Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photos

If the walls and the ceiling are painted in white, the room will visually look spacious. If it allows the area, one of the walls can be saved by photographic windows of a suitable subject, or to paint with different color - it will be very beautiful and original. On other walls you can hang some decor of the same color as a single wall. This technique uses many designers. If you have a favorite color, it does not mean that it will be relevant in the kitchen interior. For example, red is very aggressive, and green can be too boring.

Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photos

The color of the kitchen must be adapted by the time of day when you spend a significant amount of time. If this morning is best for the interior, orange, yellow and raspberry, which will give you energy charge for the whole day. If you spend most of the time in the kitchen in the evening, then the blue color will help create a warm, cozy atmosphere.

Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photos

It is important not to rearrange with the number of parts in the interior. Nothing should unnecessarily clutter the space.

Creating the interior of the kitchen-living room in Scandinavian style

The kitchen combined with the living room has many advantages. For example, in typical apartments, where the kitchens are very small, such an association will create a space and a feeling of freedom. You do not have to break your head over the question where to give all the necessary household appliances.

Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photos

The kitchen-living room is an excellent option for young mothers who can combine work in the kitchen and a care for a small child. Another convenient option for receiving guests - the hostess will not feel sorted by the company, working in the kitchen. Due to the second window to the room penetrates more light. Smells from cooking do not apply around the apartment, thanks to a strong exhaust to clean the air located above the stove. Thanks to the design of the Scandinavian style, the kitchen will become both cozy and spacious.

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Furniture for kitchen

For Scandinavian style, IKEA furniture is most often used, characterized by simplicity and quality, which is crucial. The color of kitchen heads in the Scandinavian style is most often either pure white, or with wooden work surfaces.

Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photos

The dining table can be made of wood, painted or sandwicked. Sometimes there are combinations of metal wrought-made legs with a wooden table top. It is less likely to meet a glass surface when in the kitchen interior you want to make a barcode of grace and airiness.

Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photo

Chairs, as a rule, should be wooden, but sometimes in the modern interior of the Scandinavian style designers use bright plastic chairs. If you like comfort, then braided chairs are ideal for that, for convenience there are special removable pillows.

Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photo

If you want to put a sofa in the kitchen-living room, it is selected in the tone of the main pastel color of the interior, and already details, such as pillows, bedspreads can be bright colors. The main furniture is most often the colors of ivory, light beige or light gray.

Curtains are well suitable for decorating windows in the kitchen. How to choose the right curtains, you can learn from a special article on this topic.

The main distinguishing feature of the Scandinavian style is its convenience, so that he attracts special attention. The style is as adapted for life. Cabinets have a large number of hidden shelves and storage boxes for kitchen utensils and others needed in the kitchen, accessories. Scandinavian style is ideal for people leading an active lifestyle. In such a room, it is comfortable to relax in the evening and tune in in the morning.

Cuisine in Scandinavian style - style features, photo

For the design of the kitchen in Scandinavian style it is not necessary to attract expensive designers - you will handle the task and yourself if you comply with the basic rules reflected in this article.

The kitchen can be issued not only in the Scandinavian style, but also rustic, which is also very simple and convenient.

With a big desire, you can easily update the interior, replacing bright bright accessories, leaving unchanged furniture and walls with a ceiling and floor. A large amount of light and space will make your stay in the kitchen pleasant and comfortable.

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