Modern stairs:? Types and their features [+60 photo]?


The staircase is an integral part of the country house, its main task is a safe movement between rooms and floors. In most cases, such a design occupies a central place in the room (in the living room or in the hallway).

To date, there are a wide selection of such designs. Modern stairs can be made of a variety of materials and have absolutely different style directions. A properly chosen model will be the highlight of the interior of your home, will emphasize his dignity and will hide disadvantages. In this article we will tell you what should be considered when choosing a design, and what are the options for designing stairs.

Species and design features

During its existence, the staircase has undergone many changes. Initially, such products were made only from expensive wood breeds, now you can meet metal and glass models. Especially popular with designers enjoy stairs with combination of stone and glass. If you only plan to build a country house, then you need to decide in advance with the location of the stairs, as well as with the overall interior design.

The staircase in a modern style is not only a method of connecting the first and second floors, but also the central design in the interior.


Whatever the model you choose, remember that the appearance of your dwelling depends on it. So, in the classic interior, massive wooden structures are favorably, and in the modern style - weightless staircases of glass and metal.

Allocate the following types of staircases:

  • march;
  • screw;
  • swivel.

The first option is the most common. The marching stairs are distinguished by simple installation, high safety and comfortable design. They are attached to a concrete basis at an angle of forty-five degrees.

The march model of the staircase is made of wood, but can be supplemented with all sorts of decorative elements made of metal or stone.

Stylish marching staircase on the second floor

Straight stairs

A straight staircase is most often installed in large homes, where there is no need to save free space. Depending on the design features, single-hour and two-hours stairs are distinguished. It is worth noting that such products can be used on the street. Designers recommend outer products as an integral part of the porch.

Direct marching staircase on the second floor

Direct stairs are interconnected marches that are filled with steps. For a two-story house, it is enough to go to ten-fifteen steps. If you wish, you can equip the platform between the first and second floors, as well as transform the upsembly space under the office or dressing room.

Staircase with a storage module

With the help of march models, the room can be zonied - this is especially relevant for small living rooms or loft style rooms.

Loft Ladder

Screw stairs

Screw staircases in modern style are most often made of metal or wood. Such models are distinguished by compactness and interesting design. The disadvantage is the insufficient safety of such structures, in connection with which they are not suitable for families where there are small children and older people.

Screw staircases can have both straight and curvilinear transitions. The form allocate such models:

  • octagonal;
  • square;
  • without risers.

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Square spiral staircase
Square Screw Staircase

Screw stairs are a universal option for two-storey apartments and small houses. Thanks to its compactness, they gradually displacing bulky marching structures. The unusual appearance of such a turn allows you to experiment with the decor of the room and embody the most unusual design ideas in the interior.

Unusual spiral staircase

On video: pros and cons of stairs of different types.

Design of stair designs

The design of the staircase in the house first of all depends on the overall stylist of the interior of the room. With independent making design, a variety of materials can be used, depending on your personal preferences and material capabilities. The combination of several wood breeds is particularly popular, it allows you to recreate the so-called "new classic".

You can highlight such design styles as:

  • Classic. This is the most common design of stairs. With classical design, granite, marble and wood are used. Distinctive features of the product in this style are the layers of lines, muffled colors, naturalness and elegance. It is worth avoiding a large number of decorative elements, and also to ensure that the design does not get out of the overall design.

Staircase on the second floor in classic style

  • Neutral style. For stairs in a modern style, the so-called Design neutral is characteristic. This type of design is characterized by the simplicity of finishing, the absence of bright accents and straight lines. Frequently used colors are white, gray and brown, the use of glass is not excluded. Such a staircase looks great both inside the house and outside.

Universal staircase in neutral style

  • Modern. This direction is divided into several styles - Art Deco, High-Tech, minimalism, neutral, urbanism. Each of the styles in its own way is individual, however, for all the use of metal and glass elements. In the manufacture of the screw staircase, plastic is often used as an additional material, which allows to significantly save on the construction of this element.

Print Staircase in Modern Style

  • Country A feature of this style is the naturalness and abundance of textile elements. Country marching staircase will be an excellent addition to the old estate or hunting house. All structural elements are made of expensive wood breeds. Much attention should be paid to the decor of the first floor room - bed Multicolored carpet tracks, decorate the railing and do not forget about the colors on the windowsill.

Country staircase

If you are only planning to build a screw or march staircase, we recommend that you make a detailed design plan in the first stages of work. At the same time, you should decide on the characteristics of the design of the stairs in your home. The main thing is to organize the layout correctly, choose a color solution and pick up the appropriate style.

Stairs in the house

The main requirement for stairs in the house is a multifunctionality. When building a staircase, it is also worth remembering the safety of the future product. However, residents of the house more cares the appearance of the stairs, design and decor. Whatever the style of the inner staircase you choose, it must harmoniously look in the interior of the room and serve as the central element of the composition. The correctly chosen form of the stairs will make movement on the floors more comfortable and will save you from possible injuries and bruises.

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

When placing rooms, pay attention to the proportionality of the main elements. In a small room or a two-story apartment, a stone staircase with massive railings will look prefaby and reasonable. In style minimalism, it is better not to use wooden products, otherwise the author's design will lose its individuality, as a last resort, the combination of materials can be used.

Pay attention to such a designer reception as the zoning of the room with a staircase. It is often used in small houses in the style of high-tech or neutral.

