Television options in the kitchen


Television options in the kitchen

Often to the obligatory elements of modern design interior design of the kitchen include small and large TVs. With the help of them, the monotonous process of cooking will become easy and entertaining. In this article we will talk about the TV in the kitchen: its choice, sizes, options for proper placement in this room.

TV dimensions

There is a rule: the closer the TV screen to the viewer, the less should be his diagonal. From this it follows that when the technique is located above the working surface of the kitchen headset, the sizes of the TV must be small. In this case, choose a model with a diagonal of 7-15 inches.

Television options in the kitchen

Method of installation in the kitchen headset

If there is an angular kitchen headset, the location of the TV should also be angular. If all family members watch television programs at the dinner table, take the TV model with a larger diagonal.

In order to correctly select the size of the embedded technology, use the formula: the approximate value of the TV diagonal is equal to the distance from the viewer to the point on the screen, separated by "3". This option is acceptable for people with medium and poor eyesight. For viewers with excellent vision, the distance is divided into "4". We give an example of calculation: a distance from a person to the screen - 2 meters, therefore, the TV diagonal will be 50-67 centimeters, which is 19-26 inches.

Television options in the kitchen

The ideal location of technology in height will be the place where the horizontal middle or top 1/3 of the display is at the level of the eye look. So, if mostly the TV looks at the hostess, which is preparing standing, then the device must be hosted. If the main viewers are sitting at the dinner table, then it must be hung down. As practice shows, many hang the TV is too high, which leads to the heading of the head and the inconvenience of viewing.

Place Installation

Hold the TV over the dining table should not be in mind their close distance to each other. If this is the only suitable location of the technique in the kitchen, then you should install a TV with a diagonal of 7-8 inches. But, watch it is inconvenient because of the small screen. In other cases, get the technique of large sizes and stirred it further, for example, over an outdoor bed or in the open space of the refrigerator.

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Television options in the kitchen

Options for the proper placement of the TV in the kitchen:

  • The optimal location of the technique is a kitchen apron. First, and the hostess is convenient. Secondly, the TV is located at the level of the people sitting at the dining table. In addition, manufacturers offer various methods for fastening the device. The easiest - attract the device to the apron, that is, to the wall. There is an option with a mounting to the suspension cabinet of the kitchen headset. For this, special assembly brackets are sold. Currently, manufacturers offer televisions, which includes top-level mount. In the photo below, such a model is shown.

Television options in the kitchen

  • To place a large television panel in the kitchen, you will have to sacrifice the hiding cabinet from the kitchen headset. This location allows you to rotate the TV by selecting the angle of viewing the TV shows. You can install the panel and on any kitchen wall, but for this you need to enter a TV in the interior so that it is convenient for viewing and did not stand out from the overall design design concept.
  • Another very interesting location option is in the kitchen furniture niche. Something like an embedded model. To do this, under the television apparatus uses a mounted cabinet or part of the foam. In Niche, you will need to dismantle the doors, make it open, after which install the technique there. In the photo below, this location is shown.

Television options in the kitchen

  • If the television panel itself has a small weight, it is fixed on the facade of the kitchen headset. Some manufacturers offer embedded models inserted into the cabinet door. Previously on the facades, the mounting hole is placed under the landing of the TV.
  • As an option is the location of the device - near a bar counter, which rests on the wall to the wall. Today is a popular solution regarding the design of the interior of the kitchen. At the same time, the color of the model is taken into account so that it fit into the design of the facade.

Well, if the kitchen is big, it can be installed on a separate tube or hang on the wall, creating your television zone. It is better to use a large screen diagonal to be seen from any point of kitchen space. In this regard, the placement of the TV does not depend on anything. There is a lot of space, so choosing the best option will not be a big problem. But it is necessary to take into account all of the above recommendations.

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Television options in the kitchen

Installation ideas in the living room with the ability to view from the kitchen

Be sure to create the conditions so that the negative factors of the operation of the kitchen itself did not affect the TV. Here it is necessary to pay tribute to manufacturers who guarantee that their devices can work in different conditions. Therefore, choose moisture-proof models. Although, experts argue, to do this for nothing: there is no such humidity in the kitchen, which would have disabled a television device. In addition, the exhaust is installed on all modern kitchens. The same can be said about temperature. Thus, these criteria TV is not a hindrance. But it is still recommended not to install the technique next to the washing and hob.

Do not forget about lighting, especially natural. The sun rays that fall on the screen will make it poorly visible. Therefore, install the TV is better on the shadow side.

Increase the life of the device will help two counters:

  • Once a year, blow the TV with a vacuum cleaner;
  • If the technique is actively used in the kitchen, the control panel wrap into a plastic bag, which will protect it from entering various pollution and moisture.

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