Septic tanks for a private house: how to choose and what kind, price and reviews


Septic tanks for a private house: how to choose and what kind, price and reviews

There are most different, different in the principle of operation, the volume and cost of septicities for a private house - how to choose an optimally suitable model to figure out difficult if you do not have enough information. In addition, such treatment plants can be made with their own hands, and this option should also not be missed.

Types of septicov

You can classify sewage treatment plants in different signs. Mostly homeowners are interested in the cost of equipment, as well as service costs and labor intensity of its installation. Usually, this or that advantage is compensated by the disadvantage. Therefore, the septic model will be convenient in operation, which is best suited for specific conditions. It is only important to correctly define priorities to select in each case.

  • Cumulative Spent types for a private house are the cheapest and easy-to-install devices. However, they require pumping, and this is associated with the payment of the services of the assessing machine and additional troubles. Obviously, to make such structures can be comfortable. Low filling intensity, which means they are best suited for temporary accommodation homes used as cottages. Purification of the effluent in this case is actually not performed.

    Septic tanks for a private house: how to choose and what kind, price and reviews

    The accumulative hermetic septic need a permanent pumping

  • Septic tanks for a private house that do not require frequent pumping and consisting of several cameras - The ability to ensure a comfortable disposal of wastewatering, subject to permanent residence, toilets, cranes, soul and bathroom, washing and dishwasher. In order for the cleaning structure to not need to pump, the drains in it must be cleaned for the possibility of subsequent drainage of purified fluid into the ground.

    Septic tanks for a private house: how to choose and what kind, price and reviews

    After cleaning in a two-chamber septic, the water goes to the soil cooking through a layer of rubble

Autonomous septic tank for a private house usually uses two cleaning methods at the same time:

  • Septicine microorganisms are processed by organic inclusions, turning them into il, water, and the gases discharged along the ventilation pipe.
  • After that, a partially purified septic is a liquid undergoing a mechanical filtering step (filtration fields, a layer of rubble or gravel, etc.).

Practically having harmful inclusions of the liquid from the septic, depending on the quality of cleaning, can drain into the ground, roll into the drainage database or used for watering plants.

Septics without pumping in turn are divided into two types:

  • Energy dependent Septic tanks have an equipment connected to the network (patching pump compressor). Their operation requires expenses, but water after such devices is much cleaner.
  • Non-volatile Septics do not require network connection. Ventilation and purification in them are carried out in a natural way. At the same time, they lose on the quality of wastewater.

Local sewage stations (Los ) - these are expensive, but the most efficient and high-performance treatment of complex systems with a thoughtful design. Treatment of energy-dependent septiches and they use biological methods for cleaning of wastewater.

Septic tanks for a private house: how to choose and what kind, price and reviews

Deep biological cleaning station

Different sewage treatment plants and by the number of cameras . Usually acquired single, two or three-chamber septic models. It is important to know that the number of chambers septica also affects the quality of cleaning. Step decomposition, precipitation and filtering of impurities allows you to remove up to 95% inclusions and more.

Claimed facilities with their own hands

Considering how to choose a septic tank and how effective it is effective, it should be remembered that the device of most models is not too difficult, so installing such a device of any suitable type does not make it difficult. Independent construction septica in a private house will require time and effort, however, will significantly save money. Often, used materials used for the production of septic.

Note: Plastic pipes, tees, ventilation taps, Failure for a drainage layer is the materials that will be required in almost every case with the exception of the nuances. For example, drainage is not required to accumulate septic.

The main difference in the material that is used for the walls of the reservoir treatment facilities. Each option has its pros and cons.

  • Concrete in pure form For the construction of a filling solution in a formwork, it is consistent, convenient during transportation and durable. The main disadvantage of such construction is a long period of work that cannot be reduced. The walls and partitions between the cameras are "increasing" gradually, no more than 50 cm. At the same time, the next stage is poured only after the frozen of the previous one.
  • Concrete rings With the same strength and durability, it can be mounted quickly quickly, carefully fixing and sewing the joints. The main disadvantage of the option is the complexity of transporting the material to the place and the need to use lifting equipment (additional costs) to move when installing, including to lower the rings in the kitty.

    Septic tanks for a private house: how to choose and what kind, price and reviews

    In the photo of septic tanks for a private house - installation of concrete rings in the pit

  • Brickwork It is raised faster than the monolithic filling concrete walls. In this case, the transportation material transportation with the help of equipment is needed only at the stage of delivery to place. The disadvantage is a fairly high value of the brick, although it is possible to use remnants after the construction of the house or garage, as well as the used material after dismantling any structures.
  • Plastic Eurocube Cheap Even if you buy new products, and in some enterprises receiving consumables in a similar container, you can buy Eurocube used at a very low price. The undoubted advantages of such a septica are lightweight and fast installation, absolute moisture resistance (and, accordingly, a high degree of environmental safety) of the material. Disadvantages are a limited volume, the need to take certain measures to prevent the squeezing of the soil reservoirs (first of all - during freezing) and the "pop-up" of the reservoirs in the flood (for this, the light tanks "anchor" to the foundation).