Zoning of the room with a stairs

The use of a screw staircase allows you to highlight several thematic zones (dining room and living room, bedroom and children's room), thereby visually increasing the free space. In most cases, the staircase is placed in the center of the room, but it should be careful here. Watch that the design does not close the window and did not darken one of the zones.

Private Staircase

External models

The outdoor design of the country house is no less important than the right-selected room design. On the appearance of the facade of the building affects the location of the input steps. This factor must be considered when choosing a staircase model. For suburban cottages, massive marching structures are suitable, and for a small private section, a spinal staircase on the attic will be an excellent option (although it can be replaced with a ladder). The last method is very popular in recent times due to low cost and original execution.

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Outdoor spiral staircase for attic

The modern staircase in the country house is able to emphasize the advantages of a residential construction site, but for this it is necessary to comply with technical norms, style unity and color balance. To emphasize the design of the outdoor cladding, choose products of a simple form with a minimum amount of decor.

If you are going to equip the platform, it must be performed in the same style as marches. The most optimal option is the use of identical materials and straight lines.

Outdoor staircase in a private house

Design fences

Fences is an important component of any stairs. They can be made of a variety of materials, regardless of the main part of the structure. For internal stairs, fences are suitable in the form of Balyasin, located close to each other. But this option is very laborious and expensive. To reduce the costs of installing a large number of bassine, experts recommend filling the gaps between them with metal strings, grille or decorative elements.

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

A distinctive feature of a modern staircase in the interior of the house designers call the use of glass inserts as a fence. This allows you to recreate the feeling of weightlessness, especially if you arrange the design opposite the window. It is also worth noting that the glass fencing is very functional - it can be used as a baluster (in order to maintain the handrails), as well as how to suspend the steps. Thus, this element combines multifunctionality, original appearance and safety.

Ladder with glass fences

Another embodiment is a solid tree partition or the use of a part of a brick wall. This method makes it possible to spectacularly highlight the staircase on the background of the room.

If you want to save on this item, then pay attention to the wooden grille, as well as special suspensions.

Ideas for ladder fence

If the interior of your home is made in styles such as Provence and Country, then the use of wooden railing can be an excellent alternative. You can order handmade designer fence, which will give a product of solidity. Special attention when choosing wood is worth paying for its natural texture, it must be combined with other elements of the interior (with furniture, wall decor and floor trim).

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

The key task of the stairs in the interior of the house is to give the completeness, unity of the whole composition. In addition, the staircase allows you to save free space (if necessary) or zonate the room. To emphasize the design of the rooms, you need to correctly pick up the style of the product, its shape and dimensions.

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There are a large number of unusual ideas for the design of inter-storey stairs. Traditional models are made of wood, glass or metal, but this is not the entire list of materials that can be used. For large-sized products, stone and concrete is suitable, and for beautiful screw structures - plastic or ceramics.

Any style of the staircase has specific features, but still much depends on the form and material of the manufacture. Whatever direction in the design of the house you choose, remember the unity of the composition. Next, we will look at the most popular styles and their features.


Loft or "industrial" style appeared relatively recently. This direction in design is characteristic of spacious premises with high ceilings and abundance of natural light. Initially, the staircase was not used in this style design at home, but now it occupies a key role - it is achieved with a smooth division into several thematic areas. In the style of Loft applied muffled, calm tones - often gray, white and black shades are found.

Staircase in the interior of Loft

The feature of the Loft style staircase is the openness of the design and transparency. Most often use mesh metal fences, elements of glass.

Loft Staircase

Loft Staircase

High tech

A feature of the staircase in the style of High-tech is the abundance of glass, transparent decorative elements, straight lines and the absence of a railing. Such structures are often used in small hotels, cultural and entertainment centers and parks. Depending on the material, they can be erected both in the house and on the street. Openness and minimalism are the main components of this style.

Staircase in the style of Hi Tech

You can select such distinctive features of High-tech stairs, like:

  • ban on the use of wood;
  • lack of risers;
  • Steps made of transparent material;
  • closely located balustrades;
  • the use of metal supporting structures;
  • The abundance of white, gray and glass.

Two-storey staircase in the style of Hi-tech

Khi-tech screw staircase

Lighting stairs

Special security requirements are presented to the stairs. In order to avoid injuries and bruises, the design should have the necessary level of illumination. For this purpose, the overall light is used (chandelier in the center of the staircase), as well as point lamps. The last method involves the uniform location of the instruments along the entire length of the stairs.

Point lighting stairs

Another excellent option is to use LED backlighting steps for comfortable movement at night.

LED backlighting stairs

Space under the staircase

Attestation space can be used for homework - to build a dressing room or equip the workbook. Depending on the free area, designers recommend to recreate a small living room in the hallway (put furniture for recreation, several lamps and rack with books). The library is also an excellent use of space under the staircase. It is worth noting that all these methods face only for direct staircases.

Armor arrangement

It is almost impossible to present a country house without a massive wooden staircase. This element of the interior attaches the room a complete appearance, sets the rhythm and style to the first floor. The screw models are suitable for two-storey apartments or small country houses, with their help you can effectively zonate space and facilitate movement between floors. Modern staircases can be of various shapes and sizes, it all depends on your imagination and wishes of tenants.

20 most amazing stairs (1 video)

Design solutions (60 photos)

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

Features of modern stairs: species, design and interesting style solutions

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