How to install a plastic window: from measurement before mounting


The thermal insulation of our dwelling depends not only on how correct work on the insulation of walls, floors and ceilings, but also from high-quality installation of windows. How to install a plastic window with your own hands so that it does not become a source of heat loss in the dwelling, our article will tell.

How to install a plastic window: from measurement before mounting


Old window systems could not always provide high-quality thermal insulation of rooms in a house or apartment. Plastic windows compared to them are devoid of many shortcomings. These advantages include the following:

  • reliable sealing;
  • high-quality heat insulation;
  • Mounting availability (To independently install a plastic window, you do not need to have specific equipment).

How to install a plastic window: from measurement before mounting

Stages of mounting

To carry out the installation of plastic blocks itself, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the requirements of the guests 23166-99 and 30971-02, which regulate the issues of installing such structures. And also need to take into account a number of important points that will eventually allow you to achieve the desired result.

Stages of work with plastic windows that you are going to mount with your own hands, include:

  • froker windows;
  • eliminate the old window block;
  • preparation of the opening;
  • Installation of a new design.


After you spend the appropriate measurements, you can order a window from the manufacturer, the quality and price range of the products of which you are satisfied. But the danger of this approach is as follows: the manufacturer is not responsible for the end result, since the measurers of the company will not produce measurements and installation. Only if all the stages of work are performed by the masters of the company, you can present claims if something does not suit you. Such models are made only by individual orders in accordance with the size and shapes of the opening, and the slightest error will result in negative consequences: the window can have more or significantly less opening, non-compliance with the installation rules "kill" all the advantages of the plastic design.

You need to install the block according to certain requirements, taking into account all the nuances. Although it should be recognized that the specialists of some firms neglect certain stages of installation in order to save time and reduce their financial costs. And even if you control the entire sequence of their works, then, not knowing the subtleties of the installation, anyway skip something.

How to install a plastic window: from measurement before mounting


Measurement measurement is carried out with or without a quarter or without a quarter (a brick row, located on the outside of the wall and protruding the inside of the opening).

In the second case, the structures are ordered equal to the length of the opening minus 5 cm. As for the width, its value should be 3 cm less. For dips, one and a half-gun gaps located along the contour of the design (according to GOST - 2 cm) are left. For the windowsill, a gap is 3.5 cm.

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Operactions with a quarter should be measured in a narrow place. You need to add 3 cm to the width parameter, leave the length unchanged.

You can establish similar designs with your own hands with a shift to any side, which must be taken into account when ordering the siblings and the windowsill (when you measure their parameters, add 5 cm). The location of heating radiators also affects the width of the window sill: its design should close the battery on ½. It must be borne in mind that part of the windowsill (2 cm) must be started under the window base. The length of the length should be 8-15 cm.


When ordering windows from plastic, do not forget to purchase sidelugs.

It should be noted that absolutely even slopes are rarely, therefore, the smallest of the parameters obtained is taken as the basis. The curvature of slopes can be checked using a water level. Measurement is made on all openings in the dwelling. In height, all windows must be the same, in width - different. Choose a smaller result.

When calculating, consider whether the walls will subsequently, the wall thickness must be taken into account when ordering ties and windowsill.

Specialists are recommended to perform measurements of slopes after installing the window.


If you decide to install windows with your own hands in the old house, then escape part of the slopes - it may turn out that the window opening is much larger than the window, and the free place is flooded with cement composition and insulated with thermal insulator; Most likely, it all falls off at the layer of the previous design.

After the future design is performed, you can order a window. The representative of the selected firm will help correct the block parameters, select its configuration, fastening system.

How to install a plastic window: from measurement before mounting

Window block mounting system

Severe two ways to fix the plastic window with their own hands:

  • through the frame unit;
  • Using the re-type fittings.

The first option was greatest. But when it is used, you will have to remove packets and hanging sash.

You can independently install the window block using the second option. In this case, the double-glazed windows will not be damaged, the window will remain hermetic. But when working with their own hands, with the whole design, the weight of such a model will increase greatly, and it is impossible to insert it to one person.

How to install a plastic window: from measurement before mounting

Preparatory work

This stage of work should be carried out when the window blocks have already been delivered.

First you need to cleanse the place in front of the window: remove furniture, radiators, and the floor is to cover the polyethylene film.

Plastic structures before installing with your own hands it is necessary to prepare. If necessary, the double-glazed windows take and remove the swamming flaps. In the first case, neatly with the help of the chisels are pushed by a stroke, which fixes the glass, and leash the glass from the grooves. The stroke recess is started vertically, then remove the lower and top rows.