    Septic tanks for a private house: how to choose and what kind, price and reviews

    Septic from Eurocubes will be an inexpensive option for the device on the site

  • For cottages with a small amount of effluents, small, but cheap Septic tanks from car wheels.

Two septic manufacturers won in the domestic market. In the assortment of each of them - models of various volumes, however, in the manufacture of its models, brands adhere to certain rules, thereby exist characteristic of all products of each model range features.

  • Septic tank Cheaper and available to a wide circle of buyers. They consist of three chambers and provide removal to 70-75% impurities. "Tanks" Autonomous, non-volatile, but can only be installed on loose sandy soils for high-quality drainage of purified fluid and only under the condition that there is a sufficiently deep grounding of groundwater. Periodically septiches of this brand requires cleaning with the help of an assessing machine, however, subject to the correct operation of the contact of the special equipment will be required quite rarely. Separations of this type are recommended to use together with additive complexes - infiltrates.

    Septic tanks for a private house: how to choose and what kind, price and reviews

    Septic tank with infiltrator

  • Septica Topa - expensive, but highly efficient (removal up to 98% sediment) model. They are energy-dependent and possess a more complex design. In such septics there are simultaneously aerobic and anaerobic decomposition of the effluent, as well as their filtering. They do not require additional equipment and can be installed on any soils. Do not require assessing cleaning. It is extremely rarely needed to remove the sludge, which the owner of the house can be performed independently.

What septic ticker to choose for home is solved depending on the conditions. In some cases, expensive equipment turns out to be more practical and economical in operation, paying for costs. In others, it is advisable to purchase cheaper models. Therefore, and to unambiguously answer that it is better to septic or autonomous sewage, located on the basis of a deep cleaning station, you can only considering a specific situation.

Septic selection criteria

When solving the question, how to choose septic tanks for a private house - the price is important, but far from paramount criterion.
  • Volume and performance Septic - one of the main performance. They affect the effectiveness of the purification of effluents and the comfort of the use of the sewer system as a whole.
  • Number of cameras Septic is also determined by the volume of wastewater. Single-chamber models are an economical solution for giving with a small amount of water to be purified. With permanent accommodation, two, and better three-chamber design.
  • Draining systems They can effectively function only on loose soils and, subject to a deep sealing of wastewater. On clay soils, accumulative septic tanks for cottages or local sewage seats that do not require soil doctors can be used, for houses with permanent accommodation.
  • Price It should be definitely taken into account when choosing, and very often the same products are significantly different in functionality. At the same time, the cheapest septic vessels, for example, the design of the tires, are suitable only for cottages.

To better submit a price range of septicles, we give here the cost of the two models described above. Top premis 5, designed for 5 people, will cost 77,000 rubles and above, and the cost of the septicity of the Tank 1 (for 1-3 people) will be from 17500 to 35,000 rubles (such a large variation of prices for this brand is associated with seasonal shares).

Information in the video will also be useful when choosing a septical for a private house.

Secret schools for private house reviews

Here are some reviews of septic owners.

"We have a good and well-kept summer cottage with a very decent house where light, water, water, there is a gas cylinder, but lacked only local sewage. The septicine model was chosen for a long time and carefully. So, as a part of the site, we have a small one, and we live there only on the weekend, in the summer, then the choice of our fell on a small and inexpensive model of the accumulative flow. It is simple and cheap in installation and operation, and in essence it is a compact version of the cesspool. There is this system and disadvantages. This is the need for maintenance by the assessing agent and still some presence of unpleasant odors, but it seems to me that the pluses are interrupted here ... "

Semen, Volgograd

"And we installed the septic tank on our own, from concrete rings. The installation was made with a depth of three meters. It is not necessary to clean too often, for us the perfect two-chamber option - the flow rate of up to 1 m3 per day. And I used the pipes, they are easier and not rust. "

Dmitry Olegovich, Saransk

"I installed 7 years ago Ecoline at 3.5 Cuba. And actively use even neighbors help. I have not yet cleaned it. The only minus it is written in the instructions that after 10 years need to be cleaned. It remains 3 years old, but not to clean the hunt. "

Ruslan, Obninsk

"We use a septic tank. So easy to install that they first had doubts whether it would work so well as manufacturers say. Put - works. Do not complain. I would like to warn that it is better to immediately calculate the volume of the septicism, based on the possible influx of people. We took a lot in terms of volume, do not worry. "

Sergey, Izhevsk

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