How to choose the color of the sofa in the interior: advice of professionals


The sofa in the apartment performs an important function. It is the central subject of furniture. EO Color must match the interior. Manufacturers offer a variety of options, but you need to choose furniture, given some moments.

Basic principles of choice

Basic principles of choice

When choosing any furniture, a person is guided primarily with its own taste and functionality of models. Professionals are recommended when buying relying into several general rules:

  1. Carefully choose upholstery material. This moment should be taken into account if there are children or animals in the house. The fabric should be resistant to damage, stains are easy to remove, do not stick wool.
  2. Adhere to your own preferences when choosing a model, and not strive for popular options. Fashion quickly passes, and the sofa remains. It should be comfortable, comfortable.
  3. Determine the required functionality. It is necessary in order to choose the appropriate option by the type of mechanism, the presence of linen boxes. If the sofa is not used as a sleeping place, then it is necessary to look at the unlawful options.
  4. Think up the upholstery color. It is not necessary to act thoughtlessly, the shade of furniture must be perfect to the interior. It should be understood that the color of the sofa is a constant, permanent indicator. Such furniture is operated for more than one year and the spontaneous choice of color will lead to the fact that it will quickly get bored, starts annoying.
  5. If it is impossible to appeal to designers, it is necessary to independently think over the style of the interior and the color gamut before the start of repair. In the future, all materials and furniture acquire, relying on their own solutions.

Adhering to these simple principles, you can successfully choose the desired sofa version.

Sofa for different premises

In addition to general councils on the selection of the sofa, it is worth considering the type of room in which the furniture is planned. The features of the room and its functionality are taken into account.

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For kitchen

For kitchen

The kitchen put a sofa for relaxing for a circle of tea and reception. It takes into account the size of the room. In the small kitchen it is worth choosing a sofa of light tones. It will help visually expand the space. Bright shades can make an imbalance in the interior, even if the finish is made in these colors.

For a large kitchen, a bright option is well suited. It will become a kind of zoning element. This is relevant when in one room combined area for cooking, dining and living room. We must not forget about combining furniture with interior, decoration and design.

For the living room

For the living room

The sofa in the living room has a completely different function, is the central part of the room. It is in this room that you can experiment with the color and patterns of furniture or to give preference to calm shades.

The main thing is not to forget about the compatibility of the sofa and the design of the room. In the dark, a little lit room is better to purchase a model of light color, it will visually expand the space.

For bedrooms

For bedrooms

In the bedroom, the sofa must be as comfortable as possible. It is not recommended to choose bright shades, it is better to give preference to calm tones. It will help better relax. It is necessary to take into account the decay mechanism. The sofa must organically fit into the interior in all respects - in color, size, form, functionality.

For children

For children

Children's room is usually made in bright, but "non-crumbling" tones. You need to choose a sofa, given some moments:

  1. Will the child sleep on it. To sleep, it is better to give preference to calm monophonic colors.
  2. Room decor style. For girls, furniture with drawings of cars and blue tones will fit, for boys - pink and red.

It is not worth choosing a sofa too children's colors, always need to remember that the child will quickly grow up and the furniture will have to be changed.

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