Do not forget to mark the strokes, so as not to confuse them during the inverse installation, otherwise the gaps may form.

So that the double-glazed windows come out of the frame easily, it should be slightly tilt. After that, all the elements gently put on the wall at an angle.

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When removing swinging flaps, remove the plug and unscrew the presser bolts.

If the window unit is equipped with a flossy system, then the top of the sash is released by turning the handle as when carrying out, the hook is eliminated from the lower canopy. As a result, the frame remains with the impost.

From the inside around the perimeter of the frame, the metal drill should be done by the holes for the anchors (3 or more from the sides, 2 - at the top and bottom). Anchors are fasteners, the diameter of which is 8-10 mm.

There are models of windows whose installation is made with the help of special elements (ears). In this case, the window block does not need to disassemble. The included fasteners should be fixed on the frame with screws.

Standing profile Specialists advise filled with mounting foam, this will avoid the formation of cold bridges. Similar works are made the day before installing windows with your own hands.

How to install a plastic window: from measurement before mounting

Preparation of window opening

Dismantling of the old window is carried out on the day of installing a new design. To remove the frame and box box, they must be pre-filtered and remove each part with a nail.


Sometimes the box hold nails to 200, it is better to remove them in advance, do not forget to remove the seal and the heat insulator, located under the box.

Also, experts recommend to remove part of the slopes or remove them completely. The windowsill must be eliminated. The perforator is cleaned with a cement substrate.

After that, the place under the future design is cleaned from garbage, dust and dirt and treated with primer.

In old housing, you need to pave an additional waterproofing layer around the perimeter of the future window.

How to install a plastic window: from measurement before mounting

Installation of plastic window

  1. Put on the bottom end opening the bars from a tree or a plastic substrate. The latter is mounted under the edges of the framework and in the location of the imposts, the main rack. They mounted a frame or a fully window. The whole design will remain on the bars or the substrate.
  2. Kolyshka window to attach to the sides of the opening, drip closer to the upper edge between the wall and the window block. Water level check the horizontal location of the window, its height with respect to other windows. Additionally, it is possible to align the block with the help of substrate pieces. Vertically, the window must be aligned with plumbers.
  3. Anchors secure the window through the frame. For this use a perforator. First, it is necessary to attach the bottom frame from two sides. Anchor is not fully fixed. Again check the verticality of the block again. Then make holes in the upper and lower part of the frame. After again, check the verticality of the design, after which the anchor is completely tightened, but not much to avoid the deformation of the frame.
  4. If there are special fasteners (plates in the form of ears with holes for anchor fasteners) you need to do the following: fasteners bend in the form of a step, provide its dense adjacent to the side surface, break the hole for the anchor. At first, the lower part is fixed, then the upper and middle. The design level must be checked at each stage.
  5. Waterproof should be inserted into the groove located on the outer edge of the window block. Additionally, it is poured by mounting foam. There are models of windows in which water-grades are fixed with screws to the frame of the window block.

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How to install a plastic window: from measurement before mounting

Build window

This process repeats the window disassembly procedure only in the reverse order. First, packages are inserted, then fixed by their numbered stroke (top, they, sides). Rubber hammer will help snap the stroke until it stops. After that, you need to install swinging flaps, they are checked for normal operation. When opening, the swollen sash should not spontaneously move. Then the window is closed tightly.

The gap between the side surface and the block fill foam. In order to protect it, create a waterproofing barrier on both sides. From the inside on the frame on the side of the sides and the top glue a special adhesive tape of hydraulic and vapor barrier, the bottom - the foil strip (the strips should be bent and hunting a little, then the clearance is filled with all-season foam, which is also wetted after applying to improve polymerization). At the outer edge around the entire perimeter, the block fixes the moisture-resistant, vapor-permeable self-adhesive strip. If this is not done, then the assembly foam, constantly experiencing a negative atmospheric effect, will soon begin to collapse.

How to install a plastic window: from measurement before mounting

Installation of the window sill

The windowsill must be cut to it so that he goes into the window opening until it stops into the profile. The design should capture a wall by 5-10 cm. The windowsill is equalized with the help of pegs, the space under it is fought or poured with a mortar of cement.

The windowsill is fixed on the self-tapping screws, which are screwed from the inside of the block.

After carefully examining the question, how to install plastic windows with your own hands, you can easily do it yourself. Do not forget that after mounting the window block, you need to wait at least a day to hardened the foam, after which the design can be used, and also you should remove the protective film from the frame, it will be more complicated.

If you decide not to risk and entrust installing specialists, choose those masters whose professionalism you trust.

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