How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design


How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

The arrangement of the children's room should be given a lot of attention. First of all, it needs to be placed in the mass of different necessary furniture items, starting with the bed and ending with the lounge cabinet. And all this should be accommodated so that the maximum of free space is left for the comfort of the child. We will look at how to arrange a children's room in this article.

Zoning of the room

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

One of the most important conditions for competent arrangement of children's premises is zoning. In childhood it is important to properly place the three main zones.

  1. The first of them is a workplace that must be as comfortable as possible and include the desktop and bookshelves necessary for storing school supplies. Very convenient for the working area use the windowsill. In this case, it will be continuing the desktop that it will conveniently increase the work area and save space in the room.
  2. The second important zone in the children's room is gaming. It should be well lit. For older children, a sports corner can be added to the game zone, and for young children in the gaming zone there should be a large comfortable box or a toy storage box.
  3. The third zone is a recreation area. For the baby, the cradle is quite enough, but for the older child 2-3 years old is already needed a real full bed. In the bedroom zone, the lighting should be muffled, and the minimum number of furniture and accessories. Everything should contribute to a normal strong sleep.

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

If the children's room is small and designed for two children, then a bunk bed will be the best option. Divide such a room on the zone will help wallpaper of different colors. You can also divide the room with shirma or curtains. In addition, if it allows the area, the room can be divided by the built-in arch. Modern furniture is very practical and mobile, so it is easy to rearrange it from place to place, and thanks to this room you can share, exhaust part of the room with an extended cabinet, or bookshelves that separate the game and the work area from the bedroom.

Selection of colors for the children's room

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

The color palette of the walls, the ceiling and curtains of the children's depends on the theme chosen. If it is a children's for a girl, then it can be issued as a castle for a small princess, where pink and golden shades will prevail. For a boy, dynamic, bright colors are suitable, but it is important not to rearrange with brightness. Total should be in moderation.

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

The winning version of the room design will be designing it in calm pastel shades using bright accents in accessories, such as pillows, curtains, upholstery of furniture, etc. Children's psychologists advise choosing the main colors for the design of a children's room blue, cream, golden, beige, pink or light lilac, matte green. Many bright colors are appropriately used only in the game area, where they will create a suitable tone for outdoor activities and entertainment.

The age of the child also plays a role in choosing shades. So, for the baby up to 3 years old, good colors are best for the common background, and the emphasis can be made on bright drawings, such as images of flowers, animals, butterflies that the baby will study with curiosity.

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

At the age of 3-10 years, children are very dynamic, their interests and tastes can change several times a day. Parents need to be prepared for the fact that today the child likes the green color, and tomorrow he is already delighted with golden. At this age, children have addiction to draw, especially on the walls, so it is desirable to allocate a part of the wall for such "art" or install a special board. The interior of the room can be overwhelmed with bright accessories.

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

When choosing a design for a child's child's room, you must consult with the owner of the room, because at this age the child has its own taste and interests, so the room needs to be issued in accordance with them.

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

Choosing a color gamut for the children's room, it is necessary to remember that in infancy, the child needs peace, so calm pastel shades should prevail in the interior. A good interior option can be the decoration in the style of chalet. In the decor of the walls of this style, natural materials are used, which are environmentally friendly, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the child. For the elder child, the decor of the walls can be issued with their own hands, where the child himself can participate in it, which will be necessary for him to give him, because the observance of the interests and desires of the child is very important, since it is he who will live in this room.

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Ways to form a children's room

Making up a children's room, you need to focus on age and sex of the child, the size of the room and the number of children.

Children's design for a girl

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

How to arrange a room for a girl? Most parents believe that this is, above all, a large number of all kinds of bows, dolls, bright and funny drawings that accompany the festive and romantic atmosphere of the room. But this is a big mistake. Psychologists argue that a large number of accessories will not benefit, but on the contrary, it may harm the rapid and just begun to form a children's psyche.

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

The best solution for the girl is space and attracting as much light as possible. You need to leave the girl to a fantasy girl. Also interesting and cunning reception can be inventing the name of the room with the child, and according to him, already making decoration. For example, a room with the name "Flower Polyana" will be really similar to the clearing, where the main color will be a green background, and on it flowers, butterflies, drawn tree on the wall, chairs in the form of penets. The "Blue Queen" pane will be executed in pale blue colors, curtains - snow-white, crystal sconce, openwork pillows and bedspreads.

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

For older girls, it is advisable to arrange a room, consistent with the wishes of the hostess. This may be, for example, "Music Room", "The Kingdom of Fairy", "Seasons", "Winx Club".

