Curtains Crochet: simple knitting techniques and basic knowledge


Each hostess tries to bring comfort to the house and comfort, not spending a lot of time and effort. An excellent decoration of residential premises will be hand-made openwork curtains, they will suit any interior of the kitchen, dining room or living room. Tie the curtains of the crochet under the power even a novice master. If you know the basic knitting skills, such as air loops and connecting columns, then you can easily cope with this task. In this article, we will look at how to create unique knitted curtains into the kitchen on a simple scheme, as well as study the common knitting techniques of curtains.

Advantages of knitted curtains as decor element

Recently, crochet curtains are becoming increasingly popular for basic schemes or with original patterns. A distinctive feature of such products is their ease, airiness and an incredible atmosphere, which they bring to the house. You can make curtains of any length, up to the smallest curtains on the window.

Knitted curtain crochet

Crochet curtains are more associated with rustic houses, however, they will look at the city apartment (especially if you add the canvas with beautiful accessories). Most designers agree that the most optimal room for placing the hand curtain is a kitchen.

Knitted curtains do it yourself

The benefits of making openwork curtains include with their own hands:

  • minimum cost of buying materials and necessary tools;
  • Creating a unique product, because each model of the curtains is unique in its own way;
  • The choice of the color of the thread depends only on you - select the color gamut, depending on the interior;
  • Crochet Curtains are most organically looking in small rooms decorated in retro or country style;
  • Openwork curtains are perfectly combined with a set of knitted covers on pillows or napkins.

The main advantage of knitting curtains is the fact that it will be able to make the curtains with their own hands. Now there are a wide selection of yarn of different thickness and colors. Inspiration can be cut from journals over needlework or finished rectangular products with all sorts of drawings and patterns.

Knitted curtains create a feeling of harmony in the house and look original in any interior.

Knitted curtains crochet

What is needed to knit a unique curtain?

One of the advantages of the needlework is that it does not require large material costs. All necessary materials and fixtures for knitting curtains can be purchased in specialized stores. First of all, you will need several hooks of different sizes, the thread of suitable thickness and schemes.

Choosing a hook, remember that its thickness must be twice the thickness of the yarn. What it will be made (from metal, wood or plastic) is not so important, the main thing is that it is convenient to use.

Crochet hook

For a kitchen tablecloth or an openwork curtain on the windows, a yarn of natural fiber is suitable. The most optimal option is the threads of cotton, flax, silk and wool. Synthetic models can also be used, but they do not differ in durability. The choice of color scheme depends only on your personal preferences.

Optionally, you can purchase several motors of different shades and thickness and alternate them in the process of work.

Knitting Yarn Curtain

Crochet (basic knowledge)

Note that the scheme is just an image of patterns and ornaments in the form of special designations (characters). In most cases, they show only part of the finished pattern, which will be alternating and completed by other elements. That is why it is so important to learn the basic air loop, the columns without a nakid, connecting columns and other actions.

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In crochet, four techniques traditionally allocate, each of which differs in its content and performance features:

  • Irish. It is a specific type of mating, consisting of an alternating artistic details placed in the grid cells.

Irish Knitting Technique Curtains

  • Filenian. This is an alternation of air loops and columns with Caid and without a special sequence (the simplest type of mating, which is best suited for creating openworks).

File technique knitting curtains crochet

  • Technique Bruges. Used to create imitation under the Vologda lace (stratum needs to create it).

Knitted curtains in Bruges technique

  • Peruvian. It differs from the above only by the fact that as a knit, the hook is replaced with a thick needle (hooks and knitting needles can also be applied together).

Knitted Curtains in Peruvian Technology (Brumstik)

The simplest technique of knitting is the Fileyna - from it and it is worth a familiarity with this type of needlework. After some time, you can begin to more complex motives, but only experienced craftsmen can create their own models of knitted curtains.

Curtains in fuel knitting technique with their own hands

Crocheted curtains and other decorative elements are most often used to decorate country houses in a classic style or to give the house of a greater coziness. Make such products with their own hands is quite simple - first you need to tie a few air loops, after which it is necessary to form the so-called "pigtail".

By example, consider knitting a small curtain in the dining room using the fillet technology. It takes a cotton fabric and the same yarn. The main device will fit the medium-sized hook.

Choose the scheme you like and proceed to knitting.

Now proceed to the description:

1. First of all, you should score the required number of loops and associate a flat chain. Everything is done strictly in the drawing.

Filey knitting crochet

2. Next, the elements continue to alternate - in the first row we make a column with an attachment and two air loops, then three columns with Nakud. Please note that the photo is indicated by an empty cell - this is a column with an attachment and two air loops, and the filled cell is three columns with Nakud.

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Filey knitting crochet

3. With a fillet knitting, the annular line begins with three loops, and ends with one column with Nakud. If it is further followed by the proposed scheme, it becomes clear that the line is suitable for the center of the curtain. At this point you need to go to a mirror knitting.

4. When the chain is completed, we make three columns with two embedders towards the previous loop. We continue the operation before receiving the finished product, the number of rows depends on the size of the web (short it will be curtain or long). The universal model is a knitted curtain 40 cm in height and 70 cm in width.

Knitted curtains in a filleic technique with their own hands

On video: File knitting crochet.

The basic principle of filleic mating is that the hook is introduced in the middle of the top of the column - this approach seems simple and understandable. However, with it, you can create a truly unique product and decorate them a living room, a nursery or kitchen.

In addition to the beautiful curtain, pickup for a curtain with an interesting ornament is suitable (you can use any technique of knitting, although Irish, even Brugge).

Knitted crochet pickup for curtains

Tips of experienced mastering

Choose suitable threads and tools are very important when knitting curtains with your own hands. Buying materials, you need to take into account the thickness, the length of the yarn, as well as the number and type of hook. The higher the density of the threads, the thicker should be a hook (which is why such a specific numbering of this device appeared).

Although the handmaker does not make any special difficulties, yet it is worth remembering the features of this type of knitting:

  • When using wool filaments for knitting, a plastic hook is suitable, and for cotton and flax - metal tool.
  • Depending on the density of knitting, it is possible to create such a product that will easily be replaced by fideline blinds (such a solution is particularly relevant for country rustic houses). If you are just starting your acquaintance with the needlework, try to make a small knitting fragment - a square with a 10-cm sides of 10 cm.
  • A ready-made sample must be carefully stroke and determine whether such a model is suitable for the design of the room (for this, attach the cloth to the window to the window and appreciate the mating density).
  • It is very important to exhaust the finished product in accordance with the recommendations specified on the packaging of the thread). The clean curtain should be dried slightly (until a semi-balance state), after which it is stroked along the entire length and can be weed on the cornice.

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Knitted curtains do it yourself

The creation of a beautiful, cozy and attractive interior requires a careful attitude towards the slightest details. To make the design of the room more harmonious, you can use a knitted speed as a stylist base. The appearance of the window opening and bright curtains, so popular in our country - it is the element of the decor that will give your home a unique highlight.

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