Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)


Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Hall and living room design in a private house

The hall is the most important room in the whole house. Here in the living room of a country house or cottage receive guests, the whole family is often going. It is the hall more often than the other rooms see outsiders. Therefore, the process of registration of this room is not only very interesting, but also no less responsible.

Zoning Hall in Cottge

Professional designers, as a rule, begin to design a hall with zoning of the room. The hall is made conditionally divide into two parts: a dining area and a seating area. The recreation area necessarily includes a place where all family members and their guests can come together, as well as a place to watch TV.

Sometimes additional zones can be seen in the hall. It can be a zone for music and a fireplace area.

Most often, various partitions and shirms are used to zoning the room. Similar interior items can be both incomplete and deaf, both mobile and stationary. The main advantage of Shirm and partitions is that they can be moved, thereby you can achieve the necessary redevelopment of the room.

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

It is possible to divide the hall on the functional zones by designing individual sections of the room with different finishing materials. For example, a recreation area near the fireplace can be highlighted by posting the floor with an artificial decorative stone, while the remaining part of the room can be laid out with a parquet board or laminate. You can zonail the living room in a private house with a multi-level floor or ceiling, as well as using various finishing materials for wall design.

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Lighting also helps to divide the room of the hall in the cottage into several functional zones. You can zonate the premises using lights using lamps of various colors, shapes, the directionality of the light stream and brightness. For example, the dining area can be allocated using large ceiling chandeliers, and in the recreation area, install small, cozy lamps with muted light. An excellent option for dividing the living room in a country house to zones can be LED lamps that highlight a part of the room, setting them on the joints of the walls and the ceiling.

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Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Selection of stylistic directions for living room decoration in a country house

Today you can find a design project design of the hall, which are distinguished by various design strokes and ideas. Similar ideas designers are taken from various stylistic directions and implemented, using modern finishing materials and trendy furniture elements. The most popular styles in the design of the living room in a private house is classic, eclectic, minimalism, modern and country.

Registration of the room in the style of minimalism

The style of minimalism in the design of the hall is suitable for spacious bright rooms. The living room is filled with the most necessary and functional interior objects. In the room decorated in minimalist style, there are practically no elements of the decor. Such registration of the recreation area contributes to maximum relaxation after a dynamic, rich working day.

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Living room decoration in Scandinavian style

The Scandinavian style is increasingly popular in the interior design in private homes. A similar style is characterized by conciseness and simplicity. The bright room of the hall with a simple design and bright elements of furniture will fall into the souls of family members. At the same time, most residents of our country are familiar with severe frosty winter, white snow deserts, a shortage of sunlight, which is traced and the interior of the Scandinavian style.

A distinctive feature of the Scandinavian style in the living room is a white trim of walls and a ceiling. For floor decoration, as a rule, a parquet or natural tree is used. Large windows in the room are usually without curtains and curtains. It is necessary that the maximum amount of sunlight penetrates in a short luminous day.

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Country style decoration

Country style is the most simple and practical for the design of the hall in the country house. As a rule, country style is often used to design a hall with a fireplace. A distinctive feature is a stone facing of the fireplace area. Adjust the fireplace decor can be a rough wooden shelf. In order for the interior of the living room in a private house to look harmoniously and balanced, the ceiling decoration can be added with wooden beams from the same wood as the elements of the decor of the fireplace zone.

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However, it is not at all necessary to be limited to the characteristic finish of the fireplace zone. Full or partial finish of the wood hall, makes the room part of nature. To finish the floor and ceilings in the country style, light wood are most often used. Characteristic is the presence of wooden floors and beams.

A good option for finishing the Country style hall will be a combination of clapboard on the floor and a carpet ceiling, imitating the lawn.

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Living room interior in Modern House

Distinctive features of the interior of the Art Name hall is the natural palette of shades in combination with a large number of reflective surfaces of furniture elements and decor items.

Living room with interior made in bed colors looks boring. Contrast of color wall, or its plot, in such an interior, add the placement of the speakers. A similar color can be duplicated in small elements of the room decor. In this case, the decoration of the hall will look harmonious.

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Eclectic interior hall in the cottage

The eclectic interior style of the living room is best suited for a large and friendly family. In essence, the eclectics is a mixture of various stylistic directions. Eclectic in the modern presentation is the desire to use the minimum number of furniture and decor elements, to create the most functional and comfortable interior. At the same time in the eclectic interior can harmoniously neighbor things of different stylistics - from the classics to modern. When creating such an interior, the main thing is not to overdo it with experiments and adhere to the basic concept of the interior.

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Classic living room interior in a private house

Modern classic is, first of all, symmetry. Most often, the design area of ​​recreation in the hall is two identical sofas located opposite each other and two chairs on both sides of the fireplace. The small coffee table and upholstered furniture in the living room in the house are always located at an equal distance in relation to the main element of the classic style - the fireplace.

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

White Hall in a Country House

Favorite when choosing, both furniture items and finishes for the hall still remains white. At the same time, it doesn't matter in what style the most family room in the house will be framed, the white image of the living room for a long time will still remain in the trend. If there are no pets and small children in the house, which can make an incomprehensible piece of interior from a white sofa, then the White Hall will become a real highlight of the entire private house.

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However, the interior of the living room in the house with an abundance of white furniture and decoration requires bright accents. For this purpose, it is best to use carpet, wall decor and textiles for window decor. This method of the decor of the monochrome interior is very practical, since all these decor items can be easily replaced if their color gamut is getting tired. So, by changing only a few small details, you can completely update the appearance of the entire room.

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Furniture for living room in a private house

The main element of the interior of any hall is furniture - its form, texture and color. Properly selected upholstered furniture helps to make a good impression of the room as a whole. Since in most cases, finishing materials of neutral, natural shades are used for the design of the modern living room in private homes, the bright upholstery of upholstered furniture is bright interior accents.

Often the only element of furniture for the design of the recreation area in the hall of the country cottage is a large corner sofa. Often, chairs and low-size deputies are used as additional elements to such a sofa. Another mandatory detail of the recreation area in the living room of the cottage is a small coffee table.

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

The correct organization of the storage system in the hall of the country house is no less important than the choice of upholstered furniture. As a rule, such a storage system consists of small module lockers, which are located near the home theater. Sometimes small dressers with retractable shelves are used as a storage system. If the living room in a private house serves as a library, then it is better to use open book racks and shelves as a storage system.

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

28 Photo of the living room and hall in the countryside

With zoning, lighting, selection of furniture and living room style or room in a private house, we have already figured out, now it remains only to look at the photo. We hope that these ideas for inspiration will allow you to create your own unique design of this almost the most important premises in the house.

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

Interior of the hall in a private house: ideas for living room those who live in a cottage (36 photos)

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