Boy room design

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

The boy's room can be a real bridgehead for the realization of the most bold creative ideas and design solutions. Usually, boys most like the original room lighting or a complex backlight system than any courageous and exquisite furniture. Stripping from this basis, a room for a boy can be issued as a pirate ship. To do this, you need to pick up the wallpaper of the sea wave, to build a bed in the shape of a ship. Accessories will serve the globe, the clock in the shape of the helm, a pirated treasure map, binoculars, a large treasure chest, where toys will be stored.

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

If the child is interested in astronomy, then the room can be issued as a fabulous laboratory of a sorceress, where stars will shine on the ceiling, the bed will have the shape of a space satellite, you can fix the star of the starry sky on the wall, and a telescope must be present.

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

For an athlete, it is necessary to provide a plan for achievements where you can arrange medals and letters. For a fan of equipment, in addition to a written table, you will need a convenient working table, where the child will be able to make. The child is older, the more room should reflect its individual needs and preferences.

Children's design for different children

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

If a boy and a girl live in the nursery, then it is necessary to remove individual corner for each of them. It will be a separate wardrobe, a separate working table and a separate bed. The girl must have its own mirror with a chest of dresser for "guidance of beauty", and the boy has an extra bedside table where he will hide his treasures.

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

We offer several options for designing rooms for different children:

  1. Option is a game of contrasts. The room is completely divided into two zones with contrasting colors. Cold tones are more suitable for the boy, which are associated with the world of adventures (blue, jade, aquamarine, purple). Girl fit warm, romantic tones: beige, golden, fuchsia.
  2. Option is a single style. A common background can be chosen classic style: pastel tones and wooden furniture. So that the room does not look pale and faceless, it is decorated with bright accessories.
  3. Option - Inversion. This option is suitable if children converge in the preferences of the color palette. Then one half of the room can be arranged, for example, in yellow with a blue pattern, and the other is in blue color with a yellow pattern.
  4. Option is creative. Walls are covered with light monophonic wallpaper. From each child on the wall drawn images that are interesting to children. If you do not know how to draw, you can use stencils. For example, from the boy's side, space ships or a racing route with machines can be depicted. For girls, fabulous heroes, flowers, plants are suitable. Let the children themselves color drawings. They will be delighted. The room will turn out unusual and original.

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Design room for a newborn

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

Choosing a color for registration of a room for a newborn, best to give preference to gentle, pastel colors. Aggressive colors should not be, as they contribute to the rapid fatigue of the child. Bright enclosures can be separate room accessories, such as a bag for toys, prints on the curtains, a large drawing on a fabulous animal wall.

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

Doctors and psychologists recommend adhere to certain rules for the location of the crib in the nursery. It is better to place the insertion room in the middle, since the baby is exposed to a draft, and near the radiator is too dry air.

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

The room must be zoning to the territory for recreation and games. Let the kid from birth get used to that the place for sleep and games is not the same thing. It is important to allocate a corner for mom, where she can stew and feed the child. The room should not be carpets and heavy curtains that accumulate dust. Babies are very sensitive to allergens, it means you need to focus on environmentally friendly materials that can be used frequently. This applies not only to curtains, carpet and linen, but also furniture, walls and ceiling, which should not be afraid of detergents that will often process them.

Teenager room design

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

For children of adolescence, it is best to arrange a room in a classic style, and accessories offer to choose the owner of the room in harmony with his personal preferences and wishes. For example, music lovers can be placed on the wall posters of favorite performers and guitar, athletes can be offered to hang a boxing pear, a comfortable chair and a separate shelf for disks and gadgets is suitable for fans of computer games.

Schoolboy room design

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

In the schoolchild room, the focus is on the work area, where the child will do homework. Everything should be easily accessible and convenient. Shelves with books need to be located above the table so that they can easily reach them. The desk is correct to locate the window for additional lighting access. A table lamp must be present on the table, and the table must be of this size so that a computer and books with notebooks can fit on it.

Children's design - 10 sq.m

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

Registration of a small children's room must be carefully thought out. Little area is not the reason for refusing to zoning space. The most convenient option for such a room is cabinet furniture, which can change the form depending on the size. For example, the bed can be placed the second tier, and at the bottom to arrange a small cabinet with bookshelves and a desktop.

Room design for children in Khrushchev

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

With the help of wise design decisions, you can solve the problem of a small area of ​​the children's room in Khrushchev. The visual room will increase, if the walls and ceiling can be saved with light wallpaper, you can hang light tulle on the windows, then the sun will easily penetrate the room and fill it with light. You can consider options for additional lighting, separately for the game and the bedroom zone, which will slightly screens up a small size of the room.

