Gauge Corrugation


Gauge Corrugation

If a gas highway is supplied to the house, then water heating is more expedient to produce with gas. Often such a heating device are gas flowing water heaters. According to the habit, they are called gas speakers, by analogy with the devices that put in homes in the Soviet Union at the end of the 50s.

In any household appliance, which uses gas in its work, it is necessary to get rid of the products of its combustion. For example, for gas water heaters, a pipe connecting the device with a ventilation shaft is served as a tap.

Pros and cons

Having read the gas columns closer, having studied all the advantages and disadvantages of corrugated pipes, it can be concluded that the undoubted advantages are:

  • Flexibility of the pipe itself. It can be laid throughout the supporting structures that prevent direct passage. It is possible to pave a pipe with any bend, at different angles.
  • Relative ease of installation. It means that there is no need to involve specialists, and the lack of need in specialized components. Whether adapters or docking nodes. The connection occurs with special adapters.

And with all these advantages - a relatively low price.

Of course, not everything is so perfect, and along with essential advantages there are disadvantages. The biggest minus is a relatively short life, if you compare with the timing of chimneys from hard pipes.

Another minus is the need to additionally insulate the chimney itself to avoid the appearance of condensate.

Gauge Corrugation

Gauge Corrugation

It is important is the possibility of external and internal gasket.


To date, there are many types of corrugated pipes. Not every can be used as chimney. Conducted by the requirements for fire safety and environmental standards. Most often use the following types of pipes.

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Aluminum pipes

Previously, a pipe made of aluminum foil was used everywhere. Its radius is 50-75 mm., It is durable, flexible and cheap. She performed her basic purpose and was very convenient when laying. Aluminum pipes are made of aluminum corrugations and steel wire, which is used to give the shape of the product. No connectors lengthened with a simple metal scotch. The initial length is usually 70 cm. It can stretch to 3 m, which allows you to change the length of the chimney.

Its disadvantage is that it does not withstand high temperatures, therefore it is not used for instruments that work on solid fuel, although it is still used for gas speakers.

Gauge Corrugation

Gauge Corrugation

Gauge Corrugation

Stainless steel pipes

Because of the listed shortcomings, the proliferation of stainless steel corrugations received. It is no longer inferior in its properties aluminum, and in the figure in the fire-resistant seriously surpasses them. Stainless steel tube withstands the temperature of 90 ° C.

Gauge Corrugation

Gauge Corrugation


The corrugated pipe is used in the configuration of heating devices that operate on gas, hard and even liquid fuel for the branch of fuel combustion products. It can be used almost on all boilers, boilers and gas speakers. The pipe is used for laying external and internal chimneys, which have turns and bends - in those places where the straight-in-catching pipe is not possible.

Gauge Corrugation

Competently installed and connected boiler or boiler, like any gas column indispensable in everyday life. The removal of smoke, with the help of a pipe - one of the most important requirements. Correctly mounted chimney - the key to your calm.

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