Glass Cleaning Rules


Over how to clean the glass-ceramic slab, today all owners of such aggregates are conceived.

The popularity of these plates is due to the fact that care for the ceramic surface is much easier than behind enamelled. But here there are their nuances that need to know.

How to clean the glass ceramic slab at home

Glass Cleaning Rules

At first glance, there are no difficulties in the process of cleansing the glass ceramics. The main thing is to wash the surface as needed, and it will always be in perfect condition, since it is easier to clean the fresh stains than the solar and burnt pollution.

The procedure for the work is pretty simple, you need to do the following:

  • Wait until the stove cools.
  • Remove from the surface of the remnants of burnt food with the help of a special scraper.
  • Apply to the glass ceramic suitable detergent.
  • Carefully cleaned pollution, following the instructions for the use of paste or gel.
  • Remove the remnants of the detergent with a wet sponge.
  • Wipe the surface with a soft cloth or a napkin moistened in clean water.
  • Wash the cooking panel dry.

Remember that for cleaning the glass ceramics should not be applied hard sponges or wire washcloths. Otherwise, the surface will be covered with scratches, which will constantly beat dust, fat and particles of burnt food or "fuel" milk.

What to clean the plate with a glass-ceramic surface

Glass Cleaning Rules

To delete serious contaminants, you can only use a special scraper.

The glass-ceramic is a fragile material and requires careful circulation, so the question arises before the hostess than washing such a cooking panel, without damaging the surface, and what detergents are better to use.

  • To remove stains from a cooking surface from glass ceramics, soft napkins, rags and melamine sponges are used. For serious contaminants, a special plastic scraper will be needed. In no case can it be replaced with a knife, a metal brush or blade.
  • To get rid of fat and dirt on the surface of the slab, the usual cleaning powder will not suit. In business stores you can find special means for cleansing glass ceramics (on the package there should be relevant information). These are usually creamy substances without abrasive additives.
  • You can use the tool for washing windows - this liquid gives glitter with glass-ceramic products, cleaning them from divorces.

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Glass Cleaning Rules

Food soda and vinegar also coped with pollution.

But not only purchased chemicals are good in the fight against stains. What else can be cleaned with a glass-ceramic slab? These funds are considered the most efficient and safe:

This affordable and cheap tool will remove the stain gently, and will also help remove the unpleasant odor from the burnt food. If one soda was not enough, add lemon juice to the prepared mixture.

If the contamination is fresh, these measures will be enough. To remove the solar nagar or fat, it will be necessary to repeat the cleaning of 2-3 times.

How to Clean the glass-ceramic slab from Nagara

Glass Cleaning Rules

Special stores will help delicately clean the stove from pollution.

Nagar on the stove is something that almost no mistress can avoid. It is formed as a couple of seconds (who at least once did not "run away" milk, and for a longer time, gradually accumulating and enjoying into the surface.

How can I clean the glass-ceramic slab from Nagara quickly and efficiently? You will need to apply a special detergent on a cloth or sponge (you can replace it with a gel for washing dishes) and wipe the cooking panel. Then rinse well with water surface and wipe dry.

If the nagar cannot be removed from the first time, leave the cleanser on the surface for 30-50 minutes and only then proceed to work. If necessary, you can clean the cooking panel with a scraper.

How to clean the glass ceramic slab from the burnt sugar

Glass Cleaning Rules

A scraper for cleaning ceramic plates is recommended to keep at an angle of 30 °, so contamination is deleted more efficiently.

  • If sugar got during the cooking on the slab, then it is necessary to delete it until he managed to frost. To do this, you can use the plastic scraper. Clean the surface with a knife or wire sponge forbidden!
  • Cleansing the surface from the molten sugar, the scraper must be kept at an angle of 30 ° - it will help to remove the bulk of pollution. And the residues are easily removed using a sponge and cleaning agent.
  • If sugar has already managed to turn into a frozen caramel, then in front of the cleaning plate it is necessary to heat at low power. Sugar melts, and you can easily remove it in the described method.

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How to care for ceramic stove

Glass Cleaning Rules

For cooking on a ceramic plate, you must use only dishes with a smooth bottom.

So that your plate remains always clean and sparkling, it is necessary to carry out competent care for it. On the glossy surface, all pollution, which spoil the appearance of the plate and the mood of the hostess are very clearly visible. Therefore, the main thing in the care of the ceramic surface is a regularity. Wash the slab is necessary every day, it is impossible to allow the layers of dirt and fat on the cooking panel.

Proper departure for the glass-ceramic slab implies compliance with the following rules:

  • Do not proceed to cooking if there are contamination on the stove. When heated, they will be burned and dried so hard that they will be able to remove them later enough.
  • Before laundering the glass ceramic slab, wait until it cools. Otherwise, you risk not only burning, but also damage the surface.
  • Use soft napkins, rags, sponges for cleansing glass ceramics, as well as detergents that do not contain abrasive particles. The best option is pasty creams and cleaning pastes.
  • Do not allow scratches on the cooking panel, even small defects can significantly reduce the quality of the slab and spoil its appearance. To avoid this, use dishes with a smooth bottom for cooking and warming up.
  • Do not put plastic containers on the cooking panel. If the surface did not have time to cool, you will have to decide how to clean the ceramic slab from the molten plastic.
  • Remember that strong static loads and point shocks are contraindicated for the glass-ceramic plate - it leads to damage to the surface. Therefore, expect caution during the operation of the product.

Sparkling with a clean plate - pride of any mistress. With proper operation and careful care, it will still last long and retain an attractive and tidy look.

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