Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom


Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

There is an excellent way that allows you to create full-fledged territories for day rest and sleep in a small apartment is zoning the room on the living room and the bedroom. If you do not know how to do this, then useful tips you will find in this article will help you develop your own project and feel like a real designer.

Options zoning

In recent years, the most popular view of the housing is a studio apartment or one-bedroom apartment. For lonely people who seek to live separately, and for small families, this option is very attractive thanks to an affordable price.

Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

But even in one room, everyone wants to create a comfortable atmosphere that will give the opportunity to hold family events, meet friends, just to relax from labor everydays and sleep at night. This can be done by zoning the room on the living room and the bedroom.

Despite the fact that when zoning, the space will be clearly divided, it is very desirable to do everything so that a certain community of selected stylistic solutions is preserved.

Taking the development of zoning design, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the room, as well as the availability and number of doorways and windows. For example, a rectangular room divided into zones is easier than square.

Zoning with fixed partitions

Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

You can attribute sliding doors, designs from glass blocks and drywall, podiums and arches to such partitions.

The solid partitions made of drywall should be done only when there are several windows in the room, since otherwise light contacts will be difficult to enter any of the zones.

Solve this task will help combine materials, for example, installing mirror or glass inserts that will help eliminate the feeling of cumbersome and visually increase the room.

Among the disadvantages of zoning, it is possible to change the layout if necessary, it will be very difficult.

Zoning with mobile partitions

Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

Mobile partitions are more convenient for zoning, as you can easily change the location of the zones in the room, as well as its design.

If the need for division disappears, then rearning the furniture, previously removing the rack or screen, you can return the initial view of your room.

Separation options for living room and bedroom

There are several options to divide the room into several zones, let's consider the most popular.

Sliding doors

Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

This option is very good for zoning the room. Doors may well replace partitions and securely hide the bedroom room from prying eyes. Do not necessarily do the doors deaf, on the contrary, if they are decorated with fusing or stained glass window, it will look very stylish and beautiful.

Those who love the Japanese-style interior can be advised by doors that mimic traditional partitions installed in Japanese houses.

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In the case when very small rooms are obtained, you can apply mirror inserts. A large number of reflections will help create the illusion of space.


Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

Plasterboard is the best material for the construction of the arches and stationary partitions. In small rooms it is not desirable to make partitions solid, it is better to combine them with inserts from glass blocks or stained glass.

One embodiment of the zoning room can be a decorative design of plasterboard, which can be decorated with backlight, shelves and niches. Also, such a partition can be combined with the arch.

The small room can be zoned by some kindergarten from the drywall, which should be placed near one of the walls, but the cabinet should not get to the ceiling.


Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

This is a very beautiful and economical version of the separation of the room on the zone. Such curtains can be made from expensive tight fabric, they will visually separate the area from each other. And it is possible, if desired, combine several types of materials, for example, weightless organza and severe atlas.

Designers advise to pick up the colors of the curtains so that it harmonized with the color gamut of the curtains hanging on the windows.

In addition to traditional fabric curtains, you can use curtains from beads, decorative threads or bamboo as partitions. But it must be remembered that such types of curtains will look good in the corresponding interior. Curtains will look more interesting if they are located at different levels.


Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

If you use such a wardrobe as a partition, it will help zoning the room and relieve you from the need to purchase extra furniture. A large number of boxes and shelves will help you hide everything you need from extraneous eyes. The cabinet can be installed as you please, pulling it at least towards the living room, even in the bedroom.


Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

This option of separation of the room on the zone is known for many years, moreover, its popularity is only growing. With the help of the screen, you can easily divide the room to the living room and the bedroom, and such a mobile partition allows you to redevelop the room at any time.

In the evening, the screen can be folded, thereby turning the entire room into the bedroom, and in the morning it can be re-installed to separate the living room. In addition, Shirma will help give your room a special color.

Shirma can be traditional Chinese or Japanese, and for those who love the modern direction of design, currently offered shirms performed in the appropriate styles.

False partitions

Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

Similar types of partitions that are made of lung materials such as plastic and glass, are able to give your room a feeling of filler with air and ease. Among such partitions there may be frame or lattice structures that should zonail the visual room, but not to separate the zones from each other.

Registration in the style of Loft, which implies the use of false partitions, involves the absence of bulky items and freedom of space.


Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

For the separation of the room on the living room and the bedroom with the help of the podium, you will need additional measures to separate the zone for receiving guests from the bed area. According to the recommendations of designers, the podium should be combined with the installation of a small false partition or with a decorated dietary bed.

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If you decide to stop your podium, its internal space can be used to store various things that is a good option for a small apartment.

Decorative elements and furniture

Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

Modern sofas, double-sided racks and cabinets can play the role of a partition, without losing their practical functions.

