How to get rid of mice in a private house forever folk remedies


How to get rid of mice in a private house forever folk remedies

Mice are constant human satellites. Only one appearance of these rodents can cause a real panic and the desire to escape. Especially often with mice are facing owners of private houses, which are sometimes subject to the real attack of these rodents. It is not easy to get rid of mice, but still it is quite possible. About how to get rid of mice in a private house is forever described further.

How to get rid of mice in a private house

Owners of private houses are often faced with such a problem as the appearance of rodents. They are able to spit a lot of nerves, systematically destroying food, wooden elements in the house and personal belonging of the building. Once you have become a victim of a mouse attack on your home, it is necessary to mobilize all possible means for countering mice.

Small rodents can be dangerous for a person. They are the ideal distributors of many dangerous diseases, and therefore, if you do not take any action to combat mice, you can face serious problems.

Currently, there are several methods of combating unwanted guests in a private house.

  1. Mechanical ways of struggle. This technique implies the use of a variety of technical devices that will help you save your home from rodents. These are a variety of traps, traps and electronic dischargers.
  2. Chemical means of struggle. This method implies the use of chemicals and other poisoning substances that affect rodents lettentively.
  3. Domestic cat. Favorite pet can save your home from the attack of mice.

How to get rid of mice in a private house forever folk remedies

How to get rid of mice in a private house forever with the help of devices

Speaking about how to get rid of mice in a private house at home, many immediately remember a variety of technical devices.

The devices can be effective means of fighting in cases where the population of mice that spread in your home is not enough. If rodents are much, then you need a large number of devices, so in such situations people choose more effective methods of combating mice.

Among the most common devices to combat mice can be allocated:

  • Ultrasound dischargers;
  • traps with adhesive base;
  • Mousetrap and buckets with water.

About how to get rid of mice in a private house with the help of these funds, then it is described in more detail.

How to get rid of mice in a private house forever folk remedies

How to get rid of mice in a private house with a mousetrap

Mousetrap are the most common technical devices for combating mice. Only here to use them in cases where you have a small population of mice in your house. If the number of rodents is significant, then the mousetrap is hardly helped to cope with them, especially if we take into account their ability to continue the kind.

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In order to catch the mouse, you need to put a mousetrap in those places where they most often go. To do this, it is necessary to watch the behavior of rodents for some time to learn their movement routes. In order to catch the mouse, it is worth putting some product in a mousetrap, which will be a real seduction for the mouse.

Important! Mice have good small and self-preservation, so rarely fall into a mousetrap in the same place. Therefore, it will be necessary to periodically move to other zones.

How to get rid of mice in a private house forever folk remedies

How to get rid of mice in a private house ultrasound

Speaking about how to get rid of mice in a private house ultrasound, it is worth noting that this method is considered one of the most humane and safe. Ultrasonic traps for rodents appeared relatively recently, but almost immediately got widespread and hot love of users. These devices operate on autonomous power sources and are capable of protecting your home from the invasion of mice for a long time.

In order to bring mice from a private house with an ultrasonic trap, it is necessary to place it closer to the mouse. After the trap starts to work, an ultrasound will spread around the house, which will not be heard for a person, but will have a serious impact on the more sensitive rumor rodents. In addition, ultrasound will cause air vibrations that make mice feel uncomfortable.

As a result of the work, the ultrasound of the mouse will begin to gradually leave your home. According to statistics, within 2-3 days, all rodents will finally leave your home.

How to get rid of mice in a private house forever folk remedies

How to use glue to get rid of mice

In business stores, you can find a special glue for mice, which can be used to combat rodents. But again, if your home has been attacked by a significant population of mice, this adaptation is unlikely to satisfy you as an effective way to combat rodents.

To bring mice with the help of glue, it is necessary to apply the adhesive base on a dense cardboard or plastic surface. This trap must be placed in the immediate vicinity of the mouse hole. The glue includes a special substance that attracts mice with his smell. After the mouse falls on the glue, it sticks almost tightly, and when trying to free themselves only more felt in a sticky basis.

This method is suitable for those who need to eliminate several rodents. If their number is large, then the effectiveness of the method of struggle causes doubts. Also an unpleasant moment will be a squeak, which will begin to make a mouse after sticking to the surface of the trap.

How to get rid of mice in a private house forever folk remedies

How a bucket with water will help get rid of mice

A rather interesting method of combating mice is considered traps using conventional drinking water. The main advantage of this method is that it is possible to apply this tool with any number of mice in the house.

In order to prepare a trap from a bucket with water, it is necessary to initially cut a small circle of cardboard or foam and consolidate it. It is necessary to put a piece of cheese or another product that will cause interest in the tales.

