Clean the coffee makers and coffee makers from scale


If you correctly care for kitchen equipment, it will significantly reduce the risk of premature breakdowns and various problems during operation. This also applies to the coffee machines, the main "disease" of which can be called the accumulation of scale on various elements.

How to clean your coffee maker on your own? What is needed for this? And how to understand that the unit needs cleaning?

Cleaning coffee machines from scale: When is it necessary?

Caling care requires regular cleaning, and how often it should be done, directly related to the quality of water. With increased water hardness, it is necessary to clean the unit once every 30-40 days, and if the water is soft enough of one cleaning in six months.

Clean the coffee makers and coffee makers from scale

What is necessary for urgent cleaning of coffee machines can be determined by the following features:

  • the emergence of a strong hum in the process of work;
  • Thin trickle of the flowing beverage (thinner than usual);
  • White precipitate in coffee.

When these signs appear to cleaning the machine, it is necessary to start without delay. For owners of aggregates with self-cleaning system, this is not a problem, but those who have a cheaper vehicle in the kitchen, you have to do it yourself.

What to clean the coffee machine from scale

The chemical industry has developed a number of funds from scale in coffee machines. They help to carry out all the necessary procedures efficiently and without difficulty.

However, you can not waste extra money for the purchase of funds, and take advantage of the fact that every mistress has, namely, lemon acid. This simple and affordable substance is a powerful sphere from scale.

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No matter how you decide to take advantage of, you need to explore the instructions for the coffee machine before work. This will help avoid mistakes and not spoil the unit.

How to clean the coffee machine from scale

Often, when buying coffee machines complete with it, you acquire the necessary tools for cleansing. If they were not attached to the aggregate, they can be purchased at the Household Chemicals Store.

How to clean the coffee machine from scale? If the unit does not have the functions of self-cleaning, you need to act as follows:

If your units without a pulverist, at the end of the cleaning, fall asleep coffee and run the cooking program. For machines with a pulverom or carriage of a horn type, a program is allowed, without falling asleep coffee.

After the cooking process is over, repeat the manipulations until the entire solution is removed from the tank. Create a drink, prepared in the process of cleaning, it is impossible!

After cleaning is finished, pour clean water into the tank, and then drain through the open crane. After ringed the working unit of the machine in cold water.

How to clean the coffee machine with the function of automatic cleaning? If your kitchen is a "smart" machine, cleaning is done much easier. You need to do the following:

  • Make a solution in accordance with the instructions.
  • Pour the cleaning substance into the tank.
  • Remove the residues of coffee from the waste container.

After that, you will only have to start the process of automatic cleaning, and in the process topping the water and clean the pallet as needed.

These rules are common, depending on the model of the unit, cleaning can be carried out differently.

Cleaning coffee machines from capacious acid

You can not acquire special means, but to clean the coffee machine with citric acid. In this case, the removal of scale in the coffee machine will be divided into three stages:

  • disposal of scale;
  • first rinse;
  • Second rinse.

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In order to remove scale from the coffee machine, you will need to do the following:

  • Turn off the unit.
  • Remove the water tank and rinse in cool water.
  • Pour into the container "Cleaner" from the water and 1 packet "Lemon".
  • Wait to completely dissolve the granules.
  • Install the purified tank with a solution into place.

The next step is carried out in accordance with the type of unit. If it is equipped with a self-cleaning system, you just need to press the necessary buttons on the panel. If this function is not, act in this way:

  • Leave a reservoir with an acid for 15-20 minutes.
  • Then launch the cooking process, repeating it until the solution is ended.
  • Disconnect the unit, get the tank and wash in warm water.

After that, you need to hold the first rinse. How to rinse the coffee machine from the residues of acid? To do this, pour clean water into the container and turn on the cooking mode.

For the second rinse, the tank is also filled with clean water and the machine starts. The cleaning of the coffee machine ends, and the unit can be used for its intended purpose.

How to clean the drip coffee maker from scale

Clean the coffee makers and coffee makers from scale

The principle of purification of drip-type coffee machines is not much different from the processing of other species aggregates. It can also be cleaned of scale with citric acid or special means.

The peculiarity of cleaning such devices is that the procedure must be carried out at least 1 time per month. Otherwise, it may be premature to fail the details in the coffee machines of this type, and coffee will acquire an unpleasant bitter taste.

How to clean the horn coffee maker from scale

Before cleaning the rozing coffee maker, you need to empty the unit. You can get rid of scale with the help of "Lemon", or apply a special tool in accordance with the instructions.

After cleaning is finished, use the rigid sponge and food soda in order to clean the sieve and horn.

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Chemical means should not be applied, because the welded drink will acquire a specific taste and smell.

How to Clean Case, Tray, Container and Capacher

Cleansing these parts does not require the use of special means and high labor costs. It is enough to rub the housing with a cloth or a soft sponge, and the tray and the container is washed with warm water.

Cleaning the cappuccinator is carried out like this: placed in a container with water tube intended for the supply of fluid, and include the supply of hot steam. After it flows clean water, the procedure can be considered over.

Coffeeman care

In order for the coffee machine to serve for a long time and did not fail, it is necessary to adhere to simple rules for the care of the unit:

  • regularly clean;
  • use for cooking coffee filtered water;
  • If the unit has a built-in filter, it should be replaced every 3 months.

If these simple rules are met, you will achieve the fact that your unit will be uninterrupted to work for a long time.

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