You can only install in the right place across the room a high rack and your room will already be visually divided into two zones. Very nice in such a rack will look at various decor elements and backlight, which are able to create a special style in both zones.

Also as partitions can perform a long shelf or aquarium installed on a narrow end. And if you want something original, you can zonate the room with the help of the backrest of sofas or other objects of upholstered furniture.

Zoning in height

Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

In the apartment with high ceilings a good option will be vertical zoning, that is, the location of the bed under the ceiling. Such separation of space is quite rare, but it has a number of advantages:

  • The sleeping area does not need to be separated by any partitions, shirms or curtains;
  • resting on top, you will not interfere with the rest of the family members who are at the moment;
  • You can relax in the afternoon by climbing at the top to read the book or listen to music;
  • Increases the useful area of ​​the room.

Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

But for apartments with not high ceilings designers and designers, a special bed was invented, which during the day rises to the ceiling, and in the evening it dropped into the bottom in automatic mode. At the same time, a vacation zone or workplace can be located under the bed. Very practical development for small-sized apartments. The only drawback is the price.

Loggia as a bedroom

Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

A not bad solution will transfer the bedroom to the loggia. Thanks to this, we will have almost two different rooms that are separated by a full-fledged wall. True, the loggia must be pre-insulated and carried out heating, and this pulls the coordination of the apartment in the relevant authorities.

Visual zoning room

Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

Another option to divide the room into two zones will be the use of color and textures. This option can be used both independently and in combination with the above methods. Its essence lies in the fact that the bedroom and living room are drawn up in different color colors and textures or materials.

At first glance, this method seems fairly simple, but the correct selection of colors and textures is quite difficult and that the interior of the room is harmonious, you may need to ask for help to the designer.

Faithful location

When separating the room to the living room and the bedroom, some nuances must be taken into account:
  • The bedroom zone should not be a passage, it should always be in the long part of the room;
  • If possible, you need to try to make natural lighting in the bedroom;
  • The living room is better spaced closer to the door.

Room lighting

Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

Since the zoning of the room on the bedroom and the living room suggests that different family members at the same time be resting and relaxing, it is better not to do general ceiling lighting. Each zone must have its own backlight. For the living room area it is necessary to provide more vivid lighting, therefore several light sources can be installed in it, among which there may be LED chandeliers and sconces.

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Currently, the highlighting of the floor, walls of walls and ceiling is very popular. Outdoor lamps look in the recreation area. If the room separates the rack, the backlight can be installed in it using it in both zones to illuminate.

In the bedroom it is necessary to use more muted light, LED chandeliers and wall scaves with multiple and soft lighting are well suited for this purpose. You can also use color lighting in this zone, which can act as an aquarium.

Separation on the living room and bedroom room 18 sq.m

Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

Zoning room 18 square meters. M must be made so that the room visually seemed more. Therefore, massive drywall partitions should not be used, which eat a significant space, as well as install cabinets and shelves across the room.

Choosing a style-bedroom style, it is better to stop your choice on such for which it is required as little objects as possible.

To divide the room to zones, use curtains, screen (Japanese style) or false partitions (minimalism or high-tech). With the help of such zoning, it will be possible to preserve a significant part of the space, dividing it into two halves.

In order to visually increase the space, mirror or glass inserts can be made in false partitions, as well as beautiful backlight.

Saving places

Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

With zoning on the living room and the bedroom it is assumed that more furniture will be installed in the room than usual, so it can be used to avoid climbing it, some techniques can be used with which the functionality of the room will be saved.

Wall shelves

Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

They are an excellent place to store various trifles. Currently, many options are offered - from shelves, closed with glass doors, to open shelves. For ease of storage of things on open shelves, you can use comfortable drawers and boxes.

Wall-mounted TV

Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

For modern TVs, you do not need to purchase a special tamba, which will take place in the room. The best option will be the placement of the TV on the wall, and so that its screen can be seen from both zones.

Furniture transformer

Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

This furniture is the perfect option for the bedroom. It may be a cabinet bed, which in the afternoon becomes vertically and serves to store things, a bed mattress that can be removed by day under the podium, or an ordinary chair-bed.

Currently, manufacturers can offer a huge number of options for transformed furniture, up to a punch, which can turn into a coffee table.

Zoning Rooms on the living room and bedroom

Thanks to the transforming furniture, the living room at night is easily turning into a bedroom, and the bedroom during the day in the living room and most importantly for this you need to make a minimum of effort. No need to constantly remove bed linen, which saves time.

It should be remembered that not one sofa is not to replace a full-fledged bed with an orthopedic mattress, but a good sleep is a guarantee of health, longevity and beauty.

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