How to sew a flower of fabric for curtains: pattern hands profi


Flower theme is often used in decorative design of the room: these are either floristic prints on textiles, or made of tissue bakery compositions.

How to sew a flower of fabric for curtains: pattern hands profi

Roses on the curtains

They decorate:

  • window openings;
  • Curtains, lambrequins, pickups for curtains;
  • doors (decorative wreaths);
  • walls (garlands);
  • headboard bed, pillows;
  • used when serving the table;
  • Apply as accessories in clothing.

How to sew a flower of fabric for curtains: pattern hands profi

Vitious garlands from petals and leaves are appropriate in the hallways and halls, living rooms and bedrooms, children's rooms. Flower bouquets made of fabric are placed in the kitchen and even in the bathroom. They are especially in demand when decorating halls at wedding celebrations.

You can sew flowers from the fabric yourself - it is not even required for this sewing machine, a needle enough with threads and remnants of matter. If you make a large number of products, drive on the fishing line, hang on the window or door corner - it will turn out the curtains from flowers with your own hands. You can dump artificial bouquets and petals of curtains using a contrasting fabric or sew decorations from the same matter as the curtains. In any case, the curtain acquires a unique design.

How to sew a flower of fabric for curtains: pattern hands profi

Selection of material

Sew a flower of fabric for curtains It is possible from the remnants of any matter, but if it is planned to create a whole composition and design of the room, approach the choice of material. Flowers for curtains sew from two types of fabric:

  1. easy - organza, veil, silk, satin, lace, chiffon;
  2. Tight - curtain, felt, twid, leather.

The product can be a combination of dense and light species of matter. It is easier to handle light fabrics, it is easy to work with them, a good result is guaranteed, so it is recommended to start with sewing products from chiffon, atlas or organza.

How to sew a flower of fabric for curtains: pattern hands profi

The selection of the material also depends on the model, its location: whether it is a suspension, beautiful flower applique or overhead imitation of plants on curtains. In addition, for the manufacture of colors may be needed:

  • Sequins;
  • beads;
  • sequins;
  • Beads.

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How to sew a flower of fabric for curtains: pattern hands profi

Tools that will be needed in work:

  • needle with thread;
  • sewing machine;
  • scissors;
  • Candle (melting the edges of matter so as not to be poured);
  • Liquid aniline (or food) dyes;
  • Tassels wide number 6-16, as well as narrow to draw streams;
  • gelatin food or starch;
  • paper for patterns (cardboard or oilcloth);
  • chalk, pencil, line, circulation;
  • iron.

Depending on how much the complexity will be a flower from the fabric, you will need all or some of these tools.

How to sew a flower of fabric for curtains: pattern hands profi

A variety of colors organza

Patterns of colors for the curtains are not always required - more often products are sewn from simple forms: rectangles, round and semicircular parts, squares. But there are many items, so it is recommended to make patterns of thick paper or cardboard. To sew a flower with a pronounced structure - a cup, petal, leaves - patterns are mandatory. Several useful tips on their use:

  1. Patterns fold out on the wrong side of the fabric by oblique.
  2. You can circle them with chalk, pencil or sharply sharpened slicer of soap.
  3. If the petals are the same (like chamomile, tulips or lilies), they use one pattern for them.
  4. If the petals are symmetrical with respect to the central axis (like by the pansy eyes) use left and right parts, sign letters L and P.
  5. Store patterns are comfortable in a box from under sweets or in a large envelope.

How to sew a flower of fabric for curtains: pattern hands profi

Master class on tailoring

In order to sew flowers with their own hands on curtains, use different techniques for work. When using dense tissues, it is recommended to prepare them to pre-prepare: to wall, dry, rejuvenate - to prevent the finished product shrinkage. Soft fabrics starch or treated in a solution of gelatin. You can sew a rose from the fabric in half an hour a few steps.

How to sew a flower of fabric for curtains: pattern hands profi

  • Prepare light fabric - silk, atlas, organza or veil.
  • Cut 10 squares from the fabric:
Speed ​​side length


Number of squares

Total10 squares
  • Having reached the middle, attach the third element and continue to sew all the remaining elements in the same way.
  • Sew the second half of the first petal with a combined first half of the second petal.
  • Having reached the middle of the semicircle, to put on top of the second petal folded in the same way: a sharp tip to the middle of the semicircle.
  • Holding for the sole, sew a simple stitch in half a year, moving on the right left. Stitches to do at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edge.
  • Stitching petals begins with the smallest. Fold it diagonally with the invalid side inside.
  • Folded every square diagonally - it turns out a triangle. Holding it for the "sole" with a corner up, crop the corner, making a "boat" from the triangle. The result will be 10 petals boats.

    How to sew a flower of fabric for curtains: pattern hands profi

  • When all the details are collected and stitched the last petal, to form a rose - to ask the petals by pulling the thread.
  • The base is fixed with glue or manual stitches, watching not to fall out the middle.
  • Make a leaflet: Cut squares with a side of 13 cm, folded diagonally 2 times, pull the bottom with a thread, flashing with a simple stitch.
  • Collect a flower with leaves, securing the latter with thread or glue at the base of the rose.
  • Sew roses for curtains in the amount that is provided for by the designer plan, repeating the entire process.

How to sew a flower of fabric for curtains: pattern hands profi

Original looks with tight fabric for curtains. For them, it is possible to use heavy curtain fabric from which curtains or coloring with the "Negative" effect are made. Features of work with such matter:

  1. There is an invalid and facial side, it is convenient to draw out the outline outline contours, without fear that they will enliver;
  2. Cropped edges need to melt with the help of a candle so that the fibers do not fall out;
  3. The fabric keeps the form very well, they do not need to starch - it is enough to carve out the details, flash, pull and collect them, make a flower for curtains.

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Before sewing flowers for curtains made of soft tissues - viscoses, sither, batted, tightness - starch material or treated in gelatin at the rate of three teaspoons on a glass of water. The gelatin softened in a water bath, the fabric lowers in the hot solution. Not pressing and not twisting, the excessive solutions are removed from the tissue, dried, well smoothed by hands. After such processing, the flowers on curtains or pickups are perfectly holding a form. Cotton and velvet fabrics are better starching: a tablespoon of starch to dissolve in a glass of cold water, pour boiling water into a glass.

How to sew a flower of fabric for curtains: pattern hands profi

It is notable to remember the rule: thin tissue is treated in a saturated solution of gelatin or starch, and dense - in a weakly concentrated.

Make flowers for curtains with your own hands forces to everyone - this is an excellent idea to diversify the interior, giving it the originality. The creative process brings to life a lot of positive and positive emotions.

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