Circumcian Cushion Cushion Scheme: Master Class with Video


Pillows associated with the help of a hook is beautiful and creative, and also helps to give the second life with old products. If you are engaged in knitting not so long ago, it is best to start with pillows. There are no complicated calculations, because the pillow circuit with crochet is simple and there should be no questions. To express creative potential, you need to familiarize yourself with several pillows. And for experienced craftsmen, and for beginners in the article you will find photos, description of varieties and schemes.

Circumcian Cushion Cushion Scheme: Master Class with Video

Zigzag pattern

It will take: yarn of different colors, scissors, marker, hook and fabric that will be needed for lining.

Circumcian Cushion Cushion Scheme: Master Class with Video

Knit a pillow in the "Zigzag" technique for beginners with a hook with a sequence of 240 air loops. Next, we connect the cloth from the columns without Nakid for the rear wall.

1st row: 1 column without a Nakid (st .bn) to the second loop from the hook: 9 st .bn * 3 st. BN in one loop 10 st. BN We skip the next loop and enter the hook in the future. Pull the thread, grabbing the working thread, and insert all the loops at a time (teeth down) 10 st. * We repeat until the end of the chain. It turns out 10 teeth.

Circumcian Cushion Cushion Scheme: Master Class with Video

2nd row. 1 Air loop: Reduce 1 loop (hook a hook back wall loop and pull out the loop on the hook, then hook a crochet for the back wall of a further loop and again stretch on the hook, capturing the thread, and tie down all the loops on the hook), 9 columns without Caida, * 3 st. BN in one loop 10 st. Bn let the hook in the next loop and stretch the thread, omit one loop, then let the hook in the next loop and stretch the thread, taking the working thread, and skip it through the hook loops; 10 st .bn *

Extreme 2 loops to lie by following a decrease as well as 2 initial loops of this series. Then tie the required number of rows. Then we stick with a hook with a hook in a circle, leaning on colors, thread tips hide.

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Sharp corners knit with a hook with columns without an in-face on the front side so that the ribs formed, as on the canvas. The ends of the threads hide on the wrong one, the angle from the outside tighten and fix it inside.

Circumcian Cushion Cushion Scheme: Master Class with Video

We take two rings, we are taking the columns without Caida and select two large buttons. Send the ring to the center. Buttons are tied by columns without Nakid.

We cut and sew the lining cover, on the one hand we collect on the thread and tighten. We insert it into the pillow and fall asleep the filler. Under the treasure on the other hand we collect, we are tightened and fixed. We close the corners of the other side of the pillow. The second ring is sewn to the center.

Buttons are sewn to the center on the other side of the pillow. On this master class is over. Here is what we get in the end:

Circumcian Cushion Cushion Scheme: Master Class with Video

Pillow toy in the form of a cat

The cat brings home to peace and good energy. It does not matter what kind of cat: alive, from porcelain or connected. Make a cushion-cat with a hook, and it will be easier for you to fall asleep. In addition, knitting itself has a positive effect on the inner state. Newbies can try to associate a one-piece model, craftsmen with experience can create a cat and with small details. Here is a cushion pillow scheme:

Circumcian Cushion Cushion Scheme: Master Class with Video

Yarn "grass"

For the workflow of the creation of such a cushion from the grass, a hook of 3.5 mm and yarn "grass" will be required.

You can take a pillow with a white case, which lies without a case, and tie a fluffy, soft pillowcase for her.

Circumcian Cushion Cushion Scheme: Master Class with Video

From squares

Circumcian Cushion Cushion Scheme: Master Class with Video

The pillow associated with the help of a hook, from grandmother squares is a prototype of famous plaids and carpets. It becomes easy, and the plus is to get rid of multiple residues of various yarn. When knitting use the classic scheme, and the colors choose to their taste.


Circumcian Cushion Cushion Scheme: Master Class with Video

Form of God's Cow

Ladybug for a long time personifies the messenger of the gods, which descends from the sky and brings good. When they were children, everyone who was in her hand, the Lady Cow was driving her into the air and made a desire. They remembered such moments and occurred to the idea to make a pillow in the form of this fun bug. Desires such a ladybug will be performed hardly, and the comfort of the house will definitely create!

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Circumcian Cushion Cushion Scheme: Master Class with Video

For such a pillow, red and black threads will be required, black lightning and eyes from toys. We select the thickness of the hook, based on the thickness of the thread.

Tummy. Black yarn. Five air loops are recruited, form them in the form of a ring and knit columns without a nakid. Lightning length should be equal to the diameter of the circle-tummy.

Circumcian Cushion Cushion Scheme: Master Class with Video

Back. Red threads. This element is collected from two parts. Separately 2 semicircles are knit.

5 air loops are recruited and connected in the form of a ring. Knit part of the web. 4 loops from scored 5 in line by the 8th columns without nakidov. We deploy the detail with the other side, we upset 13 columns of b / n. Again, we deploy the element, change the track movement of the hook. Knit 16 st .b / n. Next similarly. Remember about the loop increase in each row.

Circumcian Cushion Cushion Scheme: Master Class with Video

There should be 2 parts of the back. The range of them should be one cm wider than the circle located below. They should be in the form of a semicircle, but not perfectly smooth, but a little more. Also should be "waves". So it should be that the back of the insect is convex.

Under the diameter line, both red elements on tortulate 2 row of columns without nakidov. We work black thread. Fake a zipper.

Circumcian Cushion Cushion Scheme: Master Class with Video

Black thread knit head. The element knits around to make an analogue of the cap. Air loops - 5 pieces, 9 tbsp. Without Nakid, 16 st .b / n, 24 st .b / n, 34 st .c / n, 40 st .c / n, 42 st .b / n, + 8 rows of 42 st .b / n.

Black thread also knit points for the wings of the bug. Knit 6 circles, the diameter of which is 2.5-3 cm. Send the thread to the back for sewing.

Circumcian Cushion Cushion Scheme: Master Class with Video

Black threads knit and paws. Knit six small caps: 5 V.P., 10 st .b / n, 20 st .c / n, 20 st .c / n, 20 st .c / n. The back and tummy apply each other and fix the stitches from several sides. It is necessary that the elements do not "float". Paves We have symmetrically on each side of three pieces. Send them to the main elements.

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"Watching a step" fasten the black thread tummy and the back, starting to do it from the tail and heading against a clockwise arrow. "Radi-step" is the columns without a Nakid, which are confused from the loop of the last row. The hook should pass through both layers - tummy and backs.

In the place where the paws are prevented, we encourage the sequence of air looping a little more leg width. With this, we will turn to the next edge and will continue our occupation.

Circumcian Cushion Cushion Scheme: Master Class with Video

The head will attach to the tummy. Her center should be where lightning is running. We connect the "rachy step". Similar activities are carried out over another half of the product. Soak the pillow inside out. Where the paws were traditional, 4 layers at once with a "swachy step". At the end of this process, the threads from the residue stitches are removed.

The sequence of air wetting, which was left after the top and bottom connection, tighten into the tumor before the process start. Let's go back to the head. With an inside, the "rachy step" we attach part of the cap, which remained. Put with a head of syntheps.

We take 1 meter of black thread and draw a crochet through the face of the bug. Ends do smooth. To make a mustache, knit the chain of air hopes from the head of the insect. The tips of the chain are hooked in the hook in the cap. Rings are obtained. With the help of glue we attach eyes. You can use buttons instead.

Circumcian Cushion Cushion Scheme: Master Class with Video

For packing, you can take a synthetic procession. So, fasten the snake. All, the pillow is made!

Circumcian Cushion Cushion Scheme: Master Class with Video

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