How to hide the beams on the ceiling


How to hide the beams on the ceiling

Initially, the beams on the ceiling were not only a decorative element, but they assumed the load from the roof, they were also supported for the attic overlap.

Over time, they began to hide them, but now they again became interesting, but already as a decorative element, now they look different and perform other functions.

They decorate the ceilings not only in villages, but also in country houses and urban apartments. They can be used everywhere, even if there are wooden floors in the house, their massiveness and quantity should depend on the size of the room, there may be greater in large rooms.

This is a simple and inexpensive way to finish the ceiling, but they can cope with many features.

  • If you have high ceilings, then the beams will emphasize the size of the room, if the room is high, they can be placed below so that its level decreases.
  • If you have low ceilings, then it is necessary to make the beams go to the walls, and a thin strap should go along the wall.

The design of the attic room with such beams will contribute to the space harmony and orderliness. If you want to visually expand the room, then place them in width, and if you place them along a wide wall, it will become more elongated.

If you do not want to change the geometry of the room, but simply add your ceiling volume, you can install them with a grid or christmas tree. One big beam can divide the room into zones, it must be mounted at the junction of functional zones, they will also help to separate the specific zone.

On the ceiling beam, you can fix the embedded lamps, LED backlight, can also be tied to a large chandelier. They can be used to design a niche in plasterboard structures, also they can also be used to create point lighting. Hollow pseudo-bulls will help disguise communications going on the ceiling.

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How to hide the beams on the ceiling

They can be used as a box when installing lamps. They have a p - shaped shape, they are hollow inside, so they can hide the pipes. In the kitchen, you can install various holders and hooks and hang on them utensils, baskets, hunches of herbs or glasses holders.

They can be attached to the TV - panel, aerial swings and whether the chairs, but all this is possible if it is a real beam, and not imitation. They can decorate the ceiling of almost any style.

How to hide the beams?

Many beams do not really like, and the question arises, how to hide them, often they have various defects and differences, this happens if the inter-storey overlaps in an unsatisfactory condition.

There are several options for hiding beams, you can mount tension ceilings from fabric or PVC, it must be omitted to the width of the masked beam. At the same time, the ceiling itself can fall too low, it is better to make a multi-level ceiling, it will wait for the ceiling and adds space.

To hide the beams, you can make a box of drywall, it should have a patch frame, it is attached to the ceiling itself, but not to the beam, there should be no holes in it, since it will lose its properties. We must be 20 cm. Frame and 2 centimeters from the ceiling.

There is a more expensive and exquisite way to finish the ceiling with beams, for this you can use caissons, the ceiling will consist of beams, cells, borders, fortifications and eaves.

Cassettes may have the shape of a square, rhombus or polygon, there may be round caissons. On such a ceiling, longitudinal and transverse beams can be reeded using ornaments and light sources.

These beams will help faster to mount the support lattice frame. Such ceilings will make an impressive room. The easiest way to hide the beams using the lining or edged board.

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All surfaces of wooden beams can be closed along one horizontal and two vertical planes. The boards need to be painted and polished, the material can be burned with a soldering lamp and coat with transparent varnish. Now such beams and boards are not grinding, but do uneven, using round wire brushes.

The tool shank is inserted into the electric drill and apply risks on the surface.

Leave or disguise the beams on the ceiling?

As you can see, in general, hide the beams on the ceiling is not as difficult and this can be done in several ways.

How to hide the beams on the ceiling

Here it all depends on the desire, you can hide these beams, and you can make them beautifully arrange to decorate your rooms. If you visit the Construction Forum on our site, you will find there a lot of information on this issue.

The main thing is not to do this work yourself, if you do not have a proper building experience, as it is not such a light job, it is better to hire a professional specialist for her.

It is also important to know in advance the repair methods of such beams, as over time, they become less stable, but this work is already easier, however, still requires a lot of time and effort, so this is another question that needs to be solved before doing Ceiling with beams.

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