Quick ways to clean the sole of the iron


The iron with a ceramic coating is the device necessary for each hostess. With it, you can achieve the perfect type of clothing. But in order for he worked uninterrupted and not sprouting things, it is necessary to regularly clean the household appliance. Ceramics is fragile and delicate material, and if not cleaning the iron on time, the quality of ironing will decrease, and the fabric will begin to "burn".

Why burning the sole of the iron

Quick ways to clean the sole of the iron

It can be noted several reasons that may cause treacherous subfalien, requiring the iron from the prigar:

  • Incorrectly exhibited ironing temperature, for example, synthetics melts only from exceeding several units, due to which its fibers stick to the sole of the unit.
  • If you have an iron on buttons or buttons that are made of plastic, it can melted them, as a result of which traces of these substances will remain on the surface.
  • Application in the water steam generator with high rigidity and chlorine contents can cause a lime deputy first inside the liquid tank, and then near the holes for steam on its coating.
  • The fall in the device that did not have time to cool down, on the floor or the surface of the carpet can serve as a reason for the appearance of the marks on it, because of which you have to look for funds that allow you to clean the sole of the iron.

In order to prevent the emergence of such situations, you need to carefully study the labels of products that you say to correctly select a mode that does not harm or fabric nor technician. And after sure to wait for the cooling of the device, after which it wipe it with a dry cloth and remove for storage in the closet.

To prevent the formation of scale or at least reducing the likelihood and frequency of its occurrence, you need to pour into the tank only filtered water or special tools that can be purchased in business stores. Adhering to these simple rules, you can get rid of many problems.

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How to extort a fresh spot on the sole of the iron

Quick ways to clean the sole of the iron

Most often, synthetic is burning to the sole, since it is possible to iron it, only pre-defending marks. Otherwise, the fabric begins to melt and sticks to the sole of the iron.

  • If there is an opportunity, burnt pieces of fabric better removed immediately, with a non-cooled surface. To do this, soda soles with ordinary toilet soap and let dry. Then wipe it with a damp cloth.
  • You can also clean the iron from the burnt fabric to the nail polish remover. Treat the sole of the device, moistened with your cotton disk, then wipe it with a damp cloth.

How to clean the iron with a ceramic coating

The main requirement to those who are going to clean the iron with a ceramic coating on their own is accuracy. Neglecting the instruction can lead to the fact that you damage the sole of the device or damage yourself. In the process of work, it is recommended to follow the following rules:
  • Do not clean the device included;
  • Follow the power of pressing the sole, do not press it too much;
  • With complex pollution, use professional agents that are not able to bring the device in order to the other cases allowing "folk" cleaning products;
  • After the operation is completed, the operation of the household appliance must be carried out according to the instructions in order to reduce the likelihood of re-contamination.

Many irons have included the instructions for clearing the sole, stick to its items while working with the device.

What to clean the sole of a stainless steel iron

Household appliances made of stainless steel is the most durable and rigorous. But even if your iron has a steel sole, you should not score with a knife with a knife whipping to it after an unsuccessful ironing process. You can hurt the surface.

To this end, it is better to take advantage of safer "tools." For example, a metal scraper for dishes or a wooden spatula. If you select a scraper, do not push it hard on it. Clean the Nagar with light movements. Before you delete the sticking tissue, the device must be included in the network and put the highest temperature. Wait until it warms up and the fabric melt, only then start.

After you remove the main part of the molten tissue, you can begin to the next step.

  • Salt. Cover the block for ironing with tight paper. Put salt with a thin layer on it. Well preheated iron stroke it until the entire NAGAR remains on salt crystals. Do not use this cleaning method too often.
  • Soda and detergent. Mix a teaspoon of food soda and the same amount of detergent. Apply the crawl to the working surface of the iron and spend a little.

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How to remove the naughty with aluminum sole iron

Irons with aluminum soles are easy and convenient to work. They are well smoothed underwear and stand relatively inexpensive. But to such a surface, the fabric sticks more often due to the fact that aluminum is rather soft metal. It is categorically prohibited to clean such a surface with high abrasive drugs or rude objects. So how do you clean the iron from the burntable tissue at home, if its sole is made of aluminum? We will tell you several methods that clean this type of coating.

How to Clean Iron from Nagara: Folk Methods

Quick ways to clean the sole of the iron

In the absence of special means, it is possible to clean the sole of the iron by hand. Effective means include:

It is important to use a soft cloth so as not to damage the coating of ceramics.

What to clean the iron at home: special means

By visiting a shopping store, you can purchase special tools intended for self-cleaning of irons.

Cleaning pencil

This is a simple to use and relatively inexpensive.

  • To clean the ceramic sole with it, it is necessary to give the device to warm up, and then turn off the iron from the power supply and spend the hot-sole with a pencil. He will start melting, removing the Nagar.
  • Clean the sole, holding a pencil in hand.
  • Be sure to undress a rag or a newspaper, after that you can rub the surface with a pencil, a burnt flare will be drained in the form of a dark fluid on matter.
  • In the process of cleaning, an unpleasant smell may appear, which should not be inhaled. It is better to open the window and ensure the ventilation.
  • In the case when the traces of the plated are on the holes, you need to start the steam supply, while simultaneously bringing a pencil to them. Act carefully, so as not to burn the ferry.
  • In conclusion, when the iron cools, you need to wipe the sole of dry matter.

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Cleaning pencil is suitable for removing serious contaminants and for preventive cleaning.

Quick ways to clean the sole of the iron

Cleaning agent for glass ceramics

This tool is also successfully used to remove nagar with an iron sole. Its purpose is to remove dirt from cooking panels, and it is somewhat inferior to the efficiency of a special pencil. But in some cases it is quite enough.

In order to bring the iron in order, it is necessary to apply to the cold sole of the device and leave for 5-10 minutes, and then carefully wipe it with a dry cloth.

How to clean the iron from the inside

Some models are already equipped with self-cleaning system, however, if it is not, it is necessary to periodically deletely from the inner parts of the iron lime flask. How to clean the iron from the inside?

  • If you did not acquire the funds against scale, you can take citric acid. Dissolve the "lemon" in water and pour into the iron.
  • Warrate the device and then turn off. After 20 minutes, connect it to the network again and use the evaporation function to remove the cleaning solution. At the end of the procedure, rinse the reservoir with clean water.

Useful advice

During operation, follow a few simple rules, it will help to avoid serious contaminants of the Iron soles and will get rid of the need to carry out preventive cleaning too often:

  • In order to prevent the emergence of such situations, you need to carefully study clothing shortcuts in order to correctly choose a mode that does not harm or fabric nor technician.
  • To try the synthetics, cover it with a thin wet cloth.
  • To prevent the formation of scale or at least reducing the likelihood and frequency of its occurrence, you need to pour into the tank only filtered water or special tools that can be purchased in business stores.
  • And after the end of the ironing, it is necessary to wait for the cooling of the device, after which it wipe it with a dry cloth and remove for storage in the closet.

So now you know how to clean the ceramic iron at home. Adhering to these simple recommendations, you can independently provide a quality care. This will help you for several years to extend the service life of an expensive device without losing the quality of its work.

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