How to sew the tape to the yoke: Specialist Tips


To create a beautiful drapery on the curtains: with deep, pronounced folds without additional materials - Using a curtain braid, you can not do.

How to sew the tape to the yoke: Specialist Tips

Curtain ribbon

What is a curtain tape

What you need to know about this tailor before you sew a curtain tape to the yoke. It is a strip of fabric. Production material can be different: from transparent drop-down to dense natural fibers.

How to sew the tape to the yoke: Specialist Tips

In a tissue strip, stitching strokes are sewn. At the same time, the pitch of the stitches of the cord may differ in size. From these parameters (the length of the steps of firmware and the nature of their alternation) depends on the ability of the braid to form the folds and the shape of the drapery at the top of the tulle:

  1. The curtain can be collected, decreasing in width as 3 times as much as possible. The stronger you tighten the cords, the more intense the drapery becomes.
  2. If the threads are sewn with stitches of different lengths, alternating in a certain order, drapery on the curtain will be formed not with even classic columns, and bulbs: double or triple folds with intervals.

The cords on the wide models of the product are located in several rows. You can sew a tulle on the tulle (with parallel tapes for the assembly) and thus formulate the folds in the checker order, the butterfly drapery, etc.

How to sew the tape to the yoke: Specialist Tips

Tape for the formation of drapery also varies in width. The wider the product, the more expensive it is: there are several pairs of cords and parallel rows with fastening loops.

Varieties of a curtain ribbon

The product is used not only to form drapery of different types, it can act as an element of the locking design of the curtains with smooth or slightly sent surfaces:

  • There are special strips for fixing curtains with lifting mechanisms: for example, in Roman or Austrian curtains.

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How to sew the tape to the yoke: Specialist Tips

Roman curtain eaves

  • You can sew a curtain tape as a rod dressing on a barbecue bar, and create a lightweight, drape with shallow unfinished folds.
  • If you sew a curtain tape to the yoke is not classical, but a lubricant type, the curtain will lay down soft draper, covering the rods of the cornice protruding at the top of the folds.

Tape sewing: Step by step instructions

Deciding with the species and design of the product to model the folds, it remains for small to sew the curtain tape. After reviewing some tricks and features of the materials, the work will not seem difficult to you.

Since for finishing, we chose light tulle curtains, we will need a transparent braid.

How to sew the tape to the yoke: Specialist Tips

Work algorithm:

  • Sewing begins with cutting. We measure the length of the product and calculated the width, multiplying the length of the eaves to the selected assembly coefficient. Along the perimeter, we do not forget to add centimeters (at least three) on the processing of sections.
  • First process the side edges of the tissue fabric. The bottom of the tulle from organza is usually initially finished with a seam with an "built-in" weightlifier. We still have to sew a curtain tape on tulle at the top.

Since we chose transparent materials, the size of the pitch of the tissue (on the wrong side) must match the width of the braid.

For the Organza, it is important to proceed well to handle a rapid line of cut. You can wrap the material twice, forming a double bending, or pre-process the edge overlock.

How to sew the tape to the yoke: Specialist Tips

Bulk squeezing organza

If we have to sew a curtain ribbon on tulle, the additional finishes of the edge will not need: this fabric does not run and unpacked. Especially the upper cut is hidden behind the braid.

  • Folded fabric (double or ordinary bending) start.
  • Measure and cut off the braid of the required length: allowances of the side of the side parts from both sides are added to the width of the curtains.

Important! When working with Tulle, it is better to take a mustache in the stock of at least 0.5 m. Tulle refers to materials that are drawn during sewing.

  • From the side parts bent to handle the side parts, pull out the fastening cords.
  • To gently sew a tape to the yoke, we apply it below the edge of the curtain minimum of 5 mm. In any case, the braid should not stick over the edge of the curtains, let better abundant strips form a decorative fold on top.

    How to sew the tape to the yoke: Specialist Tips

  • To sew a curtain ribbon on the organza without a preliminary mixture, even an experienced dressmaker is very difficult: the surface of the material is smooth and slippery. The result of the fabric that came out from under control will be at best the non-accurate seam. Therefore, we pre-mix the product or fix the flashes and tulle pins.
  • Initially, we flash the fastened parts at the top. To sew the tape to the curtain from the organza by the second lower seam, while stringily stretch the curtains and braid evenly (for the prevention of wrinkles on the fabric).

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When working with wide products, you need to sew a tape to the yoke along each pair of zeroing threads or under all strips with fasteners in the form of looping. It is important not to fix the line of the cord to create drapery-otherwise on the attached place you will not tighten it.

Follow the lines to be smooth - on the front side, the absence of parallel seam lines located close to each other, striking: the top will look inactively.

How to sew the tape to the yoke: Specialist Tips

Formation of folds on curtains

If you managed to beautifully and correctly sew the tape to the taulus, proceed to the most pleasant stage of the work: formation of drapery. Pre-irrigate the product and tighten the pairs of the threads on both sides: it is easier to distribute the folds evenly across the entire width of the curtain. If you do not have an assistant when working with one side, lock a couple of threads from the other edge.

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We do not cut the liberated tips of the cords, but carefully ware them. The chart will have to stretch before washing and ironing, so the sweeping threads hide under a ribbon or in special bags that professional dressmakers are sewn from each side.

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