Iron your own hands (drawings and photos)


Its well on the plot is convenient, but services for their drilling and maintenance are worth a lot. Well, even though there are ways to drill and, if necessary, clean the well independently. One of these devices is an ugrel. It is usually made from the cut pipe, and the valve is attached to the bottom. Moreover, make the Iron with your own hands, as well as to use it. Work is long and physically tedious, but no other difficulties.

Design of Veliki.

Shower - cut pipe long to 4 meters. At the bottom of it, a shoe with a valve is installed. In large-sized shells, flat valves are made cut from steel sheet with rubber seal, skin strips, sometimes without sealing. In those size and smaller diameter, ball valves are used. These adaptations are called mechanical glanders - work occurs due to gravity.

Iron your own hands (drawings and photos)

This is a flat valve homemade ventilation - one of the options for its device.

Through the window in the upper part of the case, the rocks are removed, which are stuffed during the drilling of the well or cleaning it. When driving viscous breeds - clay or drums have to make the window long and narrow - almost full of length: through a small hole to drop such a cargo is very difficult.

Iron your own hands (drawings and photos)

Designs of flat valves for homemade ugrels

Ball valve make easier. The diameter of the ball should be approximately half the diameter of the pipe (you can slightly more). In the lower part, the washer is installed, the inner diameter of which is less than the diameter of the existing ball. At some height inside the ulutes (three or four radius of the ball), the limiter welded - it does not allow him too high. If this is not done, most of the soil that fell inside can be saturated (pouring out). This is due to the too much time required by the cargo to go down and close the hole in the bottom.

Iron your own hands (drawings and photos)

Storm design with ball valve

At the bottom of the pipes in both options sometimes welded or cut fangs or sharp the edge of the pipe, making it sharp. So the soil or Il is better broken. But because of too high fangs, too little soil falls inside. When using a ball valve, the length of the canine should be such that the ball does not speak. The same picture is a small amount of soil, recruited at once - can be observed in a flat valve iron. In this case, reduce the depth of the shoe.

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To the same result can lead a too small inner hole in the washer installed on the bottom with a ball valve. Exit - crush it.

At the top of the Iron make a loop or a bracket for which the cable or rope can be fixed. For this rope, the projectile is removed from the well, it is lowered back.

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How does it work

The jelly is used when drilling loose, sedimentary and bulk prod (alert, sand, gravel, etc.). It is also used when cleaning wells from the sludge or sandy plugs, to increase the debit. In any case, the principle is one: the projectile is reset into the well. Under the influence of impact strength, the valve opens, some kind of soil falls inside. Usually his little. Therefore, it is lifted a little up, and reset again. So repeat until all the inside of the pipe is filled.

Full gland gets, turn over the bottom and pour the ground. Here it is useful to the hole in the side: it is easier to clean through it and you can reach the valve hand.

Iron your own hands (drawings and photos)

Sharply dropping the venture in the well, the soil is gaining into it. Valve prevents him from falling back

This technology is called shock-cable (clear why). And drilling, and cleaning require multiple repetition of this operation. Only for cleaning the well may need several days of operation - from two to three to seven-eight, and for punching and more.

The work is heavy: if the cleaning of the well is enough to cut the pipe with a long one meter, then for drilling the shock-cable method, the venture is 2-4 meters. Moreover, the harder it is a projectile, the better: the soil is fried more effectively and the soil is produced, the well bundle terrains.

To make work a little easier, put a tripod, the rope is passed through the block system. Such installation even without the availability of the drive makes the work much easier.

Iron your own hands (drawings and photos)

Trenoga for the jelly

Sometimes homemade jelly turns out not enough: the impact force is obtained insignificant and the work goes slowly. In this case, weighing is required. There are several ways to lose weight:

  • Pour the top of the pipe with concrete.
  • In front of the urendal, attach the load (as in the photo above). Just learn that the connection must be durable, but movable.
  • Making a venture with your own hands, use a thick-walled pipe. If you find with a wall thickness of 1 cm, no other weighing methods will not be needed: the projectile will be heavy.

Zholemka do it yourself

In the presence of a welding machine and some skills of working with gland iron, it is done for several hours.

