Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns


Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

To ensure the receipt of hot water from the crane at any time helps the water heater. For example, a gas column. However, it is not possible to install such equipment in each house, because such a column should output the combustion products through the chimney. In this case, a turbocharged model of such a device is capable of helping, which, due to the possibility of its installation without chimney, is also called smoothly (or in some unsightened sources).

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns


  • Such a column can be installed indoors without chimney.
  • Due to coercive air injection in such a device, higher efficiency.
  • The presence of a combustion chamber of a closed type prevents the increase in air temperature in the room, which is especially important for exploitation in the summer.
  • Since the air for the operating column is closed from the street, the apartment does not burn oxygen.
  • Since the casing of the speaker is almost completely closed, it reduces the risk of gas burning products into the room.

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns


  • Such a column is energy-dependent, as its fan operates from the power supply. If the electricity is disabled, the use of the turbocharged column is not possible.
  • Due to the fan operation, the equipment functions quite noisy.
  • Columns of this type are more expensive than traditional models. On average, the price of the turbocharged device is 15-17 thousand rubles and higher.
  • To install this column, approval is required not only with organizations responsible for the supply of natural gas, but also with their neighbors living above your apartment. The pipe removal on the facade of the building may be prohibited by the architectural control service.
  • The withdrawing pipe due to the permanent formation of condensate in winter can freeze.

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Difference from the usual column

Modern columns are economical, safe and high-performance. They also attract their design and simplicity of management, however, they require much attention to the elimination of natural gas burning products. It is impossible to use for this purpose by ventilation channels in the building, as you need a dedicated chimney. It is absent in many buildings, which causes a ban on the installation of a gas column in such houses.

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Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

One output can be a remote chimney device that will leave the apartment through the outer wall. However, it is difficult and costs quite expensive, and sometimes it is impossible at all. And the installation of the turbocharged heater will be a more appropriate option.

The main difference of such a column is a forced dismissal of smoke. The design of the turbocharged column includes an electric fan that creates a good craving, even if the chimney is low and short. By installing a similar column, it is enough just to remove the pipe from the apartment, and for this it is not necessary to mount the chimney to the roof level. All other technical characteristics of turbine devices do not differ from other models of gas columns.

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns


You can meet:

  • Semi-line column. Such equipment can be installed in any room that is well ventilated. The fan must ensure not only the elimination of combustion products, but also the influx to the burner of fresh air. Installing a similar column requires close attention to air exchange standards in the room. The plus of the semi-industry device is the lower price (it is almost twice the price of turbocharged models).
  • The turbocharged column. Such a device is completely independent of the ventilation system in the house. This equipment not only takes the products of burning from the apartment, but also takes from the street necessary for the functioning of the air burner.

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns


In turbocharged models there is a double-circuit chimney, which is also called coaxial. In its structure, it represents a pipe inside the pipe. The smoke is discharged along the inside, and through the gap between the pipes inside the room flows the flow of air from the street. This made it possible to equip a column with a closed combustion chamber, which air from the room does not need, due to which the overall safety of the heater increased.

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Tips for choosing

  • Buying a turbocharged heater, first define the place in which you want to set the column. So you will calculate the availability and cost of installation.
  • When selecting a suitable column, first pay attention to its power, since the yield of hot water depends on this indicator. Decide whether you need to simultaneously enter warm water from 2-3 sources, since in this case the purchased device must be higher power.
  • The following important indicator is the ignition type of the device. It can be represented by a piezorozhig (inside the column will constantly burn the scent) or an electric vehicle (a more economical option, since the spinner will light up only when the device is turned on). There are also models, spinning in which comes from the hydrogenerator.
  • Pay attention to the column control. In many models, the temperature regulation is performed manually, but there are also devices with automatic regulation.
  • Pay attention and security of the model being purchased. You must be sure that when overheating, changes in water pressure or attenuation of the burner column will not be the cause of health problems and life.
  • Defined with the manufacturer, ask for the availability and cost of spare parts.

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Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Installation in an apartment and a private house

Specialists should be engaged in connection of the turbocharged column. You can only connect the device to the water supply. You can also independently remove the chimney by making a hole in the wall. Installation of the pipe should be tightly, therefore it is important to pay attention to its thermal insulation and use couplings and adapters.

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Review models

  • Termet Aquacomfort Turbo G19-03. This is an inexpensive semi-industry model from the popular Polish manufacturer. The column uses an electrofery, the device's power is 19.2 kW. For a minute, 11 liters of water heats up in such an apparatus. The model can also function on liquefied gas.
  • Bosch Therm 8000 S WTD 27 AME. This is a very expensive column from the famous German manufacturer. Its pluses are called excellent quality and high reliability of the device. During a minute in such equipment heats up to 27 liters of water, and the power of the device is 45 kW. The model is often acquired for water heating for bars, restaurants and other major institutions.

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns


Those who have chosen a turbocharged column for their home almost always be satisfied with such a technique. The main plus of the device they call the absence of chimney and any problems associated with the elimination of gas combustion products. From shortcomings, users note quite noisy work, as well as the need to connect such equipment to the network.

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

Turbged (smooth-turn) gas columns

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