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

The room should be free from cluttering with a large number of furniture and accessories, nothing superfluous. In the nursery should be as spacious as possible, so possible. You can maximize the walls on which the shelves for books will be located instead of Tumb, the desktop can be made folded, and the bed arrange on the second floor, above the cabinet and shelves.

Design for children - 12 sq.m

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

A small room should be issued in such a way that it remains the maximum of free space. This can help built-in furniture, where everything you need for children fit. For example, the built-in wardrobe is very spacious and does not interfere with other objects of furniture. If the cabinets are a coupe, then you can make an armchair or a box with toys to them. You can also save space using an angular cabinet, which is much pacifier than usual and does not take up much space.

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

When choosing a colors, for a small room, it is better to prefer bright tones that visually increase the space. For lighting it is better to use several options. The lamp needs to be located near the bed, and in the working area, the desk lamp. If the lamps are located around the perimeter of the room, it will also visually give it volume.

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How to equip a narrow children's room?

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

If the children's room has a long narrow shape with a single window in the end wall, it can be visually modified and made square. To do this, you can use the method of combining wallpaper. Also, the long room can be divided with a screen or rack with books on the work area and a bedroom. Although zones and will be very miniature, but the most functional as possible.

Materials for registration of a children's room

When choosing materials to finish children's preference, you need to give environmentally friendly materials. Following the specific rules set out below, you can make the right choice for the bright, festive and functional design of the interior of the children's.

Children's wallpaper and photo wallpaper

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

Such wallpapers usually have bright colors, juicy prints. Spacious children can be completely saved with such wallpaper. If the room is small, it can be zonied, saving bright wallpaper only one wall or part of the wall, thus highlighting the game zone.

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

Ceilings in the nursery can also be decorated. To do this, immediately need to abandon bulky plasterboard compositions, especially if the room is small. Very original will look like a ceiling in the form of a starry sky. In a fairly high room, you can make a multi-level ceiling in the form of sky, clouds and a sun.


How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

As already mentioned earlier, the heavy carpets need to be abandoned, as they accumulate dust. In the room of a newborn on the floor, you can lay a soft rug in the game area, and a solid carpet surface must be excluded at all. For the floor in the nursery, the laminate or linoleum is best sustainable, which are resistant to moisture, therefore they are comfortable to wash. The floors can be done with heated or use lounge carpet, which is easy to clean and wash. Floor tile must be immediately eliminated: it is cold and slippery, which is not the best solution for the nursery.

Window design

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

For curtains and curtains, natural fabrics should be chosen, which in color must match the overall room design.


How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

Choosing furniture in the nursery, it is important to comply with several conditions: it must be comfortable, mobile, lightweight, no sharp corners and easy-to-face items. The modular furniture that can be easily transformed in accordance with the needs can be very popular. Covers on furniture should be removable so that they can be erased. The furniture should be light, then it can easily be rearranged from place to place by changing the layout. In small children, it is convenient to use multi-tiered walls that are convenient and originally combined with a wardrobe, a table and a bed.


How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

Children's room should be well lit. It should not be overtaken by heavy curtains. Well, if the children's windows have an eastern or southeastern location. The morning sun has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and adjusts it to the working way.

For evening lighting, children needs to be equipped with lamps with scattered light. Near the bed should be a night light with a light brightness regulator, which will give the room a special comfort.

How to decorate the room with your own hands?

How to arrange a children's room? 34 Photo Interior Design

Wall pastries with wallpaper, ceiling design, warm-alone arrangement - the main steps in the design of the room for the child, which are performed by adults. But the elements of the decor for the nursery can be performed together with their own hands.

There are many options for all sorts of accessories that are easy to do ourselves:

  • Vinyl stickers. Eco-friendly, have a soft structure. They are easy to glue on any surface, and easy to remove without leaving traces. With the help of vinyl stickers, you can decorate the walls and furniture. There are special glowing stickers that will give a room of special mystery and fill in her spirit of romance and adventure.
  • Cardboard photo frames. They can be decorated with walls. Frames can be made with their own hands, decoring them with seashells, beads or all sorts of applications. If you have an old cabinet or a table, they can be given a new life, Okariv and re-painting, using stencils. Such work will like you and children.
  • Children's drawings. They can be the subject of the pride of the owner of the room, which they signed themselves. The drawings can be placed on the wall, highlighting a special zone for this.

It is important to remember that making a children's room, first of all, you need to observe the interests of the child who will live in it, combining them with a reasonable choice of color palette and design. Only in this case, the child will feel comfortable and cozy in the children's room.

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