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Iron with ball valve with your own hands (without lathe)

This variant of the ball valve is collected from spare parts that can be bought in stores. For the manufacture used a tap pipe with a diameter of 89 mm. Also bought the adapter concentric 89 * 57 mm, and the ball from the bearing with a diameter of 60 mm.

Iron your own hands (drawings and photos)

All you need for the manufacture of iron with ball valve

The ball is perfectly included in the adapter and stuck there. But it is easily adjacent. To fit all better, the inner surface of the adapter is processed by the skin - carbonated almost perfect.

Iron your own hands (drawings and photos)

So everything looks in half collected form. At the bottom of the right, the ball in the transition will be photographed - so it will be inside

The transition narrow part is inserted into the pipe, and is welded. The ball drops inside, the stopper is welded. And the final barcode is to make a mount for a cable or twine. All, the ulutes are ready.

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How to make an iron at home yourself

If you need to clean the well, and the sheet metal and welding for serious works are not at hand, there is an output: a vent with a plastic bottle valve.

Iron your own hands (drawings and photos)

Homemade Iron with Plastic Bottle Valve

This option is suitable for cleaning the well, but not for drilling. We need a bolt, the length of which is slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe for the venture and nut. Having retreated two or three centimeters from the edge of the pipe, one opposite the other, two holes are drilled. Their diameter coincides with the bolt diameter.

The valve is cut out of plastic. It is an ellipse. The smaller diameter of the ellipse is equal to the diameter of the pipe. It is necessary to cut it very accurately that inserted inside it firmly lightened to the walls. The carved valve in the middle will be attached to the bolt, for this, four holes are done in the plastic through which the wire is done. How it all is going to be shown in the photo below to the left.

Only such a fastening, as in the photo from above, very unreliable. After a few blows, your projectile can break away, and you will have to decide how to get a vent from a well. The best fastening option is solid, without seams and twists. How to do it will become clear if you look at the video. There, by the way, there is an important thing - how to make hooks so that if necessary, it was possible to pull out the venture from the well.

About the organization of autonomous water supply from a well or well read here.

Features of use on the soils of different types

When drilling with sandy soils, the use of casing - Without them, the well will fall. When drilling in such soils, it is necessary to ensure that the shell does not plunge into the sand without a casing pipe for more than half the length. This can lead to the collapse, the ottoplet, pull it out you can not.

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To pass the sand was easier, water is poured into the well, she warns the collaps and facilitates work. If during the operation of the sand is trambed, and not captured, they use chisel.

With sands-floats, only constantly blowing casing pipes only work. And only if the aquifer is located below the layer floating, otherwise the well can be inoperative.

For the passage flooded the ulute is used long at least 2 meters. It should stand flat, well-drifted valve with a leather sealing gasket. You need to work at least together: when pulling out the ventilation from floating the casing, you need to turn down, dropping down. The faster the casing will fall at this moment, the faster this layer will be passed. At first, the lover is easily descended, then everything is more complicated. Sometimes the moment comes when they completely stop moving. At the same time, almost the entire pipe is filled with sand. In this case, the pipes are lowered under pressure. To do this, the platform is installed on the pipe to which the load (sand bags) is placed. And all this turns together. Usually this method is quite effective.

When passing the pebble and gravel layers together with the ulute . At first, the barrel is lowered chisel, shredding the breed, then it takes it with an ulute. The jelly on such soils rises only by 5-10 cm, the blows are small and frequent.

For a faster passage on the casing, a platform is made, an employee does not get up. It is located above the well, gradually raising and dropping the ulute. As the soil is recruited, the casing under the weight of the employee is lowered.

In the viscous clay soils, you can work without casing. If the clay is too dense, first also use chisel, breaking the soil by about 50-70 cm. Then the jelly is taken out. A flat valve is also used with rubber or leather seal.

If the clay is dry and dense, pulling out the iron every time, several buckets of water poured into the well. After the water from the aquifer is soybeans appears, it is not necessary to add it from above.

If the breed is very soft, sometimes the valve is removed. And only the pipe itself, raising it by 2-3 meters above the bottom and dropping.

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