Speakers for a computer with their own hands


I wanted to gather myself the last speakers in life. Collect and calm down. And I set myself the main goal - not to tax, do not experiment, so I used only reliable, proven solutions, not trying to jump over the head.

What happened before you in the photo:

Speakers for a computer with their own hands


Most of all affect the sound of non-wire, and not an amplifier according to the audiophiles. This is certainly dynamics. And I started assembling the speakers from the search for the "best" speakers. IMHO. I chose a long time, listened and stopped on the broadband speakers Visaton B200.

This single speaker is playing the entire range from 57 to 18,000 Hz. (From 40 Hz with filter). That is, it works for three. And this is good, because I will not need to think about the crossover and coordination of the speakers. Less accumulation options. This speaker has a ~ 10 times greater sensitivity than S90 Soviet columns. That is, he is enough 3 W power to yell as a S90 S90 S90 column at 30 watts. Regarding the sound I will not ship you, because it's all subjectively, but I picked up boiling water.

It does not happen everywhere well. Winning in one, we lose in the other. A pair of such speakers requires a 150 liter box for full-fledged work. This is the volume of the bath.

Speakers for a computer with their own hands

Speakers for a computer with their own hands

Speakers for a computer with their own hands


Having read different forums about the dangers of integrated sound boards, I bought a new sound fee. It was Creative X-Fi Extreme Audio, more sorry for money. He came home, turned it on, surprised and upset. The sound fused and in general was worse than from the built-in sound. A day later, I figured out that all the functions of the "improvement" of the sound, which are in the sound card settings, only break the sound. Disable immediately. Testing the RMAA program also did not show the essential superiority of this sound card over the built-in.

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Speakers for a computer with their own hands

You would know how much I was delighted when I met the RMAA program. I began to measure this program all that can and cannot be measured. For example, distortions made into the sound by a Chinese power transformer. Or distortion made into the sound of the electric shaver.

And once again, checking some nonsense, I burned a sound fee. Then I bought an expensive sound fee of Esi Juli @, but there was also no noticeable effect from her.

Speakers for a computer with their own hands

Conclusion: Built-in sounds are good.


As an amplifier, I chose the LM3886 chip. This is the most trouble-free way to get Hi-Fi quality on the knee. The chip and the amplifier itself I checked the RMAA program. This chip is an order of magnitude better than the Hi-Fi standard requires. Her distortion is 100 times less than it can hear my ear.

Some will be outraged that good amplifiers are cheaper than $ 10,000 there is no! But you are talking about the device with hundreds of features and blocks. I'm talking about the only block that simply increases current strength 100 times.

Some fans based on this chip create amplifiers with 0.0002% distortion.

I collected the first version of the amplifier on the circuit board. This made it possible to constantly improve the amplifier (replacing items, changing the scheme, wiring and measuring everything in RMAA). Then I made a regular printed circuit board (Lout), but the quality of the amplifier has not changed from this, RMAA is checked.

Conclusion: Mounting fees are not bad.

As a radiator, I used the cooler from the processor (without a fan). The amplifier will operate at no more than 5 watts. At greater power, the speaker begins to hoarsely, and the ears are painful. But even if the amplifier overheated, it would not be broken. The overheating protection circuit built into the amplifier simply turned it off. But this never happened.

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Speakers for a computer with their own hands

Speakers for a computer with their own hands

CHEMA, circuit board. I apologize, the best quality is not preserved.

Speakers for a computer with their own hands

Speakers for a computer with their own hands


As a material of the case, I chose a 16 mm chipboard. MDF cost 4 times more expensive, but there is no sense. It was possible to take a thicker chipboard, but then the column would become inbox. The seller chipboard saw this sheet on parts of the desired size. And this is great, because I have problems with curvature hands, well, it is impossible to cut a smooth box.

Speakers for a computer with their own hands

I decided to make the column to make the speakers at the ears level. To increase the hardness of the body, the struts are installed in the column. Details are glued with glue "Liquid nails" and put on self-drawing.

Speaker I did not close the grid or cloth. The grille looks like that in Chinese. And the fabric spoils the sound.

Speakers for a computer with their own hands

It turned out such a box. My rule is not taxed! Therefore, I chose the most simple case design, but not a parallelepiped. Parallelepiped is boring.

Speakers for a computer with their own hands

Further, the column was necessary to paint or enclose the film. I chose a film, since I have a lot of practicing experience and it turns out perfectly. I pull out a thin blade from a disposable razor, to cut the edges. I take a rag, ruler, iron and glue.

But before pasting or painting, all the slots, holes from the screws and the untreated edges of the plates cover the layer of putty.

Speakers for a computer with their own hands

We glue the casing to the walls of the housing. Instead of a synthet board, it was possible to take a corporate, designed specifically for the speakers, damping material. But again, the RMMA test says that there is no difference, but I was lazy to order 70 liters of material.

Why is there a phase inverter in the column? Because this speaker is designed for a closed box with damping material.

Speakers for a computer with their own hands

Columns are completely independent. Each column has its own amplifier and its own power supply.

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I used the "Jack 6.25 mm" connector for connecting the sound, in the hope that it will be more reliable than other connectors. But it turned out that everything is big, everything breaks. But it is, in such a connector you can connect the electric guitar without adapters.

But the idea of ​​using power connectors, both in a computer, very successful. When all monitors, computers, projectors, printers, always free 5 meter wires are drained to your home - item is irreplaceable in the farm!

Speakers for a computer with their own hands

Speakers for a computer with their own hands

Speakers for a computer with their own hands


Two weeks of work in the evenings.

Putty - 100 rubles

Sealant - 100 rubles

Glue - 200 rubles

Power wire - 200 rubles

Film - 300 rub

2 radiator - 2 × 200 rub

Sentipon - 400 rubles

Silver film - 500 rubles

The remaining details - 1000 rubles

Chipboard with cut - 1000 rubles

Transformers - 2 × 800 rub

Speakers - 15000 rub

TOTAL 20.000 RUB

P.S. At first I thought the subwoofer of the bottom to add, it would be something like a 2-strip system. But the same speakers turned out to me enough. Bottoms are not loud, but very beautiful.

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