How to defrost refrigerators with different defrost systems


The refrigerator must be periodically defrosting and washed. The aligning ice and unpleasant odors are the most common problems that occur during operation. Ishiga and Iceighted growths are able to withdraw the equipment before the time and to avoid this, you need to defrost the unit necessarily.

So that you do not have to spend money on the repair of the facility of the equipment or acquire a new one, you need to know how to defrost the refrigerator.

How often defrost refrigerator

How to defrost refrigerators with different defrost systems

The periodicity of defrost depends on the type of unit. How often do you need to defrost a refrigerator of a particular model?

Modern equipment is equipped with the NO-Frost system, which performs automatic defrost functions. But completely relying on a smart car. It is necessary to defrost the aggregate once every 6 months.

If the equipment has a drip defrosting system, the procedure must be carried out every 4-5 months. This is due to the fact that only the refrigeration compartment for himself is caught in such aggregates "in the freezer, there is no such function in the freezer.

The old "Soviet" and "post-Soviet" aggregates should be defolded 1 time in 2 months in the warm season, and once every 4 months - in the cold.

What is drip defrosting of the refrigerator

  • The aggregates with a drip defrost system are equipped with a special evaporator located on its back wall.
  • As a result of the operation of the compressor, IME is formed and the "thawing system" is turned on. Talay water enters a special container, where evaporation occurs due to thermal exposure.
  • Refrigerators with drip defrost relatively inexpensive, and the system is reliable and rarely fails. But even if it happens, the repair will cost cheaply.
  • By cons of the system, it is possible to take the fact that the deliverance from the haul is possible only in the refrigeration compartment, the defrost of the freezer does not provide a function.
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Automatic refrigerator defrost: what is it

How to defrost refrigerators with different defrost systems

The automatic defrost feature allows you to maintain the quality of products without additional effort.

In the aggregates equipped with the auto-state survey system, "wet cold" is supported, which allows you to retrieve various types of products.

The automatic defrost occurs as follows: the layer of ice is converted into condensate and, passing along the walls of the unit, accumulates in the liquid collection compartment.

This feature saves time and strength when careing for technique, however, in the event of a breakdown, the owners will have to lay out an impressive amount for repairs.

How to defrost a refrigerator

The defrost begins with the preparatory stage, where it is required to free the shelves from the content. It is better to proceed to the process at the moment when there are no perishable products in the refrigerator or the air temperature is quite low, in order for the products perfectly preserved on the balcony.

How to defrost a refrigerator? Store the following rules:

  • Set the regulator at the "0 degree" mark and disconnect the equipment from the network.
  • Unload products.
  • Remove all trays and boxes.
  • If the unit is not equipped with a container for collecting water, reinstall the pallet under the refrigerator, pre-closed the rag under it.
  • Leave the doors of the refrigeration compartment and the freezer open. This will help the unit faster to overturn.

In the process of defrosting, periodically check the pallet and drain the accumulated water on time.

How to quickly defrost the old refrigerator

Towing the allest ice is a long process. Start the washing of equipment before this process is completed, should not. But what to do if your time is limited? How to quickly defrost the refrigerator, especially when it comes to old models? Such aggregates require much more time for thawing than modern equipment.

You can speed up the process in the following ways:

When defrosting, make sure that thawed water fails in the "filling" of the refrigerator, as this will lead to corrosion of metal parts and premature failure of the expensive unit.

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Is it possible to defrost the refrigerator with a hairdryer

How to defrost refrigerators with different defrost systems

If necessary, fast defrost is permissible to use a hairdryer. However, it is necessary to do this in compliance with the precaution, without directing the stream of warm air into sealing gum and holding the device at some distance from the walls of the refrigerator.

Otherwise, you risk deforming seals, and the unit of the unit will be closed insufficiently tightly, which will adversely affect the quality of his work and will reduce the service life.

Do I need to defrost dry frost refrigerator

Some people are mistakenly believe that the aggregates with dry frost do not need to be defrosting. This is not true! Conduct the defrosting process for such refrigerators is also necessary, as for devices of another type.

The only difference is that it is necessary to do it much less often, approximately 1 time and a half, turning off it from the network and unloading the contents. Inone in these refrigerators is formed significantly less, but still it is, and it is necessary to get rid of it.

Is it necessary to defrost a refrigerator with the NO Frost system

Even with the presence of an automatic defrost system, others are still formed. This is a natural process that occurs due to getting inside the aggregate of warm air.

Every time you open the door, heat penetrates into the compartments, which provokes to the formation of the land. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically perform a refrigerator defrosting with the "NOU Frost" system.

How to defrost the refrigerator "Know Frost"

How to defrost refrigerators with different defrost systems

Refrigerators with the NO Frost system also need to periodically defrost.

The defrosting of the refrigerator "No frost" is not much different from the removal of the land from other types of kitchen appliances. The work is done like this:

  • The unit is disconnected from the network.
  • All products are unloaded.
  • The refrigerator leaves to catch up with the open doors.
  • After thawing ice, all the ventilation openings of the unit can be cleaned. For this, a solution of soda and cotton wands are used. Unscrew the ventilation panels! In this case, when breakdown, the warranty card will be invalid.
  • All internal and external surfaces of the unit, sealing tires, as well as trays and drawers are laundered with water temperature.
  • After washing, you must remove the residues of moisture with a dry cloth.

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Do not use chemical detergents when cleaning internal surfaces - poisonous pairs of chemicals will be seen on food that you post on the shelves.

How to turn on the refrigerator after defrosting

Turn on the refrigerator after it was disconnected from the network, it is possible not before after 24 hours. If you need to do it before, it is permissible to start the unit after 12 hours. However, it is not recommended to do so each time.

Please note that by the inclusion of the refrigerator, it must be completely dry after washing. Only when the moisture evaporates, you can turn it on and install the desired mark on the thermostat. You need to download the aggregate products immediately, it should "score cold" within 1-2 hours.

Performing recommendations for defrosting, you will suggest an expensive unit in working condition for a long time.

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