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Next, you need to take a bucket or other high container, pour a small amount of water there and set a circle of cardboard or foam with bait. The trap must be installed in the place where mice regularly go. After the mouse is trying to get to the bait, the cardboard circle turns over, as a result of which the rodent falls into a container with water, where does he not be able to get out of himself.

How to get rid of mice in a private house with bait

Given the fact that a significant amount of mice is difficult to withdraw from a private house with the help of technical devices. The fact is that the technical means are limited in the ability to catch a significant number of rodents, and if you also consider the high reproductive function of mice, get rid of them with the help of technology becomes extremely difficult.

It is here that we come to help people a variety of bait, which are able to destroy many rodents in one fell swoop. Among the most popular mouse bait is worth highlighting:

  • cement and flour solution;
  • a variety of poisoning substances and chemicals;
  • Plants with a strong aroma.

It is necessary to try to figure out how to get rid of mice in a private house with their help most effectively and quickly.

How to get rid of mice in a private house forever folk remedies

How to use poisons to get rid of mice forever

One of the most radical ways to get rid of rodents consider the use of poisonous chemicals. Currently, there is a huge number of diverse swelling that can be purchased in specialized outlets.

Each poisoning substance has its own characteristics. For example, some poisons act instantly, killing rodents. Other poisoning substances begin to act some time later, contributing to the fact that the foil fell as many rodents as possible.

Using poison in the process of combating mice, it is necessary to remember the danger. Mice can disseminate poison throughout the house, therefore, when applying poison, it is necessary to remove all foods from the availability zone. Special attention should be paid in the event that your home has pets and small children. If you get into the body of poisoning substances, you can get serious health problems.

Important! When using eradicates as a means of combating rodents, remove all foods so that the mice cannot dissemble the poison throughout the house.

How to get rid of mice in a private house forever folk remedies

How to get rid of mice with cement and flour

Speaking about how to get rid of mice in a private house forever folk remedies, it is necessary to remember about building materials that will cause a fatal outcome for rodents.

It is enough to mix cement or similar substances (gypsum or asbestos) with wheat or rye flour to prepare a dangerous remedy for rodents. The smell of flour will attract the attention of mice, which together with the flour will also eat dangerous elements. After the cement falls into the body of the mouse, it will begin to crystallize and harden, and it will be a fatal outcome for rodent.

Important! Try to use this tool when it is possible to remove the corpses of mice from their holes. Otherwise, a specific aroma may appear in your home, which is extremely difficult to get rid of and which can have a negative impact on human health.

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How to get rid of mice in a private house forever folk remedies

How to get rid of mice in a private house forever folk remedies

As you know, the mice have very sensitive nuha organs, so the smell of some plants and substances are extremely bad, and they try to send as far away from the source unpleasant fragrance.

As practice shows, most of all mouse do not like the smell of peppermint, black and pyrhem. If you put around the perimeter of a private house garden with these plants, you can forever forget about rodents, which even close to the source of a strong smell, and, therefore, to your home.

If you have mice in the house, you can put a plant in mouse hole as a struggle with them. As an effective means of combating small rodents, it is possible to prepare a solution based on fragrant oil from mint or vegetables with the addition of a certain amount of acetic acid, after which the composition obtained will need to pour into the mouse hole.

As an alternative, around the house can be in addition to the beds with mint to sprinkle the Earth with wood ash. It negatively affects the paws of the animal, irritating them. Testing such discomfort, the mice will leave your home within a few days.

How to get rid of mice in a private house forever folk remedies

What to do to mouse never appear

Fighting rodents is very difficult, especially if you live in a private house. As a rule, with the attack of mice owners of houses face in winter, when rodents are looking for sources of food and heat. They are extremely quickly multiplied, and the greater the population becomes, the harder it is to fight with them.

In order to minimize the consequences of the spread of mice in a private house, you need to do everything to avoid their appearance. To do this, follow the following rules.

  1. Try to maintain perfect cleanliness in your home. Rodents appear where there are garbage deposits in which they are looking for food. If there are no places, the mice will never appear in your life.
  2. As a protective agent for combating mice, you can make a small metal grid around the foundation at home. At the same time, it should be noted that the grid must be cheated quite deeply, at a distance of at least 1 m.
  3. Do not allow a huge amount of nutritional waste. If you are constantly replenished with a trash can from food from food, then you should not pour out the garbage near the house. The garbage is an excellent bait for rodent, and they will prefer to settle next to her, that is, in your home.
  4. Around their home, it is necessary to plant plants that rodents do not like because of a sharp and specific aroma. These include pepper mint and support.
  5. If boats or holes began to appear in your house, then you need to close them with mounting foam, and this should be done as quickly as possible, otherwise the mice can penetrate your home.

How to get rid of mice in a private house forever folk remedies

How to get rid of mice in